Ashley Kelty


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
My name is Ashley! I'm 24 (25 in December), I work for the Kentucky Humane Society, and I am happily married to my wonderful husband, Brent! We have been married for less than a year, and are thus newlyweds! We don't have any children (we want to wait until we are more financially stable), so we dote our affection and love on our Corgi, Miso, and our kitty, Isis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I only have one corgi, and she is my baby! Her name is Miso Soup, and she is a total sweetheart! She gets extremely excited to meet new people when we're outside taking her on her walks, and she seems equally excited to meet new dogs! She's got her potty training down pretty well, and in another month or two I think she'll have it down completely!

Miso has proved what a smart girl she is, picking up her tricks relatively quickly! Eventually, I'm going to take her to a puppy kindergarten, so I can teach her a few more manners and get some professional assistance to back up the training I have already given her.

I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sky and Lyla

    How pretty! I love her sweet face. Welcome!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Welcome! She is super cute and I love the name.
  • David

    Welcome form David and Yoda!
    She is a gorgeous puppy!
  • Gary Tallon

    I have never seen a Corgi face like Miso, Cute!
  • Nicola Porter

    Welcome, I love the name, how cute.
  • DR, Nala & Simon

    What a sweet face! Welcome! The name is great.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Ashley and Miso! You are in for some fun times.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome Miso...can't wait for more photos. I just love Corgi puppies.
  • Marty Lawfer

    Hi Ashley!

    I'm in Louisville, too. I have two Corgis, Dixie who is almost 14 and Tenby who is 4 1/2. What part of Louisville do you live? I'm in the northeast part off of US 42.

    Hope to see you someday!

    Dixie and Tenby
  • Marty Lawfer

    We're very close! We should meet at Brown Park, behind Baptist East, someday. We often walk there. Do you have a Vet picked out? I have a great one in the area!

    Enjoy the puppy. She's adorable!
  • Bonnie, Dain, and Rocco

    Thanks for your recommendations, we actually went and looked at puppies this weekend and put down a deposit on a male tri! We will be getting him in two weeks!
  • Bonnie, Dain, and Rocco

    Thanks I wish I had taken some photos of him! We are very excited and busy puppy proofing and getting ready! I actually found a breeder about an hour and half from Nashville, right on the state line between TN and AL.
  • Bev Levy

    She is a lucky puppy to have such a caring owner. Corgis are worth the trouble! They seem to think up all kinds of weird things to do but it is fun!
  • Hannah

    Yeah just let me know when you are in town and we can make a play date I'm sure Apollo would love it
  • Hannah

    cool just let me know corgi play dates are fun they are so awesome when they get together
  • Marti & Toki

    That would be so much fun! Let me know whenever you come in town and we can all hook up!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Sure! I hope that my babies are good with other dogs.. they have never actually played with any other dogs before! I will have to test that out.. hehe :)
  • Courtney

    that would be great! i see you talked to marti too :) we will all have to get together one day... i know rhet and toki would just love that!
  • Beauty and the Beast

    She is precious! I love her white face! Such a cute little gorl and so lucky to have such a good parent!
  • Rebecca

    Thank you for the comments! Miso Soup is sooooo beautiful! I love the coloring of her face, its very unique.
    The training part does get easier. I adopted Havoc when he was an adult thinking that I could get out of all the was I wrong. It was like training a puppy that was bigger and was not even house trained). It probably took two years for complete training. I was young when I got him and had never trained a dog so there were MANY calls to pet behavior specialists. All that hard work was worth it. I have a bound with my dog like no other...and sometimes think I have the smartest dog in the world!(because its a corgi of The best is yet to come dear!
  • Marty Lawfer

    Next weekend sounds like a good plan. Just cross your fingers that it doesn't rain! Will be interesting to see how my dogs react to a tiny puppy. Dixie just celebrated her 14th birthday. She loves children. Hopefully she'll love puppies!
  • Amy and Ivy

    I've never seen another Corgi with Ivy's markings! Miso is adorable... I wonder how many others there are? (Maybe we should start a group!)
  • Jeremy

    Hi Ashley, that's so crazy that we both have 2-faced corgis! It's Odd that Rocco has black eye liner on both eyes while Miso has white eye liner on the white side of her face. Good looking out!
  • Kari and the Pups

    I love your corgi, she is soooo cute!
  • Toby

    Super cute !!
  • Amy and Ivy

    You might be surprised about the "eyeliner"! When we brought Ivy home, her eye on the white side of her face had no black except for a tiny spot, while her eye on the red side had thick black "liner"... slowly the spot started to spread, and now at 8 1/2 months it is almost all the way around her right eye! You never know!
  • Heather & David Akers

    cute corgi, how old?
  • the Doaks

    I just joined this website and my husband and I are young like you (I'm almost 24) and we just moved to Louisville to teach this coming school year at J-town high. Our corgi is almost 5 months old and so far loves the new location. What part of Louisville do you live? We live at Woodbridge Apts near the Oxmoor mall and Lyndon Dr. Dante has yet to meet another corgi and maybe he and Miso could have a playdate sometime :)?
  • the Doaks

    That would be great! My number is (740)297-0616...I'm going to get it changed. Thursday afternoon would be best for us...I can look up where that park is. Wednesday we have a professional development thing all day, so if Thursday doesn't work in the afternoon, we could arrange another time. Hopefully that would work! It seems we have a lot in common and now that Dante will be neutered (as of tomorrow), he won't get TOO crazy with Miso. Haha!
  • the Doaks

    Yay...sounds great. We'll aim for around, say 3:00? Dante will be so excited! I am very excited to meet you and Miso both...I will probably have my husband with me and maybe my mom if she's in town, but I probably won't know until Thursday for sure. I'm really glad we're going to get together before our school starts because then things will get crazy busy again. Have a great day!
  • the Doaks

    The vet today said that Dante shouldn't do any heavy-playing for a week because of his stitches...thus, we probably should wait on the playdate....I am very sad :(. Maybe the weekend after this one could work out, like the 15th/16th...that will be after our first 2 days of teaching. Sorry about the change...we'll make sure it happens sometime soon!
  • Corgibyassociation

    I love your pup's name!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    miso is super cute!
  • the Doaks

    Hi Ashley! I know you said that you are sometimes busy on the weekends, but in a couple of weeks there is a Middletown dog festival in Middletown at a local park there. I have entered Dante in the cutest puppy contest. Just wanted to let you know we'd be there if you want to meet, if not we'll find some other time I'm sure. I hope all is well with you! Dante's neutering all went well...he's up to 25 pounds now...quite the chunker!
  • the Doaks

    Here is a link to it:

    We would be there around 9-10 on September 12th (Sat. morning)
  • Tasha and Pepper

    LOL! Very cute, even more unique. So, maybe sometime we could get our pups together for a corgi playdate. Pepper loves to run and play, thats just about all her brain runs on:)
  • the Doaks

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Sorry, I am just excited. I am teaching at school and I saw your message and I got happy. Dante needs to meet another corgi really bad! I am not sure if it is too late to enter, but there is a website if you search "middletown family fun festival." Our contest is at 10:00 A.M. there in Weatherby Park on Old Shelbyville Rd. We'll be there at 8:30 for may have to register before, I am not sure. Dante would love some competition! I hope you're able to make it...if you do, I know I'll see you there!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi Ashley - Lizzie's bday cake came from a bakery here in FL.. it is called : Her party was lots of fun and as you can see she loved the cake!
  • the Doaks

    I totally understand. The time will come eventually :). The dog show was a lot of fun, though...and there were 3 other corgis there. Dante was longer and bigger than any of I have a feeling he's going to end up a big boy! One of the corgis competed in the "best costume" competition and went as a lobster. It was too funny. Have a great week!