
"Mismarked" Corgis

A community for all of those lovely "mismarked" corgis out there! If your corgi is unique, with markings not normally seen on standard breed corgis, then this is the group for you! We love our mismarked babies!!!

Members: 58
Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2013

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Comment by Amy and Ivy on July 6, 2009 at 6:06pm
Ivy was the only mismark in her litter too. Her siblings are potential show dogs, and her breeder even said something to the effect that she wished Ivy had their markings because then she would have the perfect show dog. But I'm glad she didn't, because now she is all ours! And personally I think they are way cuter than any show dog! I mean, come on, LOOK at them.
Comment by LORRAINE on July 6, 2009 at 5:54pm
I was told by Wilfs breeder that he wouldnt be good enough to show because he has too much white on his face
Comment by Ashley Kelty on July 6, 2009 at 4:17pm
Miso's breeder told us how she came about with her mismarks. Her sire has a lot of white in his collar, and as a result, occasionally a mismark pops out of his litters. That's how our Miso came about, and I couldn't love my unique corgi more. Everyone loves her as well!
Comment by Ashley Kelty on July 6, 2009 at 4:07pm
Hooray for another mismarked baby! Makes me happy to know that there's so many of these babes out there!
Comment by Ashley Kelty on June 20, 2009 at 2:27am
Here's the group for our lovely mismarked corgis! Here's hoping we can get a few members, it would certainly be nice to get to know other mismarked babies!

Members (56)


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