Sky and Lyla


Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have a 1 year old Australian Shepherd named Sky and a 7 month old Pembroke named Lyla. We also have a sweet cat named Izzy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lyla is my first Corgi. She is super laid-back and doesn't seem to have many of the typical Corgi traits. I don't think I've ever seen her FRAP (maybe in the backyard when doesn't want to come in yet), and she prefers being a couch potato to any kind of obedience training, agility, or walking around the neighborhood.... and don't even think about running, she won't.

My other dog, Sky, is a Mini Aussie and is Lyla's polar opposite. He is tall and skinny, super obedient, and never ever stops moving. He loves Lyla, and she could care less if he's around or not. I guess that's just how girls are with boys! ;) Sky enjoys learning new commands and even as a 3 month old pup would do a 30 minute straight training session and still look eager to continue when I said it was over.

I like to say that Sky is my obedient dog that will excel in rally and/or agility, and Lyla is my naughty, lap dog that watches House, MD with me.
I have:

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  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Thanks for the compliment. I called a lady out of Claremore when I was looking initially but never went to see her litter. I wonder if she is the same woman. That takes willpower to leave her until the end of the month. Hang in there....Crosby is coming home 041709!
  • Rebecca

    Thanks for the commment. I am glad to know I am not the only one out there in our area crazy about corgi's! They have been so much fun! We started training at Petsmart. So far, it's been a good experience and we have learned alot. I think they do more training us then the dogs but our pups seem to be picking up a few things. It's been a good experience. If your ever in need of training you should check them out. We are going to Petsmart, off of 71st Street and Highway 75. It's the new store. They have a nice training room.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Oh she looks so sweet!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ohhh thanks so much for your comment on Cooper,,Hes my first Corgi and wont be my last,,were moving to the country this summer and hope to get another :o) `tina~ and Cooper
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    We are doing good. He chews on everything! Potty training is going well. He is sweet to watch :) Lyla is becoming such a pretty thing. How much longer for you?
  • Sunni A.

    Thanks for the flea advice! I was going to wash him tonight but I'll wait 'til Thursday.
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    LOL, that is a cute story. I bet she will do fine once she is out of those "finding herself" days. Of course she is going to push you as far as she can.
  • Corgibyassociation

    I'm surprised he doesn't want to test. Pyometra is a very scary thing to have to go through if it gets too bad. I haven't heard of it--I'd get a second opinion. I wouldn't want her to be actually sick based on what they said on a phone call and it doesn't hurt to have a general health check after you got her from the breeders. Freya has a brown ring around her vulva--I need to see what it is myself.
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Some days he loves him they play and play, but at other times he would prefer he was a visitor that would just go away. How about Sky?
  • Ross

    Not a problem. Atlas was a notorious eater of things that would give him an upset stomach, so I've been where you are, a lot.
  • Kimber-Leigh May

    thanks a bunch :) i appreciate the support!
  • Carolyn

    Lyla is absolutely adorable!!!
  • Corgibyassociation

    How do you like the new vet?
  • Corgibyassociation

    Tell me about it. I've crying over this for the last 30 minutes.

    I'm glad that your vet is treating you guys really well so far. It's always scary to realize that your vet/or even your doctor doesn't know some important things like what meds shoulnd't go to what breeds. Just like with Collies--they are a very sensitive breed too.
  • Allison Musick

    Thanks for writing! Things are going very well. I have ended up keeping Heidi, and changing living situations (it's a little complicated, but that's the nutshell version), so I may be able to add another dog to our family now, if I really want to pursue agility. I'm very happy Heidi is still with me. She's such a lover! ;-) How are you guys doing? Your pics are adorable. :)
  • Beni

    Beni's doing well. It was really hard the first few weeks, but now we're getting used to each other. I'm constantly amazed by how smart corgis are.
    What kind of personality does Lyla have? Beni is laid back and content to just be in his crate, but also loves attention. He loves chewing on things, playing fetch, and digging holes (much to my frustration). He's not really a chow hound. In fact, he has this strange habit of taking food out of his bowl, taking it to a corner, and eating it there. Then he returns to get more. Kinda strange. He's also a little nervous at new situations, so I'm trying to expose him to new things. Yesterday I bought him a soccer ball and he barked at it all day. I put some peanut butter on it, and he licked it off, and barked some more. :P
  • Beni

    I also forgot to mention Beni likes eating random fibers (rug lint, dog hair, etc), which I think is strange. Does Lyla do that?
  • Paula Hess

    I saw you had an Australian Sheperd and a Corgi, and I thought to myself, "hmmmm, someone else is as crazy as I am". We have a year old Corgi and a 7 year old Aussie. We had recently lost our 11 year old Samoyed in April. The combo of the herding dogs can be hectic, but, fun. Good luck and keep in touch!
  • Paula Hess

    I totally agree!!!! Only herders will be in my heart. They are so loyal and loving. Oh, I am sure that other groups are wonderful as well. I guess I am prejudice. LOL
  • Marion and Vern

    Just wanted to check in and see how Lyla is doing. Fine I hope. Let us know when you can.
  • Kasaundra

    I'm so glad to hear from you! I have been talking with Susan and we are in a holding period right now to hear if Ginger and Paula took. So just waiting for the news and I'm so excited! Would you mind tell me in more detail how your experience with Susan was (how you found her, what your visits were like, ect...) I have only had good experiences with her so far, but it's always nice to hear about previous encounters. Lyla has such beautiful coloring and her features are so feminine! Thanks!
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. I appreciate your response. :)
  • Sam

    Developing your connection, focus and obedience goes a long way in training a great agility dog. You can put objects out and follow a little course having your dog staying with you, making sure to add turns to both the left and the right. You can change your speed as you do this. Make it fun! You can use a mat or rug as a place to practice a sit or down stay. The table can be a very difficult spot. You can make sure to get him comfortable with many different surfaces, practicing inside, outside, a quiet place and a busier place. Work on your recalls. You can make little jumps using a broom on top of two objects. Best of all make it fun.
  • Chris and Andrew

    Thank you for the welcome :-)
  • Chris and Andrew

    BTW, can you tell us how to accept friend request?
  • Jane Christensen

    My Aussie was my daughters and then when they had a baby and Armani became protective...he came to live with us and our old weimeraner mix(the best dog ever) went to live with her as his hips are getting bad. Armani loves the country but he's had to learn alot...he is handsome! I love my corgis the best but I like having a big dog on our land!
  • Beni

    Beni was 22.5 last week. They're so big now!
  • Beth

    They are stunning! Blue Merle Aussies are my favorite dog, but we don't have the life-style to handle Aussie energy. So we went with Corgis, and now I'm hooked on their goofy personalities.

    Keep us posted on the breeding!
  • Kasaundra

    Yes I am! I'm really excited she just sent me the paperwork today!
  • Rachael & Waffle

    Everyone I tell just cracks up at the name "Waffle." They do look like waffles though! So flat (in terms of dogs, anyway) and waffle-colored-- the white parts are like butter or cream. Haha.
    ALSO: Australian shepherds are totally my choice for a second dog. Seriously. You and your pets are awesome.
  • Kasaundra

    I'm sure that the puppy will have a great temperament, every one I've talked to has been very happy with Sue's dogs. I will let you know once I know! And I love that blog too, I especially love the pics of the puppies with her granddaughter...
  • Beni

    Beni made the top 30 for the corgi calendar! Go vote by November 24! :)
  • Beni

    I wanted to ask you about food, since you've done so much research on it. The only really good site i've found is, and all of the top rated food has too much meat in it for a puppy. So what does one feed a puppy (or teenager, in our case) who is still growing? Is that how you picked your food? Are you planning to switch later, or keep them both on that food? Beni got a sample of EVO, and he really loves it, but I'm not sure it's suitable for him right now.
  • Kasaundra

    I did pick one out! Like Susan said in her blog, it came down to two little guys out of Ginger's litter and I just couldn't decide between them so I gave it a day and decided on one and I'm so excited! I'll be getting him the week of Dec. 7th!
  • Kasaundra

    You're telling me! Especially after getting to visit and then not being able to just take him home with me right there and then! But I've been biding my time by buying my puppy essentials, it's been a fun experience. haha :0)
  • Beth

    I was going to send you a message but there's a problem with the message function here so I thought I'd leave a comment!
    I have a work friend who lost an Akita under mysterious circumstances. She sent the dog to Cornell for an autopsy and all they could come up with was some vague immune issue that may (but maybe not) have been caused by reactions to vaccines over time.
    With her current dogs, she has worked out with her vet that after the initial puppy rounds, they do titer-testing every year and only vaccinate when the titer counts drop below a threshold. It has worked for her, but honestly her dogs don't get out around other dogs a lot either, so there is that to consider. She also needed to vet-shop to find one willing to do that. Vets, like doctors, vary in their willingness to work outside of their own accepted protocols. If your Aussie has lots of nagging immune-type health issues, I can understand your feelings on the matter even though I might choose a different path myself. I hope that your agility club is willing to work with whatever you decide is best for your dog. Good luck!
  • Alice

    Thank you for your message. I checked out the second link you sent me but the first one would not open.
  • Allison Musick

    Hi! I laughed when I read your description of Lyla. She could be related to my Corgi, Heidi. Except I have seen Heidi FRAP before...frequently...but not until she was older and not much of a puppy anymore. I like to think of her as Benjamin Button - aging backwards - b/c she seemed so lazy and mature when young, and has gotten more hyper and playful as she's grown older. :) Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who's decided "sit" is enough of an accomplishment for my Corgi. Happy holidays! :)
  • Beth

    Thanks for asking about agility! Unfortunately I had to put it on hold til spring; I checked out the facility and it's several miles back on the most winding country roads you have ever seen. We can get a lot of ice and unpredictable snow squalls here. I have an arthritic condition that leaves my spine and neck very rigid and a minor car crash could be fairly catastrophic, so I use perhaps an abundance of caution. I felt a bit foolish dropping out but the trainer was very understanding. I'll either take a beginner class in spring or perhaps take a few private lessons on Saturday afternoons when at least I can see the road! I will let you know how it goes once we start.
  • Beni

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    -Alex, Teresa, and Beni
  • Mary

    Hi! Thanks for recommending honest kitchen, I've been looking into it a little bit more and it seems like a great company! I've been trying to figure out the cost of it and it seems like it wouldn't be that much more than feeding Nibbler her kibble and it's fairly close to doing raw. It seems like it would be at least worth trying for a few months, so thanks for the recommendation!
  • Rachel & Goldie

    they sound like a cute pair!!!
  • Rachel & Goldie

    Lyla is the cutest thing i have EVER seen!!
  • Beni

    Beni is scared of new things that move on their own. For example, if I leave a jacket on the couch and it starts slipping off the couch, he'll have a cow. If he's licking the yogurt container and it starts to wobble a bit he'll jump a little. But he has gotten a little better about it. Our Petsmart trainer suggested rolling things away from him and having him chase it, and he likes that, and I think it has made him more confident. He also really likes chasing/herding the soccer ball, when at first he was really scared of it. I think he's fearful of those new things, but once he gets used to it he's better the second time around. He will come and sniff new things, but very cautiously, and the instant it starts moving on it's own he does a mini-spaz. :P

    Beni also loves people and is getting to love dogs. He's fine with dogs his size (he had a meetup with Roger and they instantly took a liking to each other) but bigger ones he's a little intimidated of at first, and then after a few minutes he gets more comfortable. It's that first greeting sniff. If the other dog goes too fast he'll sometimes bare his teeth a little and then after they play more then he's fine.

    Hope you're having fun with Brando! He's such a nice looking dog!
  • Beni

    Has Lyla started eating more? Now that we're on Innova, Beni has started eating his whole bowl, so we're doing portion control. He's also filled out a little and is not quite so skinny. I think he's around 26 pounds now!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday Lyla!
  • Jane Christensen

    How's Brando doing???? I bet you're having a great time!
  • Jane Christensen

    Brando...I hope you're feeling better soon so you can enjoy your new family and they can have fun with you!
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp

    For a sick puppy, get well soon. Your friend, RILEY
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp

    You were very helpful and re-enforced a lot of what I already think. Thank you