Shockoe "Bottom" Bell


Mechanicsville, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hello from Mechanicsville Va! My husband and I have become first time corgi owners this year. Adding Shockoe to our family has been such a wonderful experience so far. He has such a great "ready to meet ya" personality. We have fallen in love with this breed so much that we have a tri color coated male coming in Nov!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Shockoe is a Sable/Red and White Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We got him from a highly recomended breeder at South Haven Farm in Essex, Va. As for our little man's personality you just can't find a friendlier lil' guy. Always ready to say hello to the neighbors, be it person, dog, or cat. (it's his recent goal to plant a wet slobbery kiss on a relative's cat! =P) He's always at our side ready to play or simply brighten up our day.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Shockoe and family!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Shockoe is just beautiful.
  • Angela

    Rock on! Cool - thank you! We are headed to Highland Games out here in Colorado in a couple weekends and I hope to find some more authentic stuff for the corgi we don't have yet but can't wait to get. Give your beautiful pal a scratch for us!
  • Ollie and Dinah

    Hey! Nice to meet a local! I live near mechanicsville for a few years - on river rd near the courthouse. Your photos are so freaking cute. And you get bonus points for being a xbox 360 owner!
  • Ollie and Dinah

    Haha - I don't have a wii, so I don't feel I have the authority to issue points to you. However after careful review, I DID spot a Godzilla poster. Many points for that!
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    Your dog when he was a puppy looks just like our cricket. Did your dog lose most of his sable coloring?
  • CorgiDewey

    Hello. Glad to hear from a fellow Corgi owner from South Haven Farm. Great Corgis. Dewey's mom was Thelma Darlin' and his dad was Cowboy Woofer. Who knows. Our Corgis could be related.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    aw, hey! there are not enough corgis in the richmond area :)
  • chocky

    Hello thanks for the add!
    veryy cute little one u have there =)
  • Cody, Kris and Scout

    Welcome. What a cute Corg!!!
  • Vicki and Christina Brown

    Hello Shokoe, thank you for being our friend :)
  • WhiteDove

    Love the name Shockoe "Bottom" Bell. . .

  • Cheryl Nickel

    Thank you for the invitation; we would love to be your friend. Shockoe is a very handsome little man!! Cheryl & Maggie
  • Fran & Ranger

    Oh Shockoe is so cute! Aren't they just the best dogs?
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    yeah we get really excited if we see another corgi...we've met a few in the area, usually at Barker Field.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Hi Shockoe and compay! Pengu and her mom thanks you for the friend invite...
  • Jane Christensen

    What a cutie...looks like he's always "ready" for something....whatever that might be at the moment!
  • Amy and Marlee

    Hi Shockoe... were you the one who commented on the photo of Blooming Daisy? If so what do you know about the dog. I got my puppy from Oklahoma at Sugar Creek Acres. The woman I bought her from seemed really on the ball.
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thanks for the friend invite. Your little guy is very handsome.

    We were just in Virginia a few weeks ago visiting my Sister-in-law in Fredricksburg. My husband insists that someday we are moving south to Virginia...far away from the heavy lake effect snow! :)
  • Amy and Marlee

    Six degrees of seperation at work again. The Jingling Jangling is this breeders signature. We have to agree to use the Jingling Jangling as part of her name.

    Their website is and I think Spurs is pictured on it too. But you may know that already.

    This breeder seemed good, even though she did advertise on Puppy find. She wanted to call my vet, get references, and wanted photos of our yard and such. She seems VERY organized.

    When are you going to get your puppy?

    Being an avid Schipperke owner, I have been amazed how quickly our puppy is learning things. Schipps are very smart, but not always willing to listen. They can even be manipulative. The corgi puppy is so willing to do what we ask.

    We got her because we thought a corgi would be a better fit for our youngest son. She really likes him.
  • Anzendai1

    Thank you for inviting me. How old is your corgi? Your corgi is so pretty! It looks dry weather than here. In this season, humidity is so high and my corgi drinks so much water to send down own body temperature. This season is difficult to keep my corgi health...
  • Anzendai1

    Only 4 month?! It's soooo cute!!! I think the prettiest moment in corgi's life, and the time seems to go very soon. I don't know that the climate of Virginia is like Japan. (In some web page, they say so, too.) Shockoe drinks so much as Sakura! Then, please tell me what your corgi's name after. I don't know English very little.
  • Cathryn Whitt

    Thank you, your baby is adorable as well! I'm actually from Richmond, so I totally knew where your puppy's name came from, heehee.
  • Cathryn Whitt

    Aww, that's exciting! My first corgi was a black headed tri, and now I have a little red headed they definitely have a special place in my heart!
  • Kitty Kirwin

    Hi Shockoe, your a really pretty boy! I love your yard toys way cool! Its very nice to meet you! Gwenie
  • Dee & Yoshi's Page

    WOW... he's so cute! And a BIG yard to play in. :)
  • Jeanne Joslyn

    Hi! Your Corgi is adorable! I did Agility with mine too. I just loved it. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Lisa LaMothe

    Thanks for the friendly invite. I enjoyed your photos, it's interesting to see the corgi mannerisms in all of the photos on this site along with the dogs' own fun loving personalities!
  • Anzendai1

    Thank you telling me what "Shockoe" is named after. "Shockoe" is the key of your happiness!!! I have been heard the name of Richmond but it's first time to hear the name of Shockoe. So I've researched about Shockoe using web pages and google street views! There are so many old beautiful buldings and histories. It's interesting. I believe the "Shockoe" loves the place of Shockoe.
  • Brittney

    thanks for the add :)
  • Sean & Britt

    haha good to no....i really hope the same goes for codie :-)
  • Linsey & Grissom

    I don't know a single other breed whose butt and face have equal "cute" factor.
    But it's not a bunny butt! It's a Corgi butt. They deserve their own classification.
  • Aya, Wing, Aily & Sesame

    he is a very good looking dog, how old is he now?
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hello new friends!! Shockoe is sooo handsome! What a smile!
  • Lotta Gadd


    Your Corgi is just sooo cute!
  • Debby

    Shockoe looks like he enjoys the dog park. I have been taking Cody for the last two weekends to get used to the bigger dogs. He tends to have a little aggression with the big dog next door. Cody loves the park, but still has a little aggression to Tyson, the big American Bull, next door.
  • Crystal & Bella

    Hi! Shockoe reminds me so much of Bella with his expressions and poses you have pictured on the site. I must agree with you, as Bella is my first corgi too, I have absolutely fallen in love with this breed and can't imagine being without her =)
  • Gary, Jackson, and Ollie

    Hi Shockoe! What a beautiful coat and what a nice long tongue!! Hope you can meet jackson someday!
  • Christopher

    Very handsome little guy you've got there!
  • Christina

    You are so welcome! Shockoe is so awesome looking! He reminds me so much of Wendy with his expressions ... it is too cute. Maybe one day they can meet. Talk to you soon!
  • Mal Schaal

    Wow, he's so cool looking! I'm thinking about getting a red and white in a year or so, but I love my girl's coloring. I'm still thinking about it.
  • Joanne Koppenaal

    Hi from Cosmo and Luna! Love your blaze Shockoe. Jo
  • Joanne Koppenaal

    We just came back from the beach, It's funny that Luna sees all kinds of dogs but seems more unafraid at the beach ,at the dog park she will run the other way or sometimes hide right by me. Well Shockoe is close in age so it seems to improve the older they get. Luna was spayed at almost seven months. So she is getting settled in to the beach routine. I got some sunsrt pics I am attemting to put on before it gets late! TTY soon Jo