Sir Riley of Pembroke

VB, Fl

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a real estate saleswoman. I love animals and wish I could work with them but I can't afford it. I also have to cats Kira and Sadie.

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About My Corgi(s):
I WAS 8 AND A HALF years old and full of life! I can speak spanish and do too many tricks to count! I am very smart and talented and will do anything for food! I like to run and chase balls. I also chase squirrels, cats, and birds. I didn't make the cancer battle my owners are waiting to see why because everything happens for a reason. Please keep me in your prayers I need them! Love Riley. Riley april 25 2000 to sept 27 2008

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  • Mandy and Lori

    Just thinking about you and wanted to stop in and see how you are doing. Take care and my thoughts and prayers are with you. ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Shepdog

    Oh... I am so sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. What a handsome, well loved dog he was, and he knew it. :)
  • penny spencer

    Hi hon. Glad you're keeping in touch. It must help to share all you're going thru with other animallovers. A local chapel held a "blessing of the animals" this weekend. I heard about this done in other cities, and was so thrilled. Got all 3 dogs in car and headed out.....I screwed up. was the day before! I scare myself sometimes, so unorganized. Well, the bark park was right down the road so took them there. First time for Bazel but he was okay. Never take Roscoe inside...too terrified, but Don walked, tugged him gently along on the outside of the "park" so he could hear, smell other doggies. A nice young couple with a Cairn terrier stopped to chat. Their dog was so gentle with Roscoe, it was the first time he "met" a different dog away from home. Was so glad to see him not terrified. Sorry to hear that the "shedding of the pounds" is not very easy. Trying green bean diet. Took him to vet just for a weight, 47#! That's terrible, but will persevere!!! From the pics, Riley didn't look like he had a weight problem, but we all like our snacks don't we? Take care.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Just checking to see how you are doing.....:-)
  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    The grieving is sooooo important. As hard as it is, you should feel all the emotions.... from happy to sad. And when the grieving is past remember only the good times. And know that all of us here on MyCorgi and all of those who know and love you and Sir Riley are keeping you in our prayers. With love.....
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Glad to hear you are doing better. Sounds like your kitties are taking good care of you. I had a cat before Spencer and had to put him to sleep in was a very sad time for me as well. When you talked about the pepsi box, I remembered that Max (my cat) had all these great cat toys, but loved to play with a wadded up piece of foil...he would chase a foil ball for hours!
  • Laura Jones

    I am relatively new to the site and just saw your site and found out about your loss. What a wonderful dog he was and even as I am typing I am crying over your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you and Riley.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Bruce isn't very hungry today, but it might be the nearly 100 degree heat today! Other than that, he's looking pretty good. I gave him a bath (not an easy chore) and now he's got a little doggie smile going.

    Thank you so much for thinking of Bruce. We really appreciate it.
  • penny spencer

    hi hon. You doing better some? Hope so. My son had to go to the vet with me and Bazel today because I can't lift himin and out of truck! I refer to him as a little ricotta stuffed cannoli and my son called him "twinkie" ha ha! His one paw is infected and found he has allergies to grass! Another dog on meds. It's only money right? I know what you mean, why do animals like to roll, lick other yucky stuff? But it is odd for cats since they are so fastidiously clean freaks. I've always been more of a cat girl, and my darling Clarissa went outside one day in Feb. and never came back. Looked everywhere. She was 10 yrs. old. She was my cuddler and I miss her. She was kind of crabby and wasn't sociable, but she and I were close. My husband is terribly allergic to cats, and now to dogs.....always thought I'd be an old lady with 6 cats but now I don't think I can do that to him. Take care.
  • Laura Jones

    Lol, honestly I don't know what she thought was in there. We were down at my parents and she was going around and around the tree smelling something. It is funny what catches their attention and what doesn't. I am glad to hear you are doing better.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    You guys are all so sweet. We appreciate everything it is helping us make it through this difficult time. Thanks for everything it means soo much!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    hi there.. how are you doing? hopefully you are feeling a little better and happier remembering the funny and sweet things.. The crate training and housebreaking of yogi is bringing back unpleasant memories of the puppydom world.. but he will learn.LOL. thanks for looking at the pics. i will be posting more i'm sure.. i love to take them.
    take care.. Gail.
  • penny spencer

    The rain seems symbolic of your tears for Riley. You might actually find yourself looking for him some days. It's weird, but I did that for a while. Thanks for your comment on Roscoe. He's small for his age, and really still has that "baby puppy" look. He is comical but I get sad to think he may never "grow up" and doesn't have a normal doggie life, but he's happy and content. I do love him so, even with all the work he causes. Take care.
  • momto3ltlgrlz

  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Just thinking of you and hoping you're doing okay.
  • Kristen

    Hope you are doing okay,. I know you will never forget Riley. The song on your page made me cry. I'll hug my babies for you.
  • penny spencer

    The picture of Riley kissing you is so darling. Thanks for your comments on Roscoe. I'm getting ready for work this morning and he's already peed 5x and pooped 3x!!! Oh, well, as I've always said with messy kids around, "it all comes out in the wash!" But I know I was chosen to be his "mommy", same as with Penny and the newcomer Bazel. Challenges. Take care hon.
  • Mariana

    You and Riley have been a huge source of inspiration for me. Hang in there!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Jamie - My mom is here visiting and I showed her Riley's page, she loved it. She is a dog lover, just like all us corgi people! Hope you are doing ok, and healing as each day passes. We think of you often - hug those cats!!
  • Sondra

    Oh, I just saw Riley's page, I'm so sorry for your loss...
    Hope you are doing OK. Hopefully each day will get a little better.
    Hugs to you from Corie and I.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    thank you.. i hope you will send a picture of the necklace.. I think that is a fabulous price for that.. and again.. i think that is a wonderful keepsake for a little fellow that will always be a part of you.. I may get one with Gizmo now!! Yogi is a little mr. alpha.. but his is also teething terribly poor baby.. we will keep working on it!! Gizmo did try to play with him a little this afternoon.. and seems to be very happy and excited when yogi comes out of the crate in the morning LOL..Don't know why.. since yogi runs right over him.. Giz has turned into a big MUSH>> But he is sweet and very tolerant of this bold little bully.. LOL I will try to post more pictures by this weekend.. take care.. Gail.
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Please tell your father Happy Birthday! That is so sweet for them to bring the ice cream and stuff for him. I will definitely give Lily Bart plenty of hugs :) Hang in there! Much love to you all :)
  • Kristen

    Consider the hugs given! It's funny, when Basil died it was the "annoying" things he did that I missed the most. He was my constant shadow, I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him right there. Then, all the sudden when he wasn't always there I felt so lonely. Basil is the red/white in my profile picture. Kitties are great for a healing heart.
  • penny spencer

    Hugs all around at the Spencer house. Thank you! Know what you mean about pets "messing" in most undesireable places. For whatever reason, carpet and rugs are sooooo much better aren't they? Ha. Clarissa used to pee on plastic grocery bags, or any kind of plastic bag if left out. Ewww. Take care.
  • Butter

    How are you doing now? Are the days getting any easier to get through? Joy and Butter. PS I love your is a wonderful idea to pay lasting tribute to Sir Riley.
  • penny spencer

    Hi hon. I bought this on Ebay. It has a picture of a baby corgi that looks a lot like Roscoe, but I will replace it with my own may like this too....
    As long as forever
    I will stay by your side,
    I'll be your companion,
    Your friend and your guide.

    As long as I live
    And as long as you care,
    I'll do anything for you,
    I'll go anywhere.

    I'll bring you the sunshine,
    I'll comfort your fears,
    I'll gather up rainbows (very profound lines here)
    To chase all your tears.

    As long as forever,
    My heart will be true,
    For as long as I live,
    I'll always love You.....(for Riley and his mom)
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    yes.. we did find teeth from Gizmo's puppy days.. and I kept them. LOL like a baby.. I was just telling my daughter about that necklace.. Please send a picture. I think that is the greatest!! I am going to be downloading Yogi as a bumble bee for halloween.. So take a look.. hope you are doing better.. Remember all the joys.. They are the sweetest things.. and so loving.. My lab is getting very very feeble in the last month or so.. He has so much trouble getting up and down and limps alot now. He has the fatty tumors on him.. He is the sweetest dog ever.. and helped to "raise" Gizmo.. Gizmo adores him.. I give him dog aspirin to help with his pain.. but he is so pathetic. I know that the day is going to come now sooner than later.. he will be 13 in Jan. of this next year. Good to hear from you.. take care!! Gail
  • Kristen

    Thanks for thinking of our little Fern.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    hi there.. found the costume at my favorite shopping place... WALMART!! $7.00. They had sizes that would fit kitties. there were witches, bees, pumpkins and all kinds. I think we may take Yogi and Gizmo to the beach tomorrow. Neither one has experienced that. If we do.. i will take pictures. I think it would be too hard on Chance so he won't be going.. he used to LOVE to swim in the pool and go to the beach.. That dog was an incredible swimmer. He would jump in and out of the pool over and over. He sleeps quite alot these days .. and will probably enjoy the peace and quite while we're gone. LOL.
  • WhiteDove

    I am crying while listening and ready about Riley. . .please accept my deepest condolences. . .I know we will "all" come to that bridge someday and I can only hope that I am as strong as you. . . .I can't even imagine what you must be experiencing. . . .My three fur-babies and I will say a prayer for Riley tonight while I tuck them in for the night. . . .god bless. . . .
  • Luna

    So sorry to hear about your loss, it brings tears to my eyes. A hug from all of us. My prayers to both of you.
  • WhiteDove

    When the time is right, your husband will know and then you will be able to bring another precious fur-baby into your lives once again. . .never forgetting Sir Riley of Pembroke, of course, just "another" furry bundle to enjoy and keep you company. . . .I love coming home and having my babies greet me and sniff me to see what goodies I have for them. . .lol. . . .I created the corgi cursor from a program I have. . .it's Cloe's head from a picture I had when she was about 10 mths old. . . .I know html so I went into Themes and created my page. . . .that's why it looks dfferent than their samples. . . .
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hey .. the beach went GREAT. Gizmo and Yogi took to the water like old pros. it was fun. i am not very computer savvy.. but did add pictures of our day. We will definitely be going back..Your pictures are amazing.. I love them!!!
  • Carlie

    So I just noticed that you're in real estate. Do you happen to know Maria DiFulchini? She's the president of the association down in Vero, and she's my aunt. Just thought I'd ask.
    In response to your question you left on my page (sorry it's taken me so long!) no, I've never been to the round up b/c I'm not actually from Vero, just a majority of my family lives there. I'd love to go though!
    I hope you and your family are hanging in there, Good luck with everything!
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    I am glad to hear that the birthday party was a good thing :)
    Give those kitties lots of love and kisses!
  • Butter

    How are you doing? I love your photofunia pictures; I have some too. I just stumbled upon a group you may want to join. It is called "Corgis of Christian Owners". I believe you are a follower of Jesus Christ. You may find the group helpful; hope to see you there. Take care, Joy and Butter
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hey Jamie - I haven't been on here in a while - was out of town and then just really busy once I got back home. Glad to hear you are doing ok. Loved your shelf for Riley and his beautiful box with the corgis on top. We still have the cremains of our 20-yr. old cat in the bookshelf, along with his picture, and every time I walk by it, I say good morning Dude! It's been almost 2 years, and now is just sweet . . . it will happen for you too. Thinking of you!
  • Lauren + Winston

    Hey - Just checkin' in on you. Glad to see that everything is doing much better. Riley is watching from the Rainbow Bridge and I'm sure he's glad you're doing much better - we all know he is, pain-free and frolicking with Corgis of the world! I hope you had a great Halloween. - Lauren + Winston
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    thanks.. they did have a great time.. we will be going back.. and/or they will be getting their own pool.LOL.. The puppy is training very well. Goes into his crate now when asked. His dad had never had a dog and I was wondering how that was going to go down.. He is so in love with Yogi.. it's hysterical.. he will take him to work.. he takes him for walks.. he takes him to to the dog park.. He says he is the "smartes" puppy he has ever known. LOL.. Yogi has won him over to the Canine world.. Happy Birthday.. Hope it was great.. Hug the kitties for us.
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Oh I'm so glad you and your Mom might go to the roundup - so many cute little ones to pet and see. Do you remember Woosie and his people Bob and Phyllis? It took them 2 years, but they now have 2 adorable pups, Mags & Jigs, who were there at our get-together in VB. Hang in there. Hope you get your necklace soon. Barks and kisses from Wiggles <3
  • Alicia

    Hello and welcome to Corgi's of Christians!!! We lost our 13 yr old pek. around the same time your muffin passed on. I don't believe in the Rainbow Bridge thing, but I do believe God understands how much we love our earthly pets and who knows, maybe we'll get a chance to see them again someday. You never know. But's nice to have fellow Christian pet owners to share things with!!
  • Angie

    I am so sorry about you losing your precious, little Riley. He looked like a great pup. He was a lucky little guy to have you for a mom. I loved the videos you took of him. That pirate outfit was great.
  • Lauren + Winston

    Haha noo I didn't get a chance to get Winston an outfit. He outgrew his from last year, he was a cop so I made my cat wear that who was not too happy. Most cats will fit into the dog outfits. And I am definitely sure Riley was laughing up from the Rainbow Bridge at all the dogs who are dressed up for Halloween, glad that he didn't have to be! Well I am glad to hear things are much better for the most part. And did you look into volunteering in shelters around your area? :)
  • Dannielle

    Ya it was a dinosaur/dragon type thing the look on his face when I put it on him the 1st time was hilarious! It was like mom what did I ever do to u? It was too cute though! I saw the hotdog one but they didnt have his size at two of the stores I went to. O well there is always next year :o) Hope all is well :o)
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Happy Belated Birthday!
    I am glad that the kitties are there with you, it makes a huge difference. Our pets sense when we need them most and are always there. Give a lot of love to the kitties, they are so adorable :)
  • Dannielle

    Lol okay I was wondering but ya he had a blast he is such a social butterfly wants to be friends with everyone he is the polar opposite of my lab Droopy just wants me all the time he is obedience school to socialize him more luckily I problem I dont see Zero having :o)
  • Angie

    Baylee is a great little baby. Sometimes when I look at her pictures she seems to have kind of a girlie corgi face, if that's possible. Haha. Isn't it funny how every single corgi has his or her own little look to them. Baylee looks like she's played in her mother's black lipstick and has it smeared off of her lips in a crooked, little fashion. I can pick her out a mile away. LOL I hope you get another Corgi. Little Riley's life was wonderful not only because he was such a wonderful dog, but also because he was so greatly loved.
  • penny spencer

    Hi. Just checking to see how you're doing. Time and work and other distractions help don't they? The pic of your kitties looking at Riley on screen is precious!!!
    When I came downstairs this morning (my son forgot to put Akita Penny inside our closed bedroom), I found she had eaten an entire new pumpkin cake, 2 loaves of homemade bread, 6 burger buns! I wasn't mad at her but at him for leaving her out loose in the house! What a mess and a waste (I LOVE my pumpkin cake, ha!) Take care.
  • penny spencer

    I think most dogs would eat til they explode. I can't believe when people tell me about being able to leave food out all day for "nibblers". Penny threw up yesterday. I didn't feed her yesterday because of her "feast". Today she couldn't get up. When I finally persuaded her to get up her back legs wouldn't work. I got her to vet before work. Neighbors' husband had to lift her into my truck. X-rays
    show hip dysplasia, possibly torn tendon in one knee. Didn't see evidence of arthritis. Have her on meds for few days to see if she improves. She's a little better. She may need knee replacement. Don't know what we'll do. She only sleeps in our room, but can't get her up and down the 11 steps. Very stressed right now. Take care.
  • Butter

    Hi, I feel the same way sometimes. What I am doing right now is writing out Bible verses on recipe cards and putting them around the house. For example, when I am doing the dishes, I have one right at eye level which tells me that the Lord sustains me. Try it. I have more by my placemat where I eat breakfast. I am trying to memorize them but have a terrible memory.

    Look at Phillipians 4:8....if it is not a good thought, etc. get rid of it. I am trying to do this more myself because I have a tendency to dwell on the negative. I am trying to get my prayer life organized so that I will persevere in prayer for others. I will pray for you. Take care, Joy and Butter