
Stillwater, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Stillwater Oklahoma
About Me:
I LOVE corgis, I've always wanted one, and now I recently own one! He was 8 weeks old when I got him. I decided to name him Butters. =) Hes very playful and a blessing in my life.
Lets see...I'm a Christian. and I'm 22 years old. I was voted most random in High School, I can bark and sound just like a dog, I can burp ANY time I want. I always pour my milk in my bowl BEFORE my cereal, and I drink coffee with a straw! I can say my ABC's backwords SUPER FAST! hehe!
I like Disney movies, video games, anime, reading, drawing, and working in the bakery, raquet ball, poker, kid things, and lots of other random stuff =D
I got the corgi Disney movie called "Little Dog Lost" on ebay. I recommend this movie to anyone! It's AMAZING!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Butters was 8 weeks old when I got him on Thursday August 30th, 2007. He was born on the 4th of July! He is VERY playful. I bought him for 150 dollars, and he was worth it. He doesn't have much white on his mussel, but I don't mind that. He loves his chew toys, and he doesn't bark at night. =) Yup, he's a keeper. I taught him to sit in less than 15 minutes. He is now potty trained! He hasn't forgotten the command since then! Very smart pup!

I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Katelyn! I used to work near ardmore, OK. GO SOONERS!
  • Katelyn

    Really? Thats awesome! =)
  • Race1

    what a cutie you have there. Courtney was about 5 when we got her.... no gooing in the house! But she will chase the geese & ducks into the lake... she sneeks up on them then takes off barking at them, then they just all fly off into the water.
  • WhiteDove

    Butters is such a cute name. . .how'd you come up with that? He's such a handsome little boy. . .my Cloe is 10 weeks old now and growing every day. . . .All my Corgi's ROCK!!!. . .don't know what I'd do if they weren't in my life. . . .I just LOVE them soooooo much!!!
  • Herbie and Ruby

    Butters! What a sweetie!
  • Nichole LeClair

    Look at that baaa-by! ::sigh:: I'm completely cuted out!
  • Melissa Vickery

    I loooooooove your little one. Adorable!
  • Avyon

    she's 7 months and we got her for 500 :)
  • Robert

    Hi Katelyn, Thanks for the comment. Love the photo's of Butters. Corgi puppies are the cutest dogs ever.
  • Allie Redman

    Talk about cute!! Your little boy is adorable! I wish I had gotten Nia as a puppy...but she's a doll now. I can't wait to see Butters as he grows up!
  • Avyon

    well where did you get yours though? ours was from a breeder in VT with a long AKC bloodline and stuff :/
  • Jeff Jost

    Thanks for the comment on Bailey. He is a great dog and lots of fun. I took a look at Butters' pictures, and your puppy is really cute. Corgi puppies can be very energetic. I hope you enjoy your dog as much as I enjoy mine!
  • Sarah Wiedemann

    Haha, yeah I like herps. I have a snake and a crested gecko right now, but as soon as I graduate from this blasted school, I'm going to breed cresties and get myself a leachie or two, and probably a few more snakes. Reptiles are awesome! It seems like we have a lot in common, too!
  • Stephanie Lewis

    Butters is very cute too and what a wonderful name...Looking at Butter's pictures makes me want another puppy they are so adorable at that age and it only gets better
  • Zed

    Thanks for the comments on my pictures. Butters is a great name and he's a cute boy himself.
  • Stephanie Lewis

    No the pug isn't mine, it is my aunt's she has two and they spend alot of time together.
  • Frika

    thanks! Your puppy is absolutely adorable!
    Butters makes me want to get another puppy!!!
  • Jonalyn

    Hey thanks, Katelyn. I love Butters, makes me want to post some of my corgis puppy pics. :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey Katelyn, thanks for visiting Bryson's page! Butters is adorable :) I wish we knew what Bryson looked like when he was a puppy... we got him when he was 2. Cheerio!
  • Daisy

    Cool! My corgi was born on july 20 2007!
  • Danielle

    SOOO CUTE!!!!!
  • Paige & Kellan

    Omg Butters is soo cute
  • Allie

  • Lindsey

    thanks katelyn! butters is also very adorable. makes me want to get another puppy
  • Mary Ann Jones

    Butters is adorable! Our Sweetie's birthday is July 5th and we always celebrate around the 4th :) which she loves, even though clueless. About multiple corgis: It's easier with two. They entertain each other and keep company and are a laugh riot. Keep your ears open for another. My five all get along great. I can fit them all in my VW Beetle, which cracks everybody up. And I KNOW I'm lucky to have them all!
  • Carrie Hall

    Butters is so cute!!! Pistol is very much MY dog, but when I'm gone he loyally watches my husband play Halo3...lol
  • Leena

    Thanks :) Butters is very cute too!
  • Corgi Mom

    Butters is A-DOR-ABLE!
  • CaptainCorgi

    'Ello, you have such an adorable little Corgi! <3
  • Christina & Vicki

    Thank you! Butters is adorable... not to mention I'm a south park fan sooo I'm not sure if you named him after that butter but its still a cute name!
  • Florence Fong

    Hey Katelyn,
    Your pup, Butters sure is cute. I adore baby Corgis. The pic on the left is not my Corgi, Ritz. I've yet to upload his pictures. I remembered when I first saw my Ritz in a petshop in October, 2006. It was love at first sight! ;o) Ritz is really naughty. It took me just a few minutes to decide that I wanted him for keeps. As I turned away to pay for him, he began fighting with his brother. Now that he's older-16 1/2 months old, he's better behaved.
    He's colour is red/white too.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Katelyn,
    Thanks for your reply. Actually the pic on the left is not that of my Ritz. I have yet to download his pics. I love the pic (on the left) so much that I downloaded it. :o)
  • Susan - Fromax kennel

    Good luck with your lovely (and smart) little corgi puppy!

  • Susan - Fromax kennel

    Thank you! So is yours - cute.

  • Jess and Carson

    Your corgi is soo adorable!!!! I wish i could've seen my corgi as a pup ----------- we rescued him.
  • Little Bear

    i love your dog's name!!! butters!!! oh, and what a cutie... aren't corgi pups the most irrestible things ever? i don't see how anyone could get mad at one, they're so perfect...
  • David Poh CW

    Hi Katelyn,
    Sorry for the late reply.
    Butters really loke cute .....
    I just uploaded a video of Ruby chewing her bone, check it out.
    Happy New Year!
  • Nicole

    Hi Katelyn, Thanks for the comment on Gonzo! We paid $275 for him. We have now figured out the low price was probably because of some possible health problems he could have had (he definitely had one and possibly a second genetic thing), and the breeder didn't tell us, but we are so glad to have him, he has a great personality. I'll be sure to check out Butters' pics!
  • sandra

    thanks for commenting on kaley corgi....a cute handful she is!...come by and check out the new social community i started, a few corgi humans there too

    it started out of my www.sansanpups.com....lover of all dogs!

    i caught the ball (1 of 5)

    smiles : )
  • juliette

    you to!!!
  • Patricia

    Thanks!!! Your boy is so precious, I love your pictures!

    I got her fro Missouri, $325 & 200 for shipping,...poor baby, it was a long flight for her!
  • Abby

    Your dog is such a cutie. I wanna steal him :)
  • Abby

    he he. I love my doxie, so much, but I do really want a corgi.
    I'll let you know when I get one. Believe me, all of MyCorgi will know from the insane amount of pics me and my boyfriend Tim will post. But it's going to be a little while. I have to get back to Austin first.
  • Niki

    i just love your pictures..so cute..
  • Kate

    Hey Katelyn! Thanks for the shout out! I LOVE talking to other people who are in Oklahoma. Your pup is quite the cutie as well!
  • Little Bear

    aren't corgis the best? yours is too precious!!! and you're in stillwater, me and bear will be there fall semester! are you guys on facebook? aww, your pics are absolutely wonderful!!!