George V



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live on a small lake in Southern NH, with my wife, a Golden Retriever and two cats.
About My Corgi(s):
We lost our Corgi (Emmy) on October 12, 2007 to a rare Wild Animal Bacteria carried by infective Skunks and a few other animals. Emmy was only 7 years old when we lost her. She was loved by everyone, especially the kids, we always knew where she was when there were any kids around. She especially loved to play with anyone in the water.

We have been looking for another Corgi since.

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  • Paula Hess

    My heart broke when I read that Abby passed. With this a hug. May you find another sweet little muzzle to nuzzle.
  • Lori Spearin

    Hi George, your story made me cry, I am so so sorry for your loss, I truyl am, I know its hard, I lost my very first corgi ,he was only 6 months old. But anyway, are you looking for a corgi in or out of state, and how old..a pup? 2 yrs. old etc...? Let me know cause I am sure I can help! ;)
    sincerely & My Condolences...Lori*
    I also have a female named Emmy
  • Mair

    Sorry to learn about Emmy she can never be replaced but one day you will find another to love and share happy times with.Thanks for inviting me to be your friend.If you ever come to WALES you must come and visit.
  • Brittany

    im so sorry for your loss.
    And thanks for bein my friend!
  • Brittany

    omg i read about all the sad passings of thaese corgis and im so thankful that all my dogs passings were natural causes and eacful i wish they were all that way
  • Brittany

    sorry typo each was a peacful passing
    im so sorry 2 all out there that werent so lucky
  • Bay in TN

    Thank you for the warm welcome and the "add" -- I hope you find another corgi soon! Emmy sounds like a very special part of your family, and I'm so sorry you lost her.
  • Cindi

    Hi, I just read about your Corgi. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my first Corgi, Otis, to a tragic accident. I had him for 10 years and he was a one of a kind. He too went everywhere with me and was loved by everyone. He was raised with my three stepsons and was a wonderful friend to them also. I will never get over his loss, but my little Tucker is filling in the empty spaces in my heart. He is such a joy! I hope you will be able to heal also and maybe a new little corgi will help you. Take care, Cindi and Tucker
  • disraeli ears

    Emmy looks like she was very sweet. Have you gotten any closer to getting another Pem?
  • Nancy Wilson

    was the the disease Leptosprosis? my vet sugested I vac. Radar for this corgi's love to roll in grass etc. I'm so sorry for you loss. She looks like a wonder corgi.

    Take Care,
    Nanc & Radar
  • Nancy Wilson

    I'm so glad that Radar got vac. I hope you find a new corgi soon
    Take Care,
    Nanc & Radar
  • Rose Bradley

    Did you ever get another corgi?
  • Rose Bradley

    P.S. That is one of the prettiest little corgis. I bet she is an Angel up there directing traffic!
  • astro, starla, joleene & jason

    aw, im sorry to read about emma. they temporarily called our little girl emma at the pound. we just put our little boy down in august at the young age of only 3- then we ended up with these 2 monsters and they have helped so much with the missing void! well wishes with whatever you guys do whether it be get another one or not.
  • Collette

    awww very sorry 2 hear about emmy i lost my baby so i got moxy wen i came out of hopital she cheers me up. hopefully emmys watchin over nicole love collette xXx
  • Jack, the Pumpkin King

    The loss of a beloved family member is one that stays forever. It sounds like she was a special and well loved girl. Seven years is too short, but it sound like you were both blessed to have each other.

  • Bubbles'Mom

    Hi George. Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. I'm sorry about your loss. We lost our beloved corgi, Biscuit, almost 2 years ago. I know you'll never replace Emma, but, I wish you the best in your search.
  • Shelly

    Oh George what beautiful photos on flickr. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    After loosing my Munchkin a year and a half after Paisley, I wasn't sure I wanted another pet at all. But couldn't stand not having a little friend at my feet -- I was so lucky to find Evie last year from a breeder here in Florida. Evie's best friend is my daughter's dog (chow mix) but have been thinking about looking for a sister to keep Evie company. Are you still looking? Thanks for adding me as a friend, appreciate it.

    So sorry to hear about Emmy, they give you so much love that it really is like having lost one of the family. It took me nearly seven years after my last dog died to getting another but he is wonderfull and brings so much joy. Iwouldnt want to be without him now
  • Gayle Putt

    Hi George... contact me I know where you can get a new Corgi! It's so hard to lose our canine friends.
  • Gayle Putt

    Enjoyed all your photos! What a great dog.
  • Corgibyassociation

    I am so sorry to hear about Emmy! I know how hard it is to lose someone you love.
  • Bill and Patty Souder

    Hi George- Thanks. Sorry to hear about your corgi. Good luck in your search.
  • Virginia

    I am so sorry. It is hard to lose a beloved family member. I know how the pain is. I hope the new corgi that enters your life bring back the happiness and spark of life again to you.
  • Tekozi

    I am sorry for your loss, Emmy was very beautiful.
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Marion and Vern

    Your pictures are soooooo beautiful. Wasn't sure if I would want another pet once we lost our Tedi Bear, but how could anyone not want a bundle of love like that! Now if I can just talk my husband into 2 and not just one this time around. We will be waiting as my husband said about 6 to 8 months before we look for another "baby". Just figured out that would be right around my birthday. Want to bring a puppy (ies?) into a happy place not a sad place and time will heal the broken heart. Thanks for being a friend.
  • ChestersMom

    I know how you feel. Even years after losing our baby, Zorro, to a horrible accident, we have trouble talking about him. I'm glad we still had Chester to fill that hole in our hearts.

    Zorro died while we were all outside (Chester was in another room-separated from Zorro because I was cutting the grass and Chester would bark because he wanted to attack the lawnmower) Zorro, managed to get into the trash and get a plastic bag stuck around his head. He wasn't even 2 years old.

    Chester is 12, and diabetic. I'm hoping I have Chester for a long time, but I know that I cannot live without the love of a Corgi for long.

    Bless you and your family. Zorro and Emily are playing together at the Rainbow Bridge........
  • ChestersMom

    Oh sorry, Emmy.
  • Sarah

    Hello Thanks for being my friend!
  • Debbie Landrie

    Thank you for being my friend.
    I was sorry to read that you lost your corgi. That just breaks my heart. It's like the loss of a family member.
  • Lucy's & Emma's Mom

    Im sorry you lost your Emmy. I hope you get a new corgi soon! I almost lost my Lucy when she was only 6 months old...she ate a full bottle of baby asprin...but thanks to my get vets they saved her.
  • Deanna

    Hello, George. Thank you for your friendship. I'm feel for you in your grief. I lost my beautiful Ladygirl on November 8, 2008. Couldn't deal with the pain, so I put up a memorial on MySpace and YouTube -- got sniped a few times! (Sickos) The kindness and compassion shared by all the Corgi lovers here has really been cathartic for me as I hope it has you as well. After having to grieve all by myself, it's wonderful to know there are so many Corgi parents with whom to share the good times, bad, and even the painful. My heart and prayers are with you in your sorrow.
  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Hi, thanks so much for being friends with Mindy! Emmy is truly beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. *hugs*
  • Gabby and Lilly

    Hi George! Thanks for being our friend. We hope you are blessed with Corgi love in your home soon!
  • Erin

    Wow...what a terrible loss. I am so sorry. Our Corgi is just as much a family member as any of us and I imagine that losing her would leave a big void in our lives. I hope you fall in love, soon, with another Corgi who will allow Emmy's memory to live on every day.
  • Jill and JOSIE

    I understand what you are going through. We lost 2 loving doggie family members at the end of 2008 - hence why I ended up finding this website and getting a Corgi. We just brought our Corgi home last night - she is a doll!! I know you will find the right corgi in your time. Check out "Just a Dog" in the Professional Corgi group.
  • Jerrypoperry

    Hey, the clock on photo 5 is so funny, it totally sais what my corgi Jerry thinks!!!
  • Michelle & Molly

    Hey!!! So sorry for you losing your love! It is difficult, I still think about my 'crazy' little T.J. a lot, he was only 8 months, but it has been 3 years and I still miss him!!!
  • Diane's Corgis

    So sorry about your loss. We had Teddy, a retriever mix and he died when he was 12. He had a long and happy life, but it's still hard to loose a pet. We got Peatree (the tri-color female Corgi) about 11 years ago for our daughter (who is now 27). We got Kobie 4 years ago. They get along great as long as Kobie makes sure Peatree knows he's the boss.
  • Michelle K. Silver

    Hi George! Greetings from Northeastern Arizona! Glad to make your aquaintance via Internet. Sorry to hear about Emmy's passing. It's always sad and heart-renching to lose a faithful companion. I lost my blue heeler about 7 years ago...he was accidently run-over, but we got another heeler and he's been with us for 6 years. A real good guard dog too.
  • Judi

    Greetings from Sunny Florida where it will be 27 degrees tonight! I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I always knew that skunks carried diseases but never heard of a dog being affected by one. I raised a litter of civet cats (spotted skunks) about 20 years ago that I found at the beach. The mother was dying so I took her & the babies home. When the babies were old enough to be on their own, I then released them in the location I found them. Just soon enough, they were learning how to spray:-)
  • carol

    Hi, George Thank you for the welcome. I lost my beautiful "golden bear" just after Christmas to a sudden onset auto-immune disease and I know how heartbroken you can be. She was not quite 8. I know I will love another, but they can never be the same. Just as good, only different I am sure. This site is a big help to me now.
  • Robert

    Thanks adding me as a friend. Sorry to read about your pup Emmy. My two Corgi's are my first dogs so can't even imagine what your going through.
  • Chloe's parent Liz

    Hi George, I am so sorry about your loss. I know how heartbreaking it is. We lost our 1st Corgi, Rusty 4/6/06 to DM, he was 12. He is still very much missed.
  • The Littles

    Hello! thanks for adding me as a friend. Sorry to hear bout your loss :( I don't want to try to imagine such a loss. These are my first babies!
  • Barbara's page

    HI George,
    Thank You for adding me as a friend. Sorry for your loss.
    My Barbara is only 2.5 months old and I also can not imagine it
  • EvilTwin

    Oh!! I am so sorry for your loss!! I lost my springer a year ago, she was 14 years old. Ein got over it faster than mommy - it's a tough thing to go through! :(
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    Thanks for the request! Its hard losing a pet:( You should check out always have tons of corgi! Good Luck:)