Sam & Shelby


San Antonio, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Loves dogs
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Shelby was born 4-4-08, and passed on 1-11-10.
I have:

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  • FuzzyButt

    Got the carpet cleaner, and food. I hate coffee. Arizona tea perks me up.
  • Gizmo

    Wow! Shelby is sooo adorable.
  • Carlee

    Oh. My. Gosh. Shelby is SO cute! I'm just melting over the pictures! You must be so happy! She's such a doll! She looks like she's having a blast with your other dog(s), so cute!
  • Carlee

    You're so welcome! I'm looking forward to watching her grow via pictures! I hope you'll take lots!!! She's such a doll! You must treasure being able to hold her while she's nice and light weight! I don't know about Pembies, but I do miss the times when I could carry Regis without a care in the world, but now I can only hold him for a minute or two before he becomes too heavy. He's a big boy though, 35 pounds now! I knew from the beginning he'd be on the bigger side, and is proving me right thus far :)
  • Sarah C.

    Another Texan, hurrah!
  • Carlee

    How cute! I will be watching for more pictures then :) Cardigans are just great, and you get used to the big bushy tails- I really like them :) The Cardigan also gets much bigger and thicker, bigger ears and less "foxlike" rather than the Pembie. Another thing I love about Cardi's is the variation!! Blue merle will always be a favorite, but all the other colors are great too- Black & White, Brindle pointed Tri, Brindle pointed Blue Merle(What Regis is!), Tan pointed Blue merle, Blue merle without tan points, and Brindle! And I also of course love the blue eyes you can get with blue merle, but to add to that you could get marbled eyes, one brown and one blue, two brown, or two blue eyes. Gotta love the choices :) Anyway, if you ever want to know more about the Cardi let me know!!
  • Virginia

    Thank you Sam and Shelby. Shelby is adorable. I am a teacher and know a student who got a puppy this past year and named her Shelby too. I'm in Florida!
  • Carlee

    You have a big list too! There are so many breeds I'd like to own, but right now I'm going to stick with Cardigans and Newfies. I'm very excited to get my Newfie. I'm hoping to get her around the end of this year, or towards spring. It's proving hard to find one because I really would like a brown Newf, not as easy to get a hold of. Anyway, I do love a lot of breeds- big breeds! The only "small" breed I like are Cardi's. I love Great Danes, Central Asian Shepherds, and German Shepherds.. Wish I could own 'em all!
  • Carlee

    Well I grew up in California, so I had no chance to get a large breed dog. The only place I could afford that allows pets(Regis' weight was actually pushing the limit), was a one bedroom. So when I came out here I now have a yard and a big place- for like 1/4th of my rent in california. So I looked into what large breed I wanted, and I ended with a breed I've always been fond of- the Newf! I love all colors, but my favorite is the brown so I'm dedicated to finding a brown show prospect pup.

    I am going to rescue a German Shepherd(I hope.. lol) one day. I love GSD's. And my boyfriend wants a Great Dane so one day we'll get one :)

    This is so fun! I've always felt like a lone nerd with all these breeds that I love. I probably won't get them all, but it's fun to dream!
  • Julie

    Hi and thanks for the add! Shelby is a super cute name...goes perfect with a super cute corgi!
  • Nicole

    Ohh Shelby is so cute! I love her face! It's like she's wearing a mask and has eyebrows!
  • Rita

    My goodness! your little ones are so adorable. I just love this site. We really don't know what she is mixed with. The vet & my oldest daughter (a dog connoisseur?) both say Corgi/Shepherd Mix. We just love her dearly.
  • Rita

    Thank you for helping us out too. I would love to know what she is actually mixed with but she is absolutely mostly Corgi. The Vet said we have to wait to find out more of what she will look like when she grows up.
  • Katie

    Hi S&S!
    Thanks for the welcome!
    I love your TRI puppy!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the lovely compliment! Your corgi is absolutely adorable. Corgis are so cute!! This site is great!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Shelby is so all the pictures, Shelby is very photogenic!
  • Missi

    Thanks - so is yours - they look alike! :o)
  • Shepdog

    Okay, the shot of that little bum squeezing through the pet door was absolutely hilarious. Great catch on that shot!

    And that's Riley in my pictures. Oddly enough, Piper is rather camera shy (where Riley's sure not) and squishes her ears flat every time she sees one and shuts her eyes. *grin*
  • Sandi

    She's so cute! My dog likes to lie around everywhere too. Why are they so lazy?!?!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Love your Corgi Barking sign, that is great--lol
  • FuzzyButt

    Trust me you haven't missed much. Only Ryan and I blundering around while Banzai watches on.

    We're getting slightly better about it.
  • Tiphanie

    Thank you! Yours is adorable!
  • Susan

    I'm a tri mama too........yours is just cute as can be.
  • FuzzyButt

    Fleas don't bother us, thank god. We use the Capstar/Sentinel combo. It's getting munched on by mosquitoes that we have to worry about.
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    OMG that little one look so much like ours I was having deja vue issues. She has a beautiful full blaze though, neither of ours have a blaze all the way around.

    Anyway, just thought I'd say hello!
  • Jaime Bragg

    20 minutes from downdown Austin, Texas. Between Austin and San Marcos (Texas State University)
  • Katie

    I love the new pictures of Shelby!
  • Katie

    HA! Let's caption the dirty laundry shot "Iz nots durtee lawndree"
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea he cracks me up.. even more so now that he's wearing a cone and bumping into EVERYTHING!

    ooo shelby is so cute =P she looks so soft and shiny and so huggable. =P

    ive actually got a video of bailey making some gargling sounds that i will post soon. =D
  • Tama

    Thanks, I love the pic of yours going through the doggie door
  • Amanda Poon

    Thanks! I totally understand your feelings about having to juggle school and the puppy. I'm spending as much time with Cow before I go back to school.
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha. Bailey's wearing a cone right now cause he just got neutered! last friday! so itll be on for a week. He's healing great and was back to normal the next day already! =D

    hahhaa Bailey actually doesn't mind me hugging him.

    Bailey: Hi Shelby! - hugs are fun!!! =D
  • Amanda Poon

    Aww I know. There will be a few days a week when I literally won't get to see Cow until 5 or 6 PM. It stinks.
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha Bailey had an accident on the way home in his crate. I think the nerves really get to them when they are in a new environment.. and just cant hold it!

    hmm , ask your vet about teh spay surgery. i heard girls dont heal as fast cause its quite more invasive. However, ive heard that its best to get them neutered before their first heat (8-9 months), but ive also heard its good AFTER ONE heat cycle.. so yepp! cant help you there but, ask your vet!
  • Karen & Bailey

    =P thats what im worried about. Bailey was already big for his age BEFORE neutering him (26 lbs at 6 1/2 months), but now i really hope he doesn't gain too much weight from being neutered. He just turned 7 months yesterday. I'll have to take him to get weighed maybe in a week or two after the hormones have settled to see if he's really gaining weight!
  • Karen & Bailey

    =P Bailey loves mud puddles, puddles and running in and out of hte ocean. He's not afraid of anything. He's not too fond of his baths, and I've never tried to dump him in a lake or anything - so I'm not sure if he would like swimming. i bouhgt a life jacket ot prepare for that, but wel see. I hope that someday ill get ot take him somewhere safe to swim!!!! no swimming pools here in san francisco (its too cold.. lol). need to go to someones house who has a pool!
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha yea. Bailey's that type. Just wants to get wet a bit, and he's had enough. =P I really wanna see the little guy swim. =P how cute that would be... =P
  • Amanda Poon

    Ah I see. I'm lucky enough that my mom works from home and can watch him while I go to school.
  • Amanda Poon

    That's good. Cow seems to be adjusting really well, also. I walk him right when I get home and he's always happy to get out.
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    LOL at the desk demon...
    Come check us out! I just started a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Sam & Shelby! =) Happy Holidays too!. Bailey's doing great. He's still raving about being Mr. September next year. haha. I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday season... boy i wish it snowed here! just a little though.. =P

    Oh ! Bakersfield! Do you have a pumping unit in your backyard??? (I've only been to Bakersfield twice in my life, and both times were to visit two oil producing fields, Kern River and Cymric. =P
  • Karen

    There is something so devastatingly *charming* about a freckled corgi tummy! Shelby is a doll!
  • Karen

    No, they are not related to my knowledge. Both of them were actually "giveaways." We acquired Cosmo, as a 7-month old puppy, from a couple who were leaving the country for an extended period of time, and we got Cody from a couple who discovered that a 5-month old corgi and a 7-year old Newfoundland were not a compatible mix of pets. Thanks for the compliment!
  • Laysa and Lola

    thanks! ur puppy is adorable!
  • Max & Cody

    You have a very cute Corgi.
  • Jane Christensen

    You're welcome!
  • Carolyn Allen

    Red Ribbon
  • Jeny (and Wrigley)

    I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm sure she is happy and grateful that you did it. Just know that you gave her the best life that you could and made her very happy. <3
  • Liz

    I'm so sorry to hear it and know how hard it is for you right now. I was in tears when I saw Shelby's photos. I'm pretty sure she was very happy to come into your life and became your family.
  • Jane Christensen

    Congratulations on your beautiful new addition!