Tracie & Emmy


Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Rochester, NY
About Me:
My name is Tracie and I live in Greece, NY.. a suburb of Rochester. My dog and I are members of the Rochester Small Dog Playgroup, and I am also on the Monroe County dog park committee. My corgi (Emmy) and I do agility at a local facility, and plan to start learning flyball in the near future.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Emmy is a "sweet clown". She loves to snuggle and is very attentive, which is her sweet side. Her other side is the goofy side. She loves to play, (FRAP), swim, run in the snow, and anything else she can come up with to make people laugh. She is extremely outgoing, and expects everyone to fall in love with her at first sight. She is also very smart and does well at obedience and agility - which we do just for fun.
I have:

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  • Hannah

    Emmy is so sweet! thank you for the comment! Her and Bella look so much alike!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Oh I love the photo you have posted above!! How adorable!! I just wanted to drop in and say hi!! Have a nice week.
  • penny spencer

    That picture is so cute! She looks a lot like my little Roscoe, but feminine of course.
  • NoClaws4Alarm

    LOL! We both have the same (great) taste in stuffed animals :) Your baby is precious... such beautiful eyes!
  • Cubbie

    Thank you, what a cool website. We're really enjoying looking at all the other Corgi's out there! Your dog is adorable - great pictures. I love her colors, she's so pretty. Such an interesting breed, the color combinations can vary quite a bit. But, you can never mistake that Corgi body! I Love the short legs ;-)
  • Stephanie & Lola

    The bee stinger tail is too funny!! The first day I brought Lola home I had her sitting on my lap and she was wiggling her tail. I thought she was going to the bathroom on me! It self so weird! haha I am glad you had fun in Boston :) I just wish I knew of a dog park where I could take Lola to meet new dogs in a safe place
  • Michelle and Steve

    Wow Emmy is great lookin Corgi! We thinking about getting a tri-color corgi someday and would love to have one that looked like Emmy!
  • Michelle and Steve

    Ziggy did pretty well in the hotel room because we brought training pads and tried to be with him often. When we left we had him tied up in the beginning but he chewed through every single leash we had! I will be honest though, bringing him was a huge responsibility while being on vacation but it was a lot of fun as well. Just be prepared for the worst!
  • GusBus

    He did hide himself in his bed. I walked into our bedroom and caught him that way - I just got to the camera in time before he jumped out!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Thanks for checking out Bryson's blog! Emmy is so cute with that head cock! And that little stuffed corgi does look just like her :D Now I want a tri-color too... (but don't tell Bryson) hee!
  • Tallulah Belle

    Thanks so much for your nice comment! We just love Emmy's "mini me" toy. Where'd you find a tricolor stuffed corgi like that?
  • WhiteDove

    OMG!. . .Emmy's stuffed "toy" looks just like her. . .absolutely adorable!!!
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    we definitely need to get together this summer for some Corgi fun.

    i think eric and i are planning on camping in the Syracuse area this summer.
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    ohhhh i noticed the dog paw charm on her collar ... is that her dog tag? i love it and need to know where you got it!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Tracy! Hi Emmy! Hope you had a nice weekend.. 6 more days!!!!!!
  • Katie & Lola

    Thanks for the comment!! We're SUPER excited about our new addition.
  • Nicole

    Oh she is so cute! I just love her face!
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea! =D yepp nesting i am! everything ready.. =) just waiting for him! omg a picture of Emmy and her gigantic rawhide bone just popped up on the left.. and im curious.. did she finish that entire thing?!
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha! thats good! =) This site is addicting, especially when I am waiting, but it helps to see all the other corgis!. Hope you have a good week!
  • Laura & Lola

    Thanks!!! This looks like a fun site!! Can't wait to explore!
  • Rusty's Mom

    Thank you for the welcome! Rusty and I are happy to be part of!! Emmy is so cute!! I adopted Rusty at age 2 so I missed out on his puppyhood. I bet he was so cute!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Tracie! Thanks for joining my group. I think Emmy is the first tri, so it is your job to figure out something to make with that black hind end fluff!!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    awwwww!! Thanks for thinking bout me! =P well i am all ready, just waiting for saturday morning.. 3 hour drive up north to pick him up and i should be back about noon my time!!! =P ahhhhhhhhhh! yes very excited! =P
  • Concetta

    I just joined your geoup. Although I do not live upstate we do travel up to Orange and Ulster counties a lot. Your Emmy is so beautiful. We got Roxy in late Dec. hope you are well.
  • Carol Braitman

    Tracie, I registered, but then it won't let me log in to vote. I'll try later. Great pic!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    we are home! still adding stuff by the minute! =D ahhh so crazy, trying to do all of this while he sleep.s... probably should wake him up so he wont be awake all night?!!?
  • Karen & Bailey

    ok ! i just went to go check on him, and he went #2 on his training pad!!! lots of praise and a treat! woohoo!!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea i hope he does well tonight too!!! its about 8pm my time, so maybe another hour and ill try to get him to bed. lol. man im tired hahah!
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Thanks so much! I'm happy to have him home, he's so much fun! And thanks for your info, maybe it could be the reverse sneeze, I dont know its very strange. I'll find out what the vet has to say tomorrow. Of course I'll probably get him down there and he wont be doing it hehe thats usually my luck. He's not doing it right now...though he has passed out for a snooze.
  • Laura & Lola

    What a cutie you have!!!!!
  • morningstar

    I absolutely love the pictures of your corgi ont the sofa with the stuffed animal corgi! The camera loves her!

    haha also love how she has great head tilting skills!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Bailey passses out a lot! well play for 30 minutes and he has to sleep for 1.5 hours LOL. =P man the booger plays hard! =) man i gota find some time to take more pictures. =P hi emmy!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hes napping on my lap right now and has the hiccups!! =P Bailey wanted to give some kisses back *kiss kiss* . he's not too much of a licker. lol. =P . the cat in the picture is actually the breeders cat. their grandaughter had just gotten a cat over the holidays. it was a pretty mellow cat, until Bailey decided to get just a little closer. =) Her name was Peanut Butter (but the breeder says it changes daily). hahha i used to be a cat person, but ever since i met a corgi, i got hooked. ok time for a weird question... does emmy eat her own poo? Bailey seems to eat it since I am at work most of the day and I am not able to catch him.
  • John & Ann

    My pup is named Bailey too!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hahaha! =P i came home today and looks like he left me some "treats"! yay! =D lol. yeah i try to take him outside to go potty and have asked my friend to do so when she stops by for 2 hours a day, but....... hah.. i think hes still too overstimulated outside to care about relieving himself. I think it'll take time. =P Hi Emmy!
  • Erica

    Your the sweetest lil thing. I am in love with all corgis, they are just the cutest dogs in the world, such a nice thing about them.
  • CassieD44

    Thanks for the welcome! Emmy you are too precious, and I love the pics of you with your stuffed friend!! Yes that is "Puppy" in the picture...we're trying to figure out some names right now! Thanks for being our first friend here, and I'm going to go vote for Emmy right now!
  • DWBarrs

    Emmy! You are soooo cute and sweet looking. I love your pics! I tried to vote but it was closed. Please let us know how Emmy did. I cannot imagine another that could be cuter. Good Luck!
  • RJ Payomo

    Hi Tracie and Emmy. thanks for the comments! I love your corgi videos. Have a great Easter.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi tracy! hi emmy pie! hope your weekend is going well. bailey's all passed out from his shots this morning.. but i have a feeling he's just being lazy cause he did wake up awhile ago and go nuts on the water bottle =P. come check out our new photos!!!! =D his ears are up!!! and he does that cute head tilt thing when i say hiiiiii in a really high pitched tone. lol!
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks tracy & emmy! man i thought bailey would be passed out most of the day because of the vaccinations, but nope! he's as hyper as ever! he's having some diahhhreaaa though, but the thing says if its ongoing, he's had it in two poops so far. ill watch on that. but man he ate his dinner like a horse. =P ok have a good weekend!
  • Brian

    Thanks for the comment! While he outgrew the potbelly, he is still just as adorable as he always been, at least to me.
  • Will-Dawg's Page

    Your pooch is quite cute as well. But really, what corgi isn't?!
  • sandra

    thanks for the comment on my newest video....oooooooooooooooooyes, kaley and me in the ring, always means fun...and unpredictable....your pics are sooo come and check out cool social community and there are a few corgi humans there and we talk bout everything and anything......

    put up your picture of the the forum....your picture of the gotta share those cute corgi looks!

    smiles : )
    we're off to see the wizard
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    Eric and i have been taking lincoln hmmm maybe this is his 3rd time. He loves it! We can watch him all day via the internet and he is always moving therefore that is the reason he zonks out on the car ride home!

    Now we don't feel as guility for leaving him while we on our long days at school. He will be going 2x a week.

    We think we found a really reliable place too. we spent 1 day just driving around checking them out. The owner is super cool. It appears as if all the employees know our names and associate us to Lincoln ... which we like.
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    The first time we left Lincoln he was curious so he didn't care about us leaving. The 2nd time he ran up to the door and then dragged Eric over to the play area door. He sat there and looked up at Eric when he walked through as if he wanted Eric to come and play too. Now he just drags us as fast as his little feet can over to the play area door and waits for us to open it and scampers off look back.

    Don't worry - it broke my heart too when Eric told me he had sad eyes.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi tracie and emmy! yes our weekend was great, hope yours was too. i gave bailey his second bath last thursday cause he was rolling around in dirt in the backyard... =T. this morning was bailey's first puppy class. all the dogs kept barking and yapping (most were small yappy dogs anyways), but bailey was soooo quiet and well behaved. the teacher even practiced on him cause he wasn't shy and was wanting to meet everyone =P. he had the greatest time. hes still passed out right now. =P
  • Plato & Sula

    Plato came from a Mayflower breeder in Kinderhook, NY--any chance you know of the breeder?
  • REB

    Emmy is absolutely adorable. Nice to see another female tricolor.
    Love the picture with her and the stuffed corgi!
  • sandra

    thanks for comment on my video....yes, she has to always do it HERWAY!

    and the vid makes me laugh, for i look soooo dang silly and lost...oooo sooo many handler errors....i am a riot, and it is almost embarassing......hehhe bye, bye.....BYE kaley..

    hey, when i did that, she ran after me...???

    wierd stuff we do!

    smiles : )

    next wkend a fun agility match....3 jumpers, 2 standards...gonna hope for a gd video.....photographer needs practice too!