Does anyone have any prayer requests that you want other Christians to pray for?

It would be great if and when God answers the prayer if you would write back and let us know; this would be a great encouragement for us (only if you feel comfortable).

Are there others who would volunteer to pray?

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Add my prayers for Michelle's and Gail's families as they transition with their parents. Blessings and comfort to all the generations involved in the moves,
i do my brother is going to hawii so could you pray for his returnig
Please pray for my husbands Dad, as we just found out that his doctors told him that his kidneys are not at full functioning capacity. The doctors didnt seem to make a big deal about it but that only leaves us wondering, now what. His Dad turned 75 this past December. We are going up to celebrate his parents 50th wedding anniversary in August to the Upper Peninsula. I know aging is part of life but just wish it didnt have to be. Although age doesnt always mean anything as I lost my Mom when she was on the younger side, 7 years ago. Thanks Natalie and Mike
We will be praying for Mike's dad and for your family as you deal with aging parents. Maybe, since the doctor didn't seem to be too concerned, that he will get better. Many of us are dealing with aging parents and also with our bodies as we age. I often say, "Why didn't my mom warn me about this?" Glad you shared this on the website!
Just diagnosed with breast cancer again, ugh. I am having a bi-lateral mastectomy on Thursday, Aug 13, 2009. Please pray for my husband, Larry, and Rex and Cheyenne as this will be the first time the sweet ones have been without Mommy since we got them last October. I am the pack leader, so, you know.....I would also appreciate any prayers you might offer for my doctors and medical staff.

Suzzi..I was diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 years ago. Had a mastectomy Nov 13th, 2007. God be with you. Prayers on the way as we speak. Let me hear from you. I had my 2 corgis just a short time when I was diagnosed. They will push it while you are down, The pups will get better when you get up and move around. .
Dear Lord be with all that surround Suzzi .May your healing hand may her better quickly. In Your name we pray.
Joyce, thank you so much for sharing and praying with and for me. I might ask you lots of questions about how you handled things. Thanks again for your prayer, and please keep them coming.

Today has been 2 years since your mastectomey, right? I hope you are continuing to do well. I appreciate your prayers for me, and I will keep you in mine.

Yes, Lord, I join with Joyce and add my prayers for Suzzi. We continue to ask for your peace that passes understanding to flow over and through all those that are involved in this process with her, I ask that you touch their hearts and also their minds that they have wisdom in the choices that are presented, I also pray for the doctors that are involved. Lord give them wisdom and understanding in the way they treat your child. I pray that your healing touch be involved in every aspect of this trial. In our Savior, Jesus, precious name, I ask these things and thank You for Your answers. Amen!
Thank you, Linda. What a beautiful prayer. It means so much to me.
Suzzi, my thoughts are prayers are with you during this diffucult time. May you have a speedy recovery and praying for you to have the strength to deal with all the emotions that this must bring. My Mom always said that the Lord doesnt give one more than they can handle! I hope she is right, because if I was in this situation I just dont know how I would deal with it, but I suppose you deal with it when you have no other choice. As I type this I hold back tears as my Mom lost her battle with non hodgkins lymphoma seven years ago. I really wish that there would be a cure for all cancers out there as my cousins wifes sister was just diagosed with non hodgkins lymphoma as well.

Please keep us updated, once again I will be praying for you.

Pray for Tod, please. My daughter and I just came back from the vets. He's in ER on IV (could not keep any food down for more than 24 hours). I've never seen him in such unresponsive state before. He started blleding from the anus right there on the vet's table. Needless to say we are coveting everyone's prayers right now. Thanks.


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