Does anyone have any prayer requests that you want other Christians to pray for?

It would be great if and when God answers the prayer if you would write back and let us know; this would be a great encouragement for us (only if you feel comfortable).

Are there others who would volunteer to pray?

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Just got back from the vet...Cookie tore her ACL, on Wednesday morning. She must have been jumping up a tree chasing squirrels or birds. I am bummed....we go to the surgeon Monday morning for a consult, but our vet said it will cost $1500-$2000. We don't need that right now, and now that I read some of the posts, this is not uncommon and could happen again and could require physical therapy...Judi
I am sorry to hear about this! I tore mine when I was 11. Poor Cookie! You will all be in my prayers! for full recovery,and reduced pain, reduction of stress, and financial blessings!
I'm not familiar with an ACL? What exactly is that? It doesn't sound good at all. Please let me know. Thanks.
It is a ligament which holds the knee in place. It is a large ligament and usually only tears; our vet seems to think that Cookie's is torn most of the way. She walks well on 3 legs and doesn't limp much, but if we don't do surgery, the other knee might go, too, and arthritis will set in early.

I am so disappointed how this dog thing turned out...we have been married 24 years and we adopted 9 years ago, two girls who are sisters. One of them wanted a dog, but to be quite honest, I am afraid that the best option would be to find a home for our dog, who is a very good dog. I just don't have the money and time for a good recovery for time is spent working and working with the girls on their school work.

Yesterday, I was in shock. As I write this, I am in tears. Please pray for our situation.
I am so sorry... It must be really hard. Your baby is a Corgi, so it's obvious to us all that she is a "good dog..." Would you have any way of getting a second opinion. Did you see the x-rays yourself that show the torn tendon?

She might get arthritis early, but she might heal up without that extensive of a surgery, too... or without surgery at all. I know that it is hard and expensive enough to raise kids and work, and I know that it will be hard for your girls as well as you to figure out what to do. I pray that the Lord will give you wisdom and make a way where there seems to be no way through this problem.

I don't know where you live or if there is a Corgi Rescue in your area that might be able to help... ?
Thanks, Linda,
Cookie is a good dog and doesn't seem to be bothered with her problem. We will get a surgeon's opinion on Monday...our vet recommends using a specialist because Cookie is young and the tear is extensive. We trust that God does not give us more than we can handle. Today, I met a nice dog sitter in the neighborhood, who could help us with respite if we need it. Judi (chicago)
Hi Judi,
I'll add you, the girls and Cookie to my prayers as well. I've been thinking about you since yesterday and wonder how you're doing?
The dog sitter sounds great, and I hope that this is a doable avenue for you, Cookie and your family.
Please do not hesitate to email me for support and someone to talk with about this.
As a single parent, with an elderly mom living next door, working full-time and trying to squeeze in some activities that support and nurture me (so I can be there for everyone else), I very much understand how overwhelming having an injured or ill pet can be.
You'll be in my prayers as God holds all of you in His hand with love.
Would some of you check my post on the Fall 2008 Puppy Group? I could use some suggestions about how to work with my baby girl during a period of serious upheaval in our family that has interrupted her training process. She is still cute and loveable except that while we are out (explanation on other group page), or not paying attention to her, she is chewing my house away! Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. We all need prayer right now as well as suggestions about what to do with poor Morna while we are out and/or how to keep her from chewing while we are home. Thank you all very much.
All Christian Corgi Owners...A non corgi related prayer request. After a 4.5 year struggle with my fathers alzheimer saga and three nursing home placements I believe that we might be close to getting him literally 1 block from my home in an extended care facility. Please pray that if it is His will my dad will get placement there. PS my corgis can visit if he is placed there......YAHHHHH!!!!
Michelle: I will pray that you will be given a place for your Dad near your home. It is so hard for us to see our parents become more fragile and those roles reverse. We are going through something with my mom right now. She has become more unsteady in the past six months. She is 83 and just had rotator cuff surgery three months ago. She did great with therapy.. and was 3 months head of schedule .. the doctor was very pleased. Then that night she fell and broke two ribs the Fri. before Mother's Day. she has decided to move from Ga. (she has been there 40 plus years) and move down here to Florida. We are looking for her a place now. I also would appreciate your prayer that God will guide us all to finding a place here in our community that she will meet people, feel content and happy. Michelle.. you will be in my thoughts and prayers.. please keep me posted and I appreciate being in yours. Love.. Gail
Praying for Michelle that her Dad would be able to live in the care facility so close to her home after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. It's great the even dogs can visit there.
Praying for both Michelle's and Gail's requests. You are so lucky to have your parents still with you... cherish the time. I lost my Mom after a hard fight with cancer a few years ago. It is so hard when they are having problems, but I praise God that He gave me the opportunity, along with my sisters, to care for her and return the favor of her loving care for me/us. My Dad had passed away when we were teens. It IS hard sometimes to watch the hard times, but to be able to "Honor your father [or] mother" during their time of need can also be a blessing.


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