My little beast is 7 months old now, and has exchanged his nice fluffy non-sheddy puppy fur for more grown up, classic corgi shed-monster fur. Every time I brush him (every other day), enough hair comes off to make a whole 'nother puppy. I think this may be the right time of year for a fall coat-blow... or, it could just be the shed status quo for here on out!

I've heard there are supplements that reduce shedding, but I don't trust them so I'm sticking with good quality food and the ol' brushes for now. How much do your little guys shed? What are your methods of taming it?

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Yesterday was the first time that Jet has shed in a large amount. We finally got to wash him after being neutered and I brushed him after his bath. I couldn't believe that I ended up with over a handful of his fur. I was hoping that we were getting into the fall coat blow as well. Is there a specific time frame for this or is it different for every dog?
I've actually been experiencing the same thing with Stella. She was shedding just a little bit, and tiny fuzzy puppy hairs. She just recently turned 6 months old, and I'm not sure if it's the age, the time of year, or both, but she's been shedding like it's her job! I saw a shedding post on the main forum list and everyone was talking about this thing called the "Furminator." I bought one on Amazon and it should be coming soon, so I'll repost and let you know how it goes. I need something besides my regular brush because things go out of control---and fast! Everytime I pick her up, she leaves a whole other dog behind on my shirt!
"Everytime I pick her up, she leaves a whole other dog behind on my shirt!"

Haha I know what you mean!! I asked my vet about it today when I went in for a mini-checkup, and she said that dogs shed more when the weather changes - either hotter or colder. It's (finally) getting on towards fall here, so I think my little guy may be responding to that. I've also heard there's an extra shed when they lose that fuzzy puppy coat for the big-dog coat.

Can't wait to hear how that Furminator works out! I've been hearing the name thrown around as well but since I'm such a sucker for random pet products already, I decided not to buy one. Yet. :P
The ferminator is the awesomest thing! My sister has one, and uses it on all her pets. Her corgi had enough fur brushed out to make about 3 dogs. My little girl didn't come out with that much hair after beinf brushed. But I think I will need to borrow it soon! I've got corgi hair EVERYWHERE! Haha.I agree, it must be the time of the year. And I hope her shedding slows down in the off months.


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