Lance, Tucker & Kristin

Chicago Ridge, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
As of right now, I am working on finishing school so I can get a good job eventually. Working on my photography as well, and looking forward to post all my pictures here for you to see. I'm related to the member Natalie and Lance on here, I am her daughter.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lance is a 5 year old cardigan welsh corgi, who is a blue merle. With two blue eyes. He sure is unique and wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He is there for me, when I need someone to lean on, as well. He knows how to comfort people, and he is very protective. Even though sometimes he acts like a brat, he is just trying to keep you on your feet. He knows when it is time for him to eat, no matter what time we feed him at. Lance is very much loved! :]

Tucker is a pembroke welsh corgi, we do not how old he is. The shelter we got him from estimated that he was about 3 years and 4 months!
I will add more as Tucker gets used to the house. His first day home is 3/6/11!
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle

    I am a big Lance fan....He is such a talented model!! Welcome! ^,,^
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Welcome to the site Kristin and Lance (again, yay)!!!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You're more than welcome Kristin and Lance. Alwyn wishes you lived closer so he'd have a corgi buddy to romp with - he's a big fan of Lance. Thanks for posting such great photos. Look forward to keeping in touch. Give Lance a belly rub for us!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    We wish for the same thing. It’s unfortunate for us to have doggie play dates with any dogs because the closest dog park is nearly an hour away and I’ve heard they recently changed it to an on-leash dog park (nonsense I know). Thank you for your kind words about Alwyn. I’ve always been a fan of Lance and his beautiful markings and striking eyes. My labor day has been very quiet. We went to the beach earlier this week to avoid the crowds and it was a fantastic day. How was your holiday weekend?
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Lance & Kristin,

    Lance is absolutely precious. . .what beautiful coloring. . . .My page is done with HTML coding. . .thanks you enjoyed it. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    I'm doing well thank you, how about you? Did you have a nice Labor Day Weekend? Today my brother and I spent the who day working on the yard. We cut down a tree, replanted some plants in a different area and just worked our buns off. We don't see each other too much even though we live in the same house. He works for Costco and has different days off than I so it's rare we can do constructive stuff together.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!! I think Im seeing double, LOL

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Lance and Kristin! Is that the same Lance, then? He sure gets around, LOL. Welcome!
  • Carol Tippit Woolworth

    We're very happy to be friends with you guys! Things are good...settling in...Looks like Lance is enjoying a wade...
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks! I love Lance, he is perhaps the cutest Cardi I have seen. I do not usually care about colors but really want a blue merle cardi for our next one. I have a very full house now so am not in a hurry but I enjoy your pictures!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You're too sweet. We thank you for being our friend too! Again, it's a shame we don't live closer to have meet ups. If we ever travel in your area again we will definitely stop by! ^,,^
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Both of our situations in search of a decent dog park are incredibly frustrating. That’s fantastic though that you have a doggie beach - very cool! Sometimes I guess you have to weigh out whether it worth the hassle of fighting traffic to get there or just ignore it and have a blast either way. I just see it as you’re planning a fun day for the pup and that’s what really matters. The laws behind having an on-leash dog park around here is because of the irresponsible dog owners who ruin it for the rest of us. Yet that seems to be a recurring issue no matter where you go. It’d be nice to know we could go to a respectable place for everyone to enjoy. I’ll tell you though, on the West coast it’s incredibly dog friendly! Dog parks, dog friendly restaurants, dog friendly bakeries, etc. It’s fantastic. I just wish our parts of the states would catch on quicker. To answer your question, Alwyn is a tri-colored Pembroke. Lol, I do pass your words on to Alwyn as you do with Lance and he does the same thing. Sometimes he’ll roll over as if to get a belly rub but then again I don’t want his head to get too big with the compliments. I’m glad you had a great weekend yourself, especially with cute lil’ Logan. Great shots! Sounds like a fun time! ^,,^
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    I agree with you on irresponsible dog owners. It breaks my heart when they don’t pay attention to oncoming cars when they have them on their leash and the dog is nearly in the middle of the road, they don’t care if their dog is aggressive towards others and then they get angry at either their own dog or the other owner, I could go on forever. The incident you had with the doberman and his owner must have been horrible. The dog didn’t know any better, his human should have. We usually go for a walk on a trail that run parallel to an ignorant guy’s house who lets his dog do anything. One night the dog (who’s pretty big) rushed towards Alwyn and tried starting a fight. The guy ran over to me and said “Which dog started it” then just yelled at his dog and didn’t apologize. Again, I could go on forever on how I really feel about irresponsible dog owners but I’ll refrain. You really would love the way of life on the West coast. It was actually nice for us because we drove to Provincetown and unbeknownst to us they were the most dog friendly town in our area that we’ve even known. We even had dinner with Alwyn at a restaurant that brought a bowl of water for him. There were even stores that allowed him to come in. It was fantastic. You sure picked out a handsome boy when you found Lance. We’ve love to get Alwyn a cardigan brother or sister in either a blue merle like Lance or a brindle color. I’m glad Lance has a good buddy in Logan. We still haven’t found a buddy for Alwyn besides our cats, but they get annoyed with his rough housing after awhile. My day was great thank you for asking. I had a second job interview which I believe I aced. Now it’s just awaiting a phone call back for the details. How was your day? To answer your question, Alwyn was born Feb. 1st so he is just over 7 months old. I’ll mark Lance’s b-day on our calendar so we can celebrate!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    We both have very strong views on the unfortunate animals that have bad owners. There are countless occasions where animals are blamed, wronged, abused and even the unmentionable situations because of their own owners or cruel, ignorant, irresponsible owners. It breaks my heart. I believe that you don't have a heart unless you truly care about animals and see how amazing they are – no matter how big or small. Shame on the owner of the doberman you came across, he should have known better and he's the one who needs the training. When we were looking for names for Alwyn we knew we wanted a Welsh name so that's where we started. Randomly, we came across “Alwyn” (pronounced All-win) and looked into its meaning. It's a very old Welsh name which means “friend of the elves” or “noble friend” which was perfect because corgis are dwarf dogs. We fell in love with it so the name stuck. I'm glad you waited on looking for the perfect dog then finding Lance. That's when you know fate took its place and I can tell that it surely did. I feel the same way with Alwyn. We followed his breeder for over a year and loved his mom and dad as a combination. When his mom had her litter we instantly fell in love with Alwyn. After much talking and getting approval from the landlord, he was the last puppy left and was decidedly ours the night I contacted the breeder. I do agree in that we have a lot in common, I'm glad you joined the site! Thank you for your well wishes on my job interview. I'll let you know if/when I hear the good news. So tell me a little about yourself if you don't mind me asking. You say you're finishing up school, what are you studying? What are your other interests?
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Lucy, Rafa and I are delighted to be friends with you and Lance. Is Natalie your mom? I saw a hilarious photo of Lance with a red & white Pem who looked ready to take his head off. I have many shots like that of Lucy, my 4 yo red & white when "playing" with our recently rehomed tri boy, Rafa. He is such an adorable pest. He wants to be near Lucy every minute. Lucy was accustomed to 4 years as princess. And now she has this rascal little brother who wants to be next to her every minute. Even when she's sleeping he has to bring his toy and chew on it right next to her! But, it's getting better!
  • Aj

    Hello and welcome to the site Kristin! Looks like Lance is quite popular!
  • WhiteDove

    I had a great Labor Day weekend too. Thank you.
  • WhiteDove

    Have a great day. . . .
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hey, how was your weekend? Did you and Lance do anything fun?
  • Christina and Baby Jack

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! Jack says thank you too! :D We hope you have a great day!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hey, sorry for the delay it's been one of those weeks and I'm just trying to catch up on all of my messages. I hope all is well with you and your handsome boy Lance. I love the idea on how you got Lance's name. I love the name “Avalanche” and my fiance and I have an inside joke / saying about it so I love it even more! I should tell you that I did get the job I was interviewed for and I had my first day this past Wednesday. It's a part time job as a chiropractic assistant at a small private practice and the chiropractor that I work for is very laid back. I've only had one day but I really like so far! Wow I can't believe you're only in high school! You write very well I imagined you were older, no offense! How many more years do you have until you graduate? Do you know what you want to study in college yet? Make sure you study hard – it may not seem like it's important now but colleges do take a serious look at your grades when you're applying. I'm sure though that you have good grades already. I'm currently working on my Masters degree in Occupational Therapy. I took four years off after I finished my undergraduate degree to work, travel and receive my massage therapy license. I just started my Masters program earlier this month and I'll be working towards it over the course of 4 years as a part time student. I hope you had a great weekend. Give Lance a hug for us!
  • Ellen Andersen

    I just love his colors! He's a handsome devil!
  • Katie & GiGi

    thank you!! and what a lovely looking cardigan you have! such beautiful coloring (:
  • MollyJo

    Lance is gorgeous! and happy birthday! :)
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!
  • Alice

    Happy birthday!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Happy Birthday Lance!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday Kristin!!! Lance is tommorow!!! :)
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hey Kristin, you're very welcome. I'm sorry I didn't know it was YOUR birthday the day before. I sent your mom this link, I'm not sure if you saw it but consider this a belated "Happy Birthday" from Alwyn and I.
    Things are going very well for me - working hard on those earned straight A's in my classes, work is keeping me busy, Alwyn is 9 months now and growing up every day, no complaints really. =) How about yourself? Did you have a nice birthday?? Did you do anything special for Lance?
  • Stefanie

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Elizabeth

    Hee hee; I feel like an April Fool. :)  I didn't even notice that Lance's Christmas tree would have been "twins," too.  Thanks for clearing that up!

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hey lady! Sorry I've been a little MIA - end of the semester papers and projects have been keeping me away from responding to everyone. Overall things are going good on my end, how about yours? I hope school is going well for you too. I adore the new photos that have been posted of Lance, what a handsome fella! If I don't talk to you beforehand, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. 

  • Ellen Andersen

    Have a wonderful holiday full of treats, stuffies, belly rubs, and fun!
  • Elizabeth

    Thank you for the note; I'm so glad I now know that you are Natalie's daughter and she is your mother!  You have one very handsome Cardigan.  We are trying to get everything in order for Christmas in Virginia; I'm so glad it finally feels like winter.  I have two daughters at home who think I'm a silly corgi mama.  I say they are just missing out on the MyCorgi fun!  Merry Christmas!

  • Stephen and Picadilly

    Thank you, she is a very pretty girl. You have a great looking mix yourself!!
  • Stephen and Picadilly

    Not totally sure, I want to say pem., cardigan mix and maybe some heeler. I'm saying that because there is some black in the coat and the spots like a heeler, plus someone on here mentioned heeler.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Red Ribbon
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    Hi Kristin & Lance! Ollie and his mom have been very well and we're getting excited about Ollie's new lil sister -- another red/white PWC who is tentatively named Penny -- joining us in a couple of months! Aren't corgi pups the cutest?!


    Hope you have a great day!

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    hi Kristin and and Lance:) your welcome and thank you! i hope you have a wonderful day too!:)
  • Shepdog

    Aw... we're doing okay over here, well... except that we lost our female Pembroke Piper to Lymphosarcoma on Monday. We knew it was coming though -- she'd been only given until Christmas, so she way outlived what the vet had expected. :) Sad week at our house, unfortunately -- I haven't had the heart to make a post about it here.


    I hope things are well with you all, though! :) Lance, of course, is always handsome! :D

  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    Ollie's new little sib is due in just under 2 weeks! She (or he if there aren't any girls or if there's a male runt) won't be home until the beginning of May but we're so excited! Hopefully Ollie will be at least slightly excited when it's time... he's kind of the king of the castle right now and knows it! ;)
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hey Kristin and Lance! Alwyn thanks you both so very much for the birthday wishes. He enjoyed his first birthday but having a fraptastic day at our family's old farm in addition to a new toy and plenty of his favorite rawhide chews. Things have been going well on my end - extremely busy with my classes, work, everything else that life brings. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the new photos that you had posted of Lance. He's such a handsome boy I don't think you could ever take a bad photo of him. My fiance and I still comment to this day on how gorgeous his markings are. How have you been? Are you on school vacation this week?
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Aww thank u! He sure does love his photo taken lol I have been doing pretty good. I am now a dog trainer at petco and its a ton of fun:) I get to bring teddy to work with me which is the best part! lol I must say I LOVE all the photos of lance. He sure is a handsome boy! How r things going for u?
  • Amy Freed

    Hope I am typing in the correct area.  Yes, it is the Tucker I saw.  Oh, that will be great to adopt him.  To me, there seems to be a kindness in his eyes or somehow a gentleness about him.  Just my view!!  LOL!!  I hope everything works out very well!!