Does anyone have any prayer requests that you want other Christians to pray for?

It would be great if and when God answers the prayer if you would write back and let us know; this would be a great encouragement for us (only if you feel comfortable).

Are there others who would volunteer to pray?

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just got a call from our wonderful vet. She said the bloodwork showed that the bleeding was the result of extreme dehydration. He's looking a bit better now, and on antibiotics already. I am sooooo grateful to our Saviour who cares so for us.......Thank you for lifting Tod up before the Throne.
I will pray for Tod to continue to get better in the caring hands of the vet and vet techs and also for your family since I'm sure you miss him and are worried. *HUGS*
So glad to hear your good news and that is interesting that dehydration would cause anal bleeding...
from what I understand Tod's stomach lining and intestines were severely irritated.....I tell ya, our home life is not the same without him......Thanks for the prayers.
Let us remember Suzzi in Luv my corgis. Will pray. God bless each of you
Tod You are in our prayers also.
How is Tod doing? We hope and pray that he is well on the road to recovery by this time!
Linda, we went to see Tod today. He's going to spend another night on fluids at the hospital. He can walk, but he still looks rough and is very weak:( But we'll nurse him back to health.

Dott is in our prayers.......

Please keep Dott in your prayers as her puppies are due this weekend. She is fairly small (only about 16 lbs. normally, as she took the smaller size of her chihuahua/doxie dad, and is bred to a full corgi) In case you don't follow us, this was an accidental breeding to a corgi we were fostering at the time for my sister who does dog rescues. She wasn't in heat when we took him in, but he didn't leave when he was supposed to because of a parvo outbreak in the place he was supposed to go to...

I had a bi-lateral mastectomy on Aug 13. I have developed an infection in what is left of my left breast area, and I am having more surgery tomorrow. I need to get started on my chemo right away, so I would appreciate prayer for swift healing of my incisions. Thank you. Suzzi
I just read this request now, will pray for you to have a fast recovery. Hope everything will get better for you soon.

I would appreciate prayers for me, my husband and Butter. I just got diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday. Still in shock. I have many diseases already along with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities which is going to make hospital stay, treatments a very large extra burden to try to cope with.

I am finding it hard to sleep from the enormity of it all. Please pray that I can sleep because I need to be in better shape than I am for surgery and treatment. Also for my healing and that we will all feel God's presence as we go through whatever it is we have to. And please pray that God will raise up volunteers to help us with practical things like driving to medical appts, cleaning and cooking as we take on this battle. Thanks so much.I


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