Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Amber Markley

    I know that Jackson will miss them and he will have fun here too. I will give you updates on how he is doing, i don't get out of school until 3:30pm but I will try to get on Mycorgi at least once a day and tell you how he is doing, and THANK YOU for letting us adopt Jackson.
    Corgi wishes luck to you!
  • Anne Adele

    I'm so glad you don't dock their tails! They are beautiful. I hope this country adopts this practice the way Britain has!
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    i must say that sage really is beautiful corgi, every time i see one of her pictures her eyes seem to look into your soul and melt you heart. she just seem so very sweet and loving. she just has a shining personality you can see through the pictures. and her tail just adds so much character along with her coloring:)
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    your welcome, im sorry about the chewing! that can be frustrating
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the birthday wishes :)
  • WhiteDove

    Thank You. . . .
  • Bob and SparkPlug

  • Barbara Sanders

    Yes, Sage is beautiful also! Fiona is doing very well. She is in obedience class and Therapy dog class. What a sweetheart and very smart! You should be very proud of the quality and temperment of your dogs. My dog Tanner is a wonderful dog and a champ at obedience, but I can definitely see the difference with well thought out breeding!
  • Amber Markley

    Hi Jane-
    Jackson is doing fine and he loves it here! Every time we pet his belly he smiles! It is so funny!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Jane,

    I'm glad you're enjoying my latest pictures. . .by the way I just love your page. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    I thought it was becoming too. . .if Hobbits had dogs, they would be Corgis. . . .LOL
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    i was thinking last night, when your getting old and your bones and body are tired, if you need to get out and move , because the doc says so..then you may need to get a corgi, lol they demand it!
    40 yrs of being a hair dresser has me pretty sore at times but this girl has no mercy ..and i do believe its a good thing
  • Carol & Ein & Widget

    THANK YOU! lol taxes... darn those taxed tails...
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    jane, i just loved your video with the puppies. i watched in over and over. i'll fill you in on rafa and you fill me in on your pups and their homes, if you have the energy & want to. i'm pooped. i had an MRI and a two-sided epidural to relieve back and leg pain. so i'm a little sleepy and this night owl is actually getting into PJs and bed now. i will catch up with you over the weekend. you are strong, jane. i don't think i could do what you do. but, you do it soooo well!!! You should be very proud of this litter. thanks to this site, you can keep up with them and watch as they develop and mature.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hi Jane, Hope you have a safe trip. I didn't realize the peril of deer until my youngest dgt (who's now in the PC in Africa) finished college and drove from Atlanta to LA. The deer freaked her and her friend out and made driving really dangerous. So take care. I feel great today. I got epidurals in my back on both sides of my spine. I didn't want it, but Jack insisted bec. we're going back east next week and he didn't want me holed up at the hotel. Anyhow, it was a POC (piece of cake). I refused to be put to sleep & was glad. It barely hurt. The results today are amazing. This is the first morning in 2 days that I got out of bed w/o meds. Good luck with all your remaining puppies. I loved them all. The one jumping at the camera reminded me of Rafa, haha. High energy.
  • Amber Markley

    yes... she is comming to visit, and they just aboultly love eachother!
  • justine moeller

    Hi Jane. We are picking her up today. My boyfriend is on his way to get her now! We are a bit nervous but hopeful! Wish us luck! Hopefully her dog aggressiveness will be easily correctable.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    How come the owners didn't come to you for the puppy. No breeder ever delivered a puppy to me, esp. in bad weather and deer country. You are very special.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    That's so great. So are you keeping any of the remaining 4? Do you still have the puppy that was jumping at the camera?
  • Sarah Davidson Doty

    so... how many corgi's do you have exactly... one of them looks exactly like mine.
  • Chris

    Thanks Jane, that lunch box was the best purchase for a traveling corgi. Hope Livey and the puppies are doing well!
  • Sarah Davidson Doty

    i did have a corgi before my beloved weezer.. his name was todd. (fox and the hound) he's bigger than him definitely. i think todd was a runt. butt. it's crazy. bella looks exactly like my weezer. i'd love to have as many corgi's as you have. weezer would have fun with them. anyway. all of your dogs are adorable.. oh and i've been wondering something. are was my weezer's tail docked or is he supposed to have a tail like some pictures i've seen of other corgi's
  • Sarah Davidson Doty

    and just read your a welsh corgi breeder... if i were to want another one... i would like to come to you. you wouldn't happen to live around nashville, tn would you
  • Sarah Davidson Doty

    well weezer is pembroke welsh (you know that i'm sure) so i assume you were talking about the other. he's just a mut.. mix of something. we don't really know. but he is the best mut i've ever met. :)
  • Amber Markley

    You are soo welcome! It took three to four days to complete. So it did not take that long at all, it also helped that I did not have school.
  • Jennifer Markley

    I am soooo glad you liked it! We wanted to give you something special....I was going to help do it, but went to a conference for two days, and Amber had it all done when I got back! I am so glad that we got Jackson before anyone else!! It was truly meant to be... I did forget to ask though...did you want the blankets back? I can mail them too if you do...just let me know!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Big thunderstorm here last night. Calvin became an instant snuggler! And Rainy laid on my mom - all night long!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    This Thanksgiving, we are most thankful for you. You allowed us to bring home two wonderful corgis to add to the family. Without them, things would not be the same. Rainy is just so sweet. Everyone loves her, even those people who don't care for dogs. Calvin is just a big moosh who just wants love. We couldn't imagine life wihout either one of them. Thank you for letting us share our lives with these two special, little souls.
  • Laura Jones

    Jane I love the pictures of all your corgi's together. I can't get mine to sit near each other for long enough to take a picture. lol
  • kelly radke

    sorry it took me so long...not much time for computer these days!! fen is a dream come true!!! he has adjusted nicely to our family. he is completely potty trained, very active, and loves to chase my cats and play with them. he loves his kennel, even the first night here, he snuggled in on his little bed and never made a peep. i've never seen such a thing!!! we could not thank you enough for him!!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I feel the same with Rafa as you probably feel about a litter of puppies. Some days are better than others. Rafa is more work than several corgis combined. We re-homed Rafa, and are sure that his breeder separated him from his mother way too young. The breeder then compounded the problem by selling him to a teenage boy and family that never owned a puppy before. Rafa was left alone, outdoors, day and night. Bitter Apple was always our best friend with puppies before Rafa. But, we think Rafa has learned to LOVE the smell and taste of Bitter Apple, and its his new flavor of the month.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    haha. the next flavor of the month is chardonnay!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I'll have a bottle awaiting you in the fridge!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Anytime. I'd love it.
  • Jeremy Oglesby

    Yeah we had a long night last night we had 5 boys and 4 girls,
  • Mary ann Cote

    We went to the beach today. It was in the 70s here and should go up to the 80s tomorrow or Monday. Sorry, couldn't resist!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Thanks for the gift and the birthday wishes!  We will be celebrating Calvin's birthday this Friday with Rainy and some yummy cheesecake!  I'll be sure to take some pictures.  He already has some presents too.  We are very excited!  I hope you guys are all enjoying the snow.  Rainy and Calvin LOVE it!!  My dad has to practically carry Rainy inside, or she won't come in from playing ball in the snow.

  • Seymour Shait

    Thanks for the welcome glad to be here!!



  • Katy

    I hope you guys are enjoying the snow! Sure wish it would warm a little so my bunny butts could play outside a little longer :-/

  • Katy

    I think we did, over here in Farmington. I was traveling to Nebraska when I ran into rain in Northern IA, so I assume it must have rained. What are you doing for exercising your dogs? Mine are getting uptight with eachother quickly.

  • Carol Rea

    Jane, yes he does get stuck!  We had to wait until some of the snow had gone to take him out in his wheels.  The first snowfall, I stupidly threw his ball (the one like yours that he loves) and he went after it and got stuck - then I had to go get him and the ball!!  Before Mike got snow cleared, he carried him out and threw him into the snow - he sat there and FRAPPED, silly corgi.  He also will seal-walk if it is not too deep.  Has been sliding down his ramp (it's icy) to do his business and then we have to carry him back up.  i would rather he just go on the porch!  I know that sounds terrible, but at least I can clean that off and I won't kill myself in the ice picking him up and carrying him back inside.  It is warming up today to 39 YEAH!!!!!  Of course, then it melts, and freezes again overnight - you know how that goes.  I am ready to move back to the rainy Valley (maybe not!)  Have a Merry Christmas!!!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Calvin had pizza and cheesecake on his birthday!  I have some pictures that I have to download...my mom has them on her computer.  It was funny because Calvin and Rainy each got a little bit a cheesecake and Calvin was afraid of the plate it was on.  As Rainy was finishing hers, Calvin had only taken a few licks.  Well, he must've gotten nervous that she would come looking for his cake when she was done, so he snaked out his tongue, grabbed the cake, and stuffed the whole thing in his mouth like a frog.  Go Calvin!  :)
  • TV Artist

    Aw thanks!
  • justine moeller


    The little girl is still with us and doing wonderfully! I dont ever want to let her go, haha. She has such the sweetest personality. Please pass on any info you have with people looking for a corgis. She is going to make someone very happy! :)

  • Andrea De Leo

    Andrea & Romeo~
  • Becky S

    Hi, we have family in Minneapolis area (and lived in there for a couple of years) So we get up that way on occasion.  Love the pictures of all your pups!
  • Colleen Borchardt

    Yes! It is great to find another MN Corgi owner! Yippee!!! I LOVE your herd!!!! They are SO CUTE!!!  My first experience with my breeder was to have her herd of Corgi's run up to me. I loved it!!!  It's hard to stay and just one, but my hubby refuses to let me get another one. However, I think Daisy would be jealous - she really loves being THE ONLY dog in the house. :-)  Thank you for the welcome!

  • Kit Schanz/Adam

    Thank you for your suggestion.  We are getting a lot of comments of sympathy from all those big hearted corgi owners out there.  We'll check out the sites.
  • Shirley M.

    Wow... Livvy looks so much like my Cali.  Thanks for the response to my post. 
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    We're doing great. Thanks for asking. We renamed Rafa, Ricky. So it's now Lucy and Ricky. Long story. Rafa misbehaved so much that Rafa started sounding negative. Doug (& Gromit) plus my GSD breeder friend both suggested a new name and a new start. Sounds crazy, but it's working. He's a new dog. Maybe it's coincidence or maturational, or really too much negative energy connected to a name. We also added an herbal supplement called Nature's Remedy that a corgi-rescue friend suggested. Anyhow, the combination of all or none of the above has worked wonders. ; )   He's a delight to be around now. So glad we never could give up on him. We've had him now almost 6 months & I'm in love with this craaazy boy. Even Lucy seems to like him much more. They are always playing and hanging out together. He's certainly keeping her active and fit. A very happy story after all. For a while when Rafa was at his worst, my husband was seriously telling me to find another home for him. Now Jack's out at Home Depot with Ricky (hard to not refer to him as Rafa, but we're all getting used to it). He does all his errands with him. Ricky and Lucy are also our electrician's and plumber's supervisors. They've been hard at work today! Hope your holidays were wonderful. xoxo wendy