
Cardi Party

"the corgi with a tail"

Members: 113
Latest Activity: Dec 3, 2017

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Why did you pick a cardigan?

Started by Arlette. Last reply by Anna Morelli Nov 25, 2013. 29 Replies


Started by Arlette. Last reply by Gail Phillips Oct 9, 2011. 19 Replies

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Started by Michele S. Last reply by Alice Mar 11, 2010. 11 Replies

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Comment by Oliver and Libby on August 29, 2010 at 12:57pm
Kelly, My Corgi loves to dash around the house and backyard too. I love it when he does it. It cracks me up.
Comment by Kelly on August 29, 2010 at 2:09am
When I saw the "Cardi Party" group name I had to laugh. My Cardi bunch have a party every evening when the sun has gone down and it begins to cool. One begins by poking another...then a squeeky toy is grabbed...and all dash out the back door to run a few laps around the yard and through the house. Usually someone is bowled over in the rush and rolls into a chair but in this game, no harm-no foul. It's really fun to watch, does anyone else have this type of dog entertainment?
Comment by Mountaingrrrl on August 28, 2010 at 11:49am
They are all such beautiful babies! My little guy just turned 17 on 6/19 and we have him on some arthritis meds now but other than that he's still pretty spry! Thank you to Kelly for taking a humane society dog!! That's wonderful!
Comment by Kelly on August 28, 2010 at 3:42am
Hello Cardi Folks, I just joined and would like to introduce my "family" of dogs. Annie, on the left, is my ten year old who is the sweetest, kindest dog I've ever owned. Rhys, at the bottom, is a three year old who has gone through Canine Good Citizen, Rally, and Agility. He's shy until he gets to know you, and then loves to have fun with both people and dogs. Cookie, at the top, is a Corgi mix foster from the Humane Society. She's a young dog, has a severe heart murmur and a deformed right front leg, but doesn't let it slow her down at all. She wrestles with Rhys, cuddles with Annie, and enjoys a walk with all of us from the comfort of a doggy stroller. In fact, she fits in so well I'm thinking of keeping her...what's one more?
Comment by Elizabeth on July 12, 2010 at 5:38pm
Hello. Meet Jon Farleigh (red fluff) and Dewi (blue), my two beautiful and wonderful Cardigan puppy boys! My husband and I ADORE these dogs and this breed. They are the best kept secret of the canine world.
Comment by Alice on April 27, 2010 at 7:14pm
Me too! I think I'll always have at least one. :)
Comment by Haley Trezise on April 24, 2010 at 10:15pm
I'm a Cardi owner for life!
Comment by Alice on February 1, 2010 at 11:27am
Keep up with the taping and try adding cottage cheese to his meal once a day. The added calcium can help harden the ear cartilage. When we taped Finn's ears we would leave the tape on for 2 or 3 days then take if off for a couple days then back on. Some people leave the tape on longer but if you have a dog like mine who just does not want that tape on then after a day or two the tape will be coming off or folding wrong so you have to remove it and start over. The ear that is sticking out will definitely stand. The other may or may not. All you can do is tape, add calcium and try laying him on his back in your lap and massaging his ears. I you need good instructions on taping check here.
Comment by Nismo, Payton & Toby on January 31, 2010 at 11:45pm
I am having an issue with Toby's ears not standing up yet. He is 21 weeks old now. I started to tape them about 4 weeks ago with poor results. I would really like him to have ears that are up. One ear is flat the other is pulled back at all times when not tapped. He a lot of his new teeth are in now. So has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone have a good suggestion?
Comment by Tiffany on October 18, 2009 at 7:41am
people do often asking me what my boys are "mixed with". I know of course what a Pembroke is but had no idea another type of Corgi existed. The best is when they inquire about Uno b/c he's a blue merle. "Oh I didn't know Corgis came in that color!??? Is he part Aussie?". Then I explain he's a purebred and he is a different breed of corgi than what they're thinking of. With Cooper, 2 wks ago when we were at the barn, the farrier asked what both boys were mixed with and asked if Coop was half border collie and half corgi b/c of his markings (um.. black and white.. apparently this makes him border collie haha). I again explained the breed.

It's kind of fun having a breed that's not popular. Less overbreeding. yay.

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