Boots and Superstar!

40, Female

Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Comerio, Puerto Rico
About Me:
I am a proud mommy from a red/white corgi named Superstar and a Black-Headed Tri corgi named Boots. They are so adorable and I cant wait to see them grow. I attend UCF for Biology and I would like to travel around the world with my friends!!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Superstar and Bootsy are the best doggies in the world!!!!!


I have:

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  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I would like to teach him some spanish commands when he get older. I myself am trying my best to learn spanish. How would you tell him to "roll over" or "lay down?"
  • AJ & Talia

    your corgi is so freakin cute!
  • Dave

    I love you dog, Yep, if i am Orland area, I will definitely check ur pup out.
  • Caesar & Molly

    Brasileira sim... nooossa que bom achar outro Brasileiro apaixonado por Corgis!
  • The Littles

    you changed your main pic, it's cute! Corgis play so fierce!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Alondra, you can contact Rita Hellegers, her email is, phone number 407-348-3671
    She is a regional coordinator, I don't think i have met her before, so I don't have much info besides contact, I will meet with another rescue this saturday, I can ask and see if i can find out more.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Aww, well I hope Superstar is feeling better! Moving is stressful for everyone, eh?

    I like your pics of Superstar and Harley!
  • Gia and me

    Seguro!!!! Puerto Plata esta cerquita!!!! asi podras conocer a Gia!! te esperamos!!
  • Kala

    complete and total surprise that I was getting a corgi. In fact I have a pic that I will post later of me crying because I was so surprised. Your baby is so cute too. Corgis have such a sweet and mischievous look. They are so great!
  • Darlene

    Hey thanks. He is gorgeous..
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hi! I got that collar from Petco. Its called the Pro collar and I got meduim size for Laverne.
    There is the link. Hope this helps!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Thanks! Since Mommy isn't into BSG, Daddy has to get Stanley on board.
  • Courtney

    Yes, I got him from a breeder in texas. I cant think of the name of her website. But I can give you her name/number/email. She is a very nice lady and has the cutest tris!
  • John Wolff

    Yes, all the photos we've posted here are from the Washington Cascades on day hikes, weekend or 3-day overnights from Seattle. The peak in Gwynnie's avatar is Glacier Peak, the oldest and most remote of Washington's 5 volcanoes.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Alley: Hi there!! i haven't been on the site in a while - my mom had surgery and is here in florida for rehab.. so i've been really busy with her. I haven't heard from Tanya lately.. but she is always having litters and I know that she was suppossed to have had a litter around the first of the year. Superstar is just beautiful.. Yogi is a handsome little guy too. He and Gizmo have the most fun playing and playing till they drop. LOL. Good to hear from you.. love, gail.
  • Tanya Taylor

    Hello Superstar, sorry haven't been on in a while. I have 1 flashy tri male available, he is now 7 months old (kinda sad, he was returned for doing "puppy things"! Like digging holes, chewing, etc. The owners work and are gone like 12 hours per day, and he was always left alone (although you wouldn't know it, he loves kids, cats and other dogs! I just can't believe they gave him back for puppy training issues!!, So, if you are still interested, he is pretty and needs a home that sounds like you and Allie could provide, lots of love and attention! You could give me a call at home 352-693-4848.
  • Tanya Taylor

    Hi, will send you some pics of "Max" tonight. I will give you my home # on your personal email you left along w/pics. He is a wonderful dog, still intact. I have to update his shots, they never finished his started puppy series. But he looks terriffic, very happy-go-lucky, healthy appetite, beautiful coat. He is due for his rabies, so that would be included in an updated Health Cert. Anyway, will send pics after 5pm, I'm at work now too!
  • Tanya Taylor

    I do, I sent pics, hope you got them...? I am new to sending/downloading (should have had my kids do it for me! LOL) email me at
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    I will be home painting all weekend, or working on projects. If you want to stop over.... what is your email? I will send my number.
  • Tracey

    Yes I got him from Celeste, he was born on Christmas day, and once we saw him he was ours! He is the runt and still small, but hes growing steady and will be a "big boy" soon enough! I love the pic of your baby in the tub.....too cute!!
  • Tracey

    I like the tri color corgis! Everyone that has gotten a corgi from Celeste has nothing but good to say about the dogs, and that is a blessing! We want three eventually, but we are going to wait about a year or so then get a girl!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Sent you the email with my number and address. I'm going to try and make it to the Hollywood Beach park on Saturday after 5:00. Other than that, I should be home.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Yeah, we should do a play date. But we were just at Fleet Peeples and Stanley gets sooo muddy. I don't want to have to give him another bath this soon so maybe in a few weeks? Or try a different park?
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    I've heard good things about the Dr. Phillips park. Weekends are usually good for me. What days are best for you and Superstar?
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    My new building blocks the signal, so my phone is always searching. I need to get a battery charger for my office. Are you still coming down the end of April?
  • Toby

    Yeah, Toby is from Cat and Kobe. But he will be a red headed tri. I can't wait to get him home !! We are really excited !
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hi! I didn't see you at the meetup? You couldn't make it? It was fun, there were about 16 corgis total! It was an awesome turnout.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance say Thank You for your comments on the credit card. : )
  • Baylee and Jake

    For your question:

    I'll warn you this Alley and Superstar, Alaska is a rainforest, and you WILL want to bring rain gear! snows not too bad, but it can stick around until July. People think of Alaska and assume its snowy all the time, and they aren't prepared for some thing WAY more common than snow, the rain.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    When are you coming down again?
  • The Mau

    Thank you for the comment and compliments. Me and my bf have a laid back approach to life and palm trees are one of my decor at home, so we thought we could name our corgi along those lines.
  • Bonnie, Dain, and Rocco

    Hi Alley and Superstar!
    I will look into some North Carolina breeders, I have found some breeders in TN but I really want to make sure I'm going to the right place.
    Thanks :)
  • Bonnie, Dain, and Rocco

    Thanks for your help :)!
  • Heather Martin

    Thanks. I have always lived in very mountainous places, and the corgis seem to enjoy it too! How does Superstar like the warmer climate in Florida, does he ever go to any of the beaches around there?
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon
  • Lillie's Mommie

    She is beautiful!!!! I was looking at ur pics and she reminds me of my liitle girl when she was little..if you have questions about these little sassa-frasses just drop a line..I have a sassy chick myself!!!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    we're planning another meetup probably for the end of july. hope you and superstar can make it! i'll send you more info when we've got the details...
  • Gia and me

    hey... dime ya vienes pronto?
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Sounds like fun! Hey - we're going to have a meetup on July 25 at 5pm at Downey Park on E. Colonial. Can you and Superstar make it???
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hey, yep we are all into the Twilight saga! We really love the music in it too. Seems as if you do as well! We are counting down the days until New Moon, although the books are our favorites! Ed and Gem both like to chill-ax to the tunes! Superstar is a real cutie!!!!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    So.... did you get him? Bring him home? Name him? WHAT???
  • Kelly

    Love the music on your page! ;)
  • WhiteDove

    Hello. . .Superstar is precious!!!

  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Alley: Boots.. very cute name. Yep... Gizzy's "twin" brother is the baby's daddy. I can't wait to see pictures.. We're family now. LOL. I am so happy for you. Tanya does take good care of her puppies to make sure they are very healthy to go to their new parents. My daughter's "baby boy" Yogi is also from Nitro and is such a smart active little boy. We just love him. Give him kisses.. and of course Superstar.. she is such a princess.. She will probably be the boss of him. LOL..
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Superstar will be a great example for Boots. Send pictures!! my e-mail is: if you want to forward some there as well. I can't wait to see them. congratulations.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    I wanna see more pics of that lil cutie Boots!
  • Cheryl Nickel

    Yes, I am from Port Angeles, WA. The Olympic Peninsula is the most beautiful place on earth!!! My Dad was in the Coast Guard so I've lived many places, even San Juan (Fort Buchanan), Puerto Rico for three years. Your puppies are so precious!
  • Cheryl Nickel

    Actually, I used to live in Port Angeles & still consider it my hometown. I currently live in Enid, Oklahoma. I do get back to the Pacific Northwest at least once a year. Coast Guard life was great! My Dad joined when he was 18 and retired as an E-9 Master Chief; he loves the Coast Guard to this day!!
  • Cheryl Nickel

    The Coast Guard is a branch of the Department of Transportation, not the Department of Defense. I doubt very seriously there are any Coast Guardsmen serving in Iraq. The purpose of the Coast Guard is enforcement of drug trafficking along our marine borders, search & rescue, etc. I think if you join the Coast Guard you would serve mainly in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico & the 48 contiguous states. Good luck!
  • Dee & Yoshi's Page

    I know... My fiance always says... "he probably gets ESPN with those" :)