
Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a singer and voice teacher. I live in NE and I am nuts about my corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My kids are: Bacio and Bedde.
Bacio is the long legged red headed tri. His name means kiss in Italian and he's my licker boy. (the name came before the behavior).
Bedde is the sweetest girl ever born. She's shy but a clown and loves to boss the brother, of course. She also is a thief and needs ALL the toys available at all times.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • PuKi

    Welcome!!! You have so many beautiful Corgi's!!! Can't wait to see more pics of them!
  • Gunner

    What a beautiful family! My husband and I are thinking of adding one more corgi to ours. Welcome!
  • Steve

    I like the fact you gave them all "B" names. Steve and Turtle (his real name is Scott) got "S" names because their older cousins are Sophia and Sebastian. Are the kids all related?
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Wow! Welcome to the whole family!!!! Not 1 but 6!
  • Andrea

    6 corgis!! How do you manage them? Is it like Lays potato chips - can't settle for just one :)

    I would love to get another corgi, when Willis is older (about 8). My dream is to work from home and I'm working towards that goal.

    You're in music and so am I! I play the keyboards for our church band and am thinking about teaching the Simply Music piano course part time.
    I presently work as a court stenographer and I'm thinking of breaking that down into a part time job as well - I just adore working at home and hate having to leave Willis at home alone all day. My husband will come home from work at lunch sometimes just to check on him and say hello.

    Is Willy a diva or what??
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome LeAnne, Bella, Bodde, Bacio, Bedde, Breckin and Blizzard!
  • Cindi

    The corgi-kids are awesome! How in the world did you come up with that many "b" names! lol
  • Cindi

    By the way, what's with the blizzard ears???
  • Cheryl

    your pictures are hilarious! My corgi automatically poses for the camera too!
  • Cheryl

    Are your corgi's good swimmers? Mine swims, but it isn't pretty.
  • Cheryl

    She tries to swim and kind of rolls over! Like her rudder is broken. We have a pool in back and she has constant supervision in case she were to fall in. Worries me sick.
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    What a great corgi family. They're all so unique. Their personalities show in the pictures. Welcome to MyCorgi!
  • Katie

    I love the pictures with the birthday hat!! I live in Swisher, so I'm not far from where you live!
  • Katie

    Hi! OMG! How do you do it with 6 corgis! I bet you have some stories to tell! Blizzard is the neatest looking dog...I can see why he would be a great therapy dog!
  • Carmen

    Your corgis are too cute! I love that you have a six pack!
  • LeAnne

    Thanks, we love them all and in their own uniquely corgi personality!
  • VanCleave's

    Your Corgi's are so cute!! I live in Coralville also and would love to have a get together this summer would you be interested?
  • VanCleave's

    Yes my kids are loving the snow sometimes too much! We currently live in a condo so unfortunatly I have to be outside with them. Hope you are staying warm!
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall

    i love how you have so many corgis! they're all beautiful! i can't wait to get more =)
  • Bev Levy

    Hi LeAnne, I love that you have 6 corgis! My daughter lives in Leander so we visit the Austin area a few times a year. When did you get the snow pictures? I did not think it snowed there.
  • Bev Levy

    My daughter moved there a year a ago July and they have not seen any snow. I don't think she misses it at all but Austin is a little too hot for me!
  • Melissa S.

    You have some very cute corgi friends!!!!!! :)