
39, Female

Enid, OK

Profile Information:

Kalispell, MT
About Me:
I've always been fascinated by corgis from my earliest of horse show days. I love to three-day event and corgies just seem to fit into that lifestyle. My husband and I are currently living in Enid, Oklahoma. I'm studying to become a gemologist. However, I hope to one day fulfill my life long dream of becoming a veterinarian (after my husband is out of the Air Force). I am a jack of all trades and the queen of random useless-facts.
About My Corgi(s):
When my husband and I decided to get a puppy I knew that it was finally time to get a corgi. It took some pretty serious convincing, but I got my way :) Soon after, there was an advertisement in the paper and we were on our way to pick out our first corgi puppy. Since I got to pick the breed, Eric (my husband) got to pick the puppy. He didn't pick the puppy that I would have but, he couldn't have picked out a better puppy. Oakley was the runt of the litter and remains small to this day. She has grown into a beautiful, charismatic, demanding, ball of goof! We call her Demon Seed (Dane Cook reference) because she's always up to something. Another one her nick names is Empress Oakley as she has completely taken over our lives (not that we mind). Oakley has the incredible ability to make EVERYONE fall in love with her within a matter of moments; even people who don't like dogs! Whenever my husband or I come home after an extended outing Oakley will greet us with the most adorable squeeks. She loves to swim, hike, and be outdoors whenever possible. My husband and I couldn't be more in love with her!

As of April 07, 2008 my family is a two corgi household! We have a 14 week old puppy named Griffen! He is just a sweetheart. He is quite different than Oakley was as a pup. He is pretty layed back, but has his spunky moments. He and Oakley LOVE to wrestle. The transition was much easier than I expected. I figured it would take Oakley quite a while to adjust to having another dog in her house. However, she seems to be even happier! Griffen likes to play with stuffed animals, sleeping at my feet while I'm on the computer, and howling at the cat. He is quite the chunker but SUCH a lover! I can't wait to see how his personality and the bond between him and Oakley develop!

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  • Kristen

    Actually we have three! Corgies Just got a puppy about two weeks ago. I worried about "sharing the love". I was so very attached to my first Corgi and I felt the same way you do. When we did get the second Corgi we made a special effort to provide Basil (Corgi #1) with one on one time. The two dogs became best friends and it was comforting to me that they had each other during the day since my husband and I both work. It is good you are worried, it means you will make the effort to make both dogs feel special. The special bond between Basil and me never changed and when we lost him a little over a year ago it was probably the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. Lizzie (Corgi # 2) went through a visible depression for about 4-5 months. She still isn't the same, but she is a great little girl. We added Fergie(Corgie #2) This summer and Brodie (Corgi #4) just two weeks ago. We are hoping to raise Corgis in the future. I want to be sure the dogs finish well before we actually consider breeding them. Fergie is altered and so was Basil. We do a lot as a Corgi group, but I still make a point to spend time alone eith each of them.
  • Kristen

    The worst thing about adding one more Corgi is the hair...I just spent the morning vacumming up Corgi hair...but a they are worth the effort...I don't know how I'll feel when they start "blowing" their coats in the spring! I'm looking forward to seeing the "ugly duckling" pictures!
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    Hi Kate! I see you'll soon be living south of me! We just added our second corgi last month and bought both of our corgi's down in OK. Good luck with your move! Your dog is beautiful.
  • ♥ AdEle

    Welcome Kate.
    Oakley is a beautiful name.. I love her pictures especially in the costume ... lol
    Skye loves to wear his clothing, does Oakley like hers ?
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    Haha....we should have probably worried a bit more, lol. Chloe has responded as the typical spoiled teenager. We should have anticipated that but it's really not been bad. We've made sure to include her in everything but she is very competitive. She seems to relish that she can jump up and lay down by me on the couch and Cooper can't so she hangs her head over the edge and nose butts him as though to say, "haha, I can but you can't." She gets miffed pretty easy if she thinks he's getting more attention than her. She's been our joy for so many months but she is enjoying the play time with Cooper. It's a bit like sibling rivalry and I'm enjoying reading all these blogs and knowing haha...I'm not alone. We don't regret adding Cooper and the laughs far outweigh the trials. I know it helps that Chloe was such a well adjusted dog.
  • ♥ AdEle

    Thanks for the compliments..
    Yeah.. Skye loves his clothing so much that he 'll beg to wear them.
    And he won't let other dogs wearing them ..ha ha ha..
    We have to get one you have ... so cute..
    It's very nice meeting you..
  • Kristen

    She is so very feminine. If I didn't have to go to work everyday it would be more of a dream. I don't get to spend nearly as much time just hanging out as I would like. We are animal rich and dollar poor that is for sure. I do love my red barn. We use it as a family room when the weather is warmer. The dogs do well around the horses. I think Corgis and horses were meant to go together. They have tried to herd the horses, but the hourses won't have anything to do with that. They like to go out when we do chores and especially when the farrier is here. They like to snack on the hoof trimmings. We have never had a bad experience with the Corgis and the horses. We have three full size horses and a miniature horse and a miniature donkey. A bit of a zoo around here!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Kate,
    Thank you for asking me to be your friend. I would love to. Oakley has made me fall in love with her too. :o)
  • Jan

    well kate i have done it with female first then got male and vise versa and my mom who bred corgis from britan all ways said male then female and that was the best..well then we added another male but opal is the boss..feeding time has been challenging so I have a system now or they have me on a system,,Smiles:D
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    scooter and i would love to have you as a friend..... thanks c&s
  • Megan

    Hi Kate! We do sound like we have a lot in common. Let me tell you, agility is a great thing for everyy Corgi to learn. They are very smart dogs, and pick it up quickly. Even if you can make (or have your husband make) a couple jumps and start working Oakley on them (especially with a game called "Jump, come, coookie") that'll be a start, and it'll help keep her in shape.
  • WhiteDove

    VERY cool. . .good luck on your education. . .I majored in Archaeology with a minor in Geology, I like rocks too. . .LOL
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Thank you. My friend and fellow My Corgi member Joanne took the picture. It is my favorite for sure!
  • Karen H

    Where in Montana are you from? I am a Butte girl, born and raised (but don't hold that against me).
  • Melissa

    Oh goodness! What a cute girl! Her face reminds me a lot of my Skittles.

    I'm sorry to hear about your trials with the Air Force! I'm an Air Force brat myself, so I know how unwielding they can be about anything that isn't "standard." Much love to your pets while they're in the kennel!
  • sandra

    thanks for checking out and enjoying the video!.....yeah, the tunnel scene...she was to go in...but she thought NOT...so i sorta kneed her in, w/o touching her..she goes in...but looks to try to get out...then goes in the middle for i do not see her..............listen, w/ kaley corgi, sometimes she is too fast for me, so for a second, ....yes...i am thinking....oooooooooooo no, where did she go....did she get out???????

    she shows up, calmly, and she returned to the spot she chose.........to pee!

    looking at the video, since what i do is a blurr....i see she kept returning to one spot, to sniff, but my...."bye' would get her running to me...

    silly girl
    what am i gonna do??????

    smiles : )

    she returns again...(22 of 59)

    kaley corgi doing her usual....running off course
  • Apryl

    I know! Men are so impossible sometimes. And all I have to do is look at my Oliver and all my frustrations go away... : )
  • Kristen

    You made a comment about my Montana Friend pix. The picture was taken just beside the Gallitin (sp) River fairly close to Big Sky. These little guys will come so close that they make it easy to get a good shot. I had done some hiking and was just sitting taking it all in.
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Was it Denise you were talking to? Oh, too funny! Yes, that is my Jakey....

    Please do feel free to ask me anything!
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Denise and I spoke at length about Jake because it would have been my mother at home with him most of the day. I think he is really much easier to manage then she made him out to be! I don't know of any dog at the age of two that does not chew up things. You have to keep an eye on them until they get over that urge. I had a Belgian Sheepdog and after that a Beagle and it was really the same with both of them. So-you sort of have to expect they will get into things.

    I am not sure about returning the dog...I did not ask, but I think if you asked about it, they would be up front...

    As far as my experience with ForPaws...I can only say it was GREAT. Kathy and Denise were really helpful, we spoke at length on more then one occasion about Jake and what his needs were. Are we in love with Jakey? Absolutely! My mother especially...they spend the afternoon together playing ball. He is really pretty well behaved with her. He is still a teenager...his new thing is digging holes when he gets mad at me. But, Denise really works with the Corgis, getting them ready to go to a new home. Jake has had no accidents, walks nicely on the leash, listens...well, he has some issues I was aware of such as being fearful of coming in, hence the super good cookies. Things like that...

    Overall, I would say that if you talk to Denise about your concerns and thoughts, she will respond. They really want the dog to go to their forever home.
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    A bit more...so far Jake has destroyed the cheaper toys...the more expensive ones such as his jolly ball are lasting fine. As far as him chewing anything else...a couple of insignificant things when I had my back turned-so, I should have known better!
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Glad to be of help. Denise is wonderful with the Corgis! I have to confess to actually thinking of calling her about Teddy when he first came online...as Jake was coming out, she had mentioned she had a new Corgi who was a lot like him. Good luck! I look forward to hearing how it all went...
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Kate! How are the family and corgis holding up? one more week to go till the reunion right?
  • Sam Tsang

    Glad to hear that Oakley is adjusting well, I'm sure it'll be a joyous day :)
  • Kristen

    I originally saw it in Country Supply-which is found at horse.com, but I did a check just today and didn't see it. I also saw them at Menards. I am actually going to use a wood gate kit for ours and make a picket gate, but you could also use that kit and just affix the wire to the wood fram. My other opening I have an trellis that has a gate. I'll check my catelogs at home and if I find the original kit. Would be nice because it was so simple. I love Montana. Wish I could find more excuses to go!
  • Jenny Michel

    I see you are from Enid. My Husbands Aunt and Cousin live there. I think she works at the bowling ally on base. I have been there one time, and we took our son to watch the planes land and take off. He loved it!!
  • Bonny

    Hey, I've enjoyed reading your posts over the last couple of days. Hope everyone's back to normal! I know about the stress of moving....we just arrived in MN after a two-week journey (with stops) from Long Island. And our things still haven't been delivered after 3 weeks of transit! AH! Anyway, seems a number of us have the horse/corgi thing in common. Too bad its so hard to keep the dots connected!
  • Kimberly

    Oakley is gorgeous-- I enjoyed your pics!!
  • Rusty

    Welcome to Oklahoma corgis, hopefully we can get a bunch of Okie corgi lovers to join!!!
  • Cheri

    Hi Kate! Yes I do scale my dogs teeth. It's not difficult at all. The hardest part is getting the dog to lay still while you do it, but both of my corgi's are wonderful about that. I have two different kinds of tools that I use to scale their teeth. I got one from Dr. Foster and Smith and the other I got at PetSmart. One is sort of hook shaped and the other is more like a hoe type shape. The hook one is flat on the sides and what you do is lay the flat side against the tooth and side the flat part down the tooth. It will 'catch' the edge of the tarter and pop it off. This will work on my daughters dogs teeth but I found that it wouldn't work on my corgi's teeth. On my daughers dogs, their tarter will just pop right off in a big chunk when I catch the edge of it. But my corgi's have tarter like concrete. I have to use the hoe-like scaler and scrape. It's just a matter of elbow grease. My only advise is be really careful close to the gum. You don't want to slip and catch their gums or you'll never be able to get your baby to let you scale their teeth again. I always follow up with a good brushing because they LOVE the toothpaste. It's a treat. The anticipation of the toothpaste is what gets them to let me do the scaling I think.

    Also, I got pointers from my dental hygenist. If you know a dentist, or a hygenist, ask them for hints and tips. That's what I did.
  • Megan and Penelope

    You have such a cutie, one of the happiest looking corgis I've seen! Penelope is coming from Purcell, but I think that is actually kinda far from you!
  • Charlie

    Hi Kate! No offense taken at all. : - ) Most of my dog training experience comes from purchasing a dominant alpha male rottweiler with a genetic temperament problem as my first dog. I had to fast track my knowledge and information from lots of trainers, classes, and independent reading and research on how to train and handle a "hard" dog with positive training methods. He turned out to be a fine dog, though you can't really "fix" a poor temperament, we did get through CGC. During his life, I also spent a few years volunteering with a local animal shelter (SPCA), training dogs in basic obedience skills and consulting with potential adopters to help match a good pet to their lifestyle.

    Lots of the health info I know just comes from general love of animals, talking to people about their pets and health issues they've had with various animals. My neighbors are vet techs and I spend quite a bit of time listening to them talk "shop". Sometimes I research a topic if I've never heard of a problem, just to satisfy my own curiousity.

    More than anything else, I have a strong desire to do whatever I can do for the health and welfare of pets & people, love learning things about dogs, and enjoy seeing people build a healthy and happy bond with their dogs.

    Just your typical lifelong animal lover... : - ) Thanks for the friends invite, by the way!
  • E

    yay, i was able to remove the post so the email is no longer available! i sent you an email with my real contact info :-)
  • Jenny Michel

    I love the puppy! He is so cute!
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    I love the green colors behind her in the pic, makes her look so regal!
    Thanks. I am so glad they get along. Daisy is quite the puppy. But Duke is used to her and they love to horseplay in the mornings while we get ready for work. She is part corgi and part min pinscher we think. She has a great lil temperament for Duke. :-)
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks for all the good info. I was leaning towards nylon myself, but I appreciate the brand suggestion. I guess I do need to ask the breeder about the collar, she did say she was the big girl in the litter!
  • Kristen

    Growing up my grandma always said I was a misplaced farm girl. It would be hard to move back to town...but without horses and all I would save a bundle of cash...I don't think the dogs could handle the transition. Thanks for your kind comments.
  • Kim

    Thanks for the comment! I love your pics! Do your corgis and your cat get along? My mom has a tabby that looks just like Maggie, but his name is Buddie. At first he wanted nothing to do with Mia, but started to warm up to her, now he goes around the house looking for her (not that shes too hard to find) he does this funny swatting thing to her, like playing tag. It's quite hysterical.
  • Cindi

    Hi Kate...I ended up in Alabama when my dad took a job here. My mom was ill and couldn't take the winters up home...so here I am. Quite a culture shock.
  • deelee lew

    Griff is one of the most gorgeous corgi's I've ever seen. Wonderful- don't stop taking pics! I love the puppy phase and as kiyo approaches her big 1 year birthday, we'll finally have to stop taking so many pics of her too :)
  • seganita_8

    Hi Kate! Thanks for the friend add. As far as the bell-training goes, I just used a little cowbell that I had and tied it on a shoelace around the shelf next to my front door. Suzy is kennel-trained, so what I did to train her was to take her out of the kennel and use her paw to ring the bell before I carried her outside. We walked around until she went and then went back inside- no playing around. I did at least a week of constantly following her around the apartment and taking her out every single time she looked even remotely interested in the floor ;-) Every time I took her out, I used her paw to ring the bell. Every time she had an accident, I soaked it up with a paper towel and then rang the bell and took her out. It took her about 3 days to figure out that the bell meant outside. I was extremely generous with the verbal praise whenever she used it! I never did use treats, and she was consistently ringing the bell after about 5 days. We have only had a handful of accidents since then, and I say "we" because most of them were my fault for not reacting quickly enough. The main thing about the bell is that she kind of uses it anytime she is bored instead of just for potty, so that gets a little annoying. I've learned to distinguish between frantic potty ringing and "I'm bored" ringing. Sorry this is so long, but let me know if you have more questions!
  • Kasaundra

    Hello Kate! It's true that I don't really live anywhere close to OK, but I just really like the breeder and am not willing to let the distance be a hassle for me. Anyhow, I noticed that your hometown is Kalispell and I was also born in Kalispell! How random is that! It is after all, a very small world!
  • Katelyn

    OMIGOODNESS! Your corgi is so cute!!!!! Hello to a fellow Oklahoma corgi owner!
  • Katelyn

    No problem! Thank you! I LOVE talking to people in Oklahoma too! WOW! Enid is not too far from where I live! We need to have an Oklahoma corgi meet. That would be awesome.
  • JW

    I have a red & white Griff, toooooo! He's a Fluffy, and officially his name is Griffith, but that name only comes out when he's really naughty. What an adorable addition to your family, have fun with his puppyhood! :)
  • Juel

    Thanks for the add, your babies are adorable!
  • Sam & Shelby

    Oakley's adorable! I love picture 19/60, where you're all sleeping on each other in the car.
  • Chris

    Yes, Kate those are English saddles in Oklahoma, while I deal mainly with POAs, there is a large contingency of Hunters in Tulsa and a large hunter show at the Tulsa Fairgrounds (Expo Square) in December. Whisper & I will be in Stillwater on September 6 & 7 for a show at the Payne County Fairgrounds if you'd like to come over.
  • Katie

    Hi! Oakley is precious! Can't wait to see Griffen all grown up!
  • John Wolff

    Oakley reminds me of Sirius, our first corgi who was also the runt of the litter, and one of the smartest dogs ever.
    We now have two corgis also, and I like to see these social animals have each other to beat up on and tear each others' throats out repeatedly in so many creative ways. Utterly charming, good company.