What are your top 3 favorite books and/or authors? You can list more or less I just thought 3 was a good number. :)

What is/was your favorite children's story?

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Books are hard but authors: Katie MacAlister, Janet Evanovich, and Stephenie Meyer.

My favorite kids story was a book my dad used to read me, can't remember the name but it was short stories about to Badgers Basil & ? and a Mole named Willie.
I didn't read Stephenie Meyer's other book, have you? I really like the Twilight series but haven't heard anything about her other novel.
 I haven't yet but I am going too
The Host is a good sci fi romp! It starts out very slow compared to Twilight, and it isn't until the second act where you get any good action--where you can't put it down. Aliens have taken over the Earth and Melanie Stryder is one of a few humans left free. She must convince the alien "Wanderer" to save her brother and her boyfriend.

Apparently Meyer is considering making The Host a trilogy, although it certainly has a strong ending and stands well on it's own.

I bought it and have read it a couple times!
My three favorite books are The House Across the Cove, Everything Beautiful in the World, and Host. I'm not sure I have any favorite authors yet, though.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Chrisopher Moore and Watership Down by Richard Adams is my favorite children's story, even though it really isn't one.
Watership Down always scared me when I was little and I was so sad about the bunnies. We used to rent the cartoon as well and I hated how sad it was.
I have never seen the movie, but it was the first novel I read, and the ending always gets me.
I think my favorite books would be Harry Potter (all of them), Shadow of the Wind, Faerie Tale, Mysterious Skin and Invisible Monsters.

Favorite authors so far are Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Chlarles de Lint, Scott Heim and John Connolly.

Favorite childrens books are Morgan and Yew and the Little Critter books.
Let's not forget the patron saint of Corgi authors, TASHA TUDOR!!! Her Corgiville Fair and The Lord Is My Shepherd are priceless works with corgis as the main characters. Tudor lived long and well on her Vermont farm with a large aggregation of CORGIS.
I love those books and so do my kids!!
I love James Patterson, Wally Lamb, Pat Conroy, Nelson DeMille, and many, many more. I have read so many good books I can't pick!! LOL

My favorite book when I was a kid was Where the Sidewalk Ends. Spaghetti, spaghetti, all over the place!!


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