Susan Stanton


Lakeside, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a single financial editor who works out of my home in rural CT. So thank goodness for dogs -- they are the best company, and I've met the nicest people while walking them in the trails and woods nearby!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two fabulous pups -- Bertram Wilberforce Wooster ("Bertie"), a tri born in May 2004, and his little niece, Ethel Barrymore ("The Devil"), born in November, 2007. They are the happiest, friendliest little dogs with great senses of humor and a strange psychic ability to convince me that they are starving 2 minutes after dinner.
I have:

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  • Carlie

    Susan, thanks so much for the compliments and comments! Kiwi loves the snow, and loves Sam even more. They have been friends since Kiwi was about 10 weeks old, and I swear they are in love. These pups are just too cute to even stand it. I love your corgi in the snow pictures.
  • Susan Temple

    YES! That was me at the dog park! I actually sent you a friend request earlier today-- because I remember you and Bertie from the park! I love your new little girl, what a doll. And I love her name, Ethel. Makes me smile. Actually, we are looking for a little girl dog to add to our pack. We lost our 'BIG' dog (Rottie mix) Buddy this past Dec. and Peanut misses him. Either that or he feels his place in the pack has moved up, he may be getting a little big for his britches. I really do think it's because he's lonely. Plus the weather has been so crappy this winter we haven't been to the dog park. We have looked at a few rescues but they didn't work out. I'm hoping that once I reconnect with people at the park we will find a dog for us. (Of course I'd LOVE another corgi) So how is it having another puppy around? Nice to hear from you!
    The other Susan
  • Susan Temple

    Yeah, I think we are going to avoid Southbury until mud season is over!! Bertie and Peanut are very much alike, Peanut is so bonded to me I haven't been in the bathroom alone since he came to live here!! LOL We have been looking at this little beagle girl that is at the Naugatuck pound, she is so sweet, but she has a nasty case of red mange (which is improving finally). Since it's not contagious I take Peanut over there to visit. He is ok with her and he actually will let me pet the two of them at the same time, very un-Peanut like! She follows Peanut around, but he's not really interested in any play yet. I'd love another Corgi, and since it's impossible to find a rescue corgi (we were very lucky with Peanut), I'd go to a breeder. But I'm not sure I want to go through puppyhood again! I guess we'll see. So do the CT corgis get together at all? I'd love to do that!
  • Ree, Erica & Mr. Belvedere

    Bertie and Ethel look like so much fun! We just picked up Mr. Belvedere from the vet today and he's just as spunky as he was before he had his you-know-whats removed. Thanks for the compliment on the avatar, my coworker who's a designer created the Corg-Ree for me. I love your Andy Cor-Hol image too.
  • Paddy and Karley the Corgies

    Thank you for the kind words. I'm so happy to hear there are other humans playing the same pick up games with their corgis. I spoil him rotten, as it should be. He brings me so much joy every day that I would have more little bunny butts running around if I could. Your Bertie is very handsome and Ethel very cute.
  • Linda Taylor

    Mickey was found by the help of many good people. Word got out fast and once the dog loving network got hold of a PDF of our poster it was sent far and wide. One of the agility connections happened to send a copy to the Greylock Animal Hospital in North Adams. That's 30 miles from us. Someone saw him on the street and brought him in and they recognized him. They scanned his microchip for confirmation and contacted us right away. He still had his collar but all the tags had been removed. There is now way those little 4" legs got him 30 miles so we are certain some one dognapped him. Maybe the changed their mind. Maybe he escaped. But we are very grateful to all the people who helped him get home.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Susan, just wanna drop by and say thank you! for starting helpful threads and topics that will benefit owners for years to come :)
  • Melissa Bee

    Skeezix and I just dropped in to say 'hi' and wonder if you've gotten any new baby pictures!!! Since you're calling your baby Hailley, her nickname could be Streak, as in a comet's tail!!! ;-).

    Melissa and the Skeezer
  • Suri's (Sugar Magnolia)

    Hi Susan,
    It's Carsynn from upstate NY, mom to Suri the very expectant mommy. We live in the Finger Lakes area of western upstate NY. Think "between Buffalo and Rochester amongst the beauty of the Finger lakes!" I would love to have these pups tp be adopted out sooner than later. I can't imagine the amount of stress giving these babies new homes will cause. Wouldn't it be wonderful if only Corgi LOVERS took them???!! Thanks for any referrals. Did I say the vet thinks we may have NINE babies??????? Dear God, in my LIFE I only had 8!! ( in one fellswoop! Quite a feat for my Suri girl!!!:)
  • Ashleigh and Sophie!

    Hi, She's doing okay. Not showing any signs of the disease as of yet. I talked to my dad about how they don't want to treat her yet, and he was shocked! Doesn't think it's okay at all ( he has grown up with dogs since he was a kid) so he wants to get sophie a new vet, so we're looking around right now. But she's happy as ever! Thanks :) Your pups are so cute, do they get along well? I Want to get another one someday :)
  • Ashleigh and Sophie!

    thanks again!!!
  • Susan Temple

    Oh my goodness! I just checked you latest pictures and Ethel looks so grown up!! They do grow up so quickly... Both Ethel and Bertie are beautiful. I am still on the lookout for another corgi. I have my name in with a breeder who just had a litter of 4 girls. The application was like adopting a kid. Maybe we'll get lucky though. Maybe we can meet up at Southbury soon!
  • Susan Temple

    Yeah , maybe by the end of the month the dog park won't be a mud-bowl! The breeder is in CT. I found her through the Mayflower Corgi Association. My main thing is that Peanut and the puppy get along. I looked at other breeds, but, sigh, I am a devoted Corgi mom. I just can't see getting any other breed!
  • Susan Temple

    Hi! I just sent you a message, but maybe leaving one on your wall would be better-- Peanut and I are heading to Southbury this morning! If you are in the mood we'll be there around 10:30-11.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Kelli & Penny

    Yeah we untaped her ears 4 days early, she hated it and she's only 11 weeks so I honestly didn't see a need for it even though the breeder obviously did (she had already taped them when we picked her up). Her one ear flopped a little today but I'd rather give her a little bit of cottage cheese in her food and massage it than make her go through the itchiness of having her head taped! Thanks for your comment, we've been doing everything you talked about (sans actually being able to give puppy 1 on 1 attention because Faulks gets really upset if you shut him in a room away from her I'm going to sign her up for puppy classes soon so she'll get some time away from him.) I'm hoping they'll be happy and best buds :)
  • Kelli & Penny

    We named him Faulks because he looks like a Fox, and my boyfriend was a history major so also after Guy Fawkes, and also Fox Mulder ;) Hehe, we just changed the spelling a bit.
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the boot suggestion.
  • Harmons

    Susan your babies are beautiful and it is so true about the corgis being great companions. I know I don't know what I would do without mine.
  • Bev Levy

    Sparty started favoring the back leg on and off. The vet had difficulty manipulating his back leg because of how muscular he is but he said you could feel movement (which is a sympton of torn ligament). He did an x-ray which showed some disconection in the knee (who knew corgis had knees?). We decided not to do the surgery for the reasons I mentioned and Sparty took anti-inflamatories for a couple months. It has been a couple years and we just try to limit some activities like jumping and racing around. He is ten now and has an excellant quality of life. My neighbor's cocker had the surgery and also is doing well so I guess it is different in every case. Good luck!
  • Bev Levy

    We used rimydal too. Sparty limped after resting too but now if he does it, it usually means he overdid it the day before. He hasn't been on the anti-inflamatories for several years now. He is ten and has slowed down a little plus we don't encourage mad dashes and jumping high after balls.
  • Boo Buchheit

    That is what I thought but some unusual circumstances have led to the availability of little Rowdy and I am thinking I would be able to give him a good home even if it is a little crowded.
  • Sunni A.

    Eddy's eyeball's fine now... But it was definately the other dog who needs to learn the soft mouth. Eddy's lost a lot of his interest in biting anything these days (lucky me), let alone living creatures. It was not serious, though, I was like, "Buck up wimp!" Hehe.
  • Corgibyassociation

    I wish I had say in the neutering for Cloud, but he's my boyfriend's dog and I don't have say--sadly. I don't know if it would make a difference with all he experienced at the dog park--before that he was a lot sweeter and friendlier with new dogs and now he isn't so much, except for Freya.
  • Kimber-Leigh May

    thanks a ton for the kind words. yeah i figured the same that she would need a little bit of jewels and it would have been perfect. This was a lot of fun ... downtown hosted a dogs night out with contests and games and dinner out with the pups and photo shoots and all kinds of booths with doggie accessories. it was good times and i love the photos too they really capture her personality and beauty.
  • Elle Petersen

    Thats ok, it probaly was a glitch
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Ya, I'd probably want the tails too if someone took mine away, lol. Don't worry though, she doesn't hurt them. And they are tougher than they look ;) The ferrets are much more rough playing together than the pup is when she's playing with them
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Well the ferrets are definitely capable of holding their own, and yes they are also known for being escape artists.My poor Ray will probably grow up thinking she is a ferret. Haha. I think the goat thing would be a great idea. I'm sure your lovely dogs would really enjoy that. Have you tried buying them some geese as herding practice? They're a great starter animal.
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Sounds like you have an absolute natural. Lol. That's hilarious about him only herding if you were there though. I can imagine the other dogs found it pretty amusing, haha. And I totally understand the money thing, fencing can cost quite a bit, depending what kind you get.
  • WhiteDove

    the funky corgi cursor is an HTML code that you add to your advanced code in Themes. . . .it is cute huh???
  • ilovestubbylegs

    I love your profile picture! Is that your corgi (I know there is a website where you can turn pictures into pop art like that)?
  • ilovestubbylegs

    That is a great photo! I can see how Bertie would win the beautiful dog contest. I wanted to do that same effect with the photo attached here because Rufus' ears look so BIG! But the picture isn't the clearest and I didn't like the stuff in the background so I just played around with it on paint and took out the background. I'd still love to get a good enough picture of my dog to make a pop art picture like yours.
  • Kimberly

    Hello!! I am considering a dog from Janet Richardson of Tresaith Corgis and notice you mention you got one of your dogs from her. Please add me as a friend so we can converse about this via email! Thanks!!!
  • Dooby

    Thanks for stopping by. I saw Bertie and Devil photos too, they look so happy.
    Dooby has a question for you, he wonder where can he get the "donut liked" bed that Bertie and Devil are using, that's huge, he definitely want one.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Just wanted to say (if I haven't already) that Bertie is so handsome!!!!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Thanks for the compliment, says Algy! His condition is a blood disorder where his body attacks his platlettes. He is on steroids to keep up his numbers but every now and then he has a relapse and has to go back in for adjustment. He used to go for bloodwork every week but now he goes every few weeks. Poor kid. He loves to go though - he loves the vet!
  • Bev Levy

    Yeah, and on a hard floor no less! They sure are funny!
  • Susan Temple

    Hey there! I left a message in your newest thread. Nice to hear from you. I hear you on the bossy thing. I'm having the same problem with Peanut. But Tulip seems to be a happy go lucky, whatever, kind of gal. Hopefully that will not change. To cold for the park lately anyway. Maybe when it gets warmer we can go for a walk with them all somewhere. Nice to hear from you! Happy New Year!
  • Susan Temple

    I haven't been able to do anything about the bossy thing either. One on one, especially with puppies, Peanut is fine. When we go over someone's house or they bring their dog here-- Peanut is fine. But in a pack or on leash he is terrible. Get this.. we went to a 'Barktoberfest' and they had all sorts of vendors and practitioners there. And I said, what the h*ll, we'll talk to a pet psychic!! Yeah, I know but I couldn't resist. Anyway, it was mostly intuitive stuff. Anyone could look at the two of them and KNOW that Peanut is edgy and Tulip is easy going. But I asked the woman about Peanuts aversion to some dogs. She said it was an energy thing and that the other dogs challenge him and he doesn't like it. She also asked if anyone makes fun of Peanut because he doesn't like that either. Well slap some butter on me and call me a biscuit... he's a DOG for God's sake. But if anyone does make 'fun' of him I will be sure to inform them that my dog does not like it. LOL. But here's the thing that made me kinda listen to the woman. I asked her if, since he was a rescue, there was anything that happened before we got him that made him so wary. Now that was me swinging the door open for her to tell me all sorts of things about him being abused. But instead she sort of looked at Peanut for a minute and then said, Nope, he had no trauma or anything that he's held onto from his life before us. She said he knows his home is with us and he's very happy! Ok, so that made me believe her, at least a little.
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    Greetings from Lobo=]
  • Ace and Jen

    Thanks for the comment.. i feel like that here too =) i never see any corgis locally i mean the first one i Ever saw was when we went to the beach years ago with our Elderly dog ... I think We have a secret society too =)

    Unless i get a Close up pic of Ace's face no one really sees the Black around his eyes.. it reminds me of Like Pharaoh eye make up =) I call him my little King Butt (king tut)
  • Ace and Jen

    I just adore his 'I know im cute attitude'.. that Im guessing all corgis have =)
    Currently he to is barking.. though at mom because she has nachos and at me because i put the baby gate up to prevent him from eating the other dogs food while they attempt to eat lol
  • Ace and Jen

    Ya she called me a little bit ago and wasnt mad and said everything was fine i was so thankful cuz i wasnt sure what to do =)
  • Ace and Jen

    I have no idea... I dont even remember what it was like Before we got our First Dog.. which is funny since it was 10 years ago -wow i have a bad memory lol-

    Boarding? Why are they in Boarding for?
  • Jill Usher

    OMG, I love your pics. I, too, live in CT. In Newington. My little guy is Jake.
  • elly harper

    Regarding Betsy, her "parents" are Dewy & Deryn. BTW your corgis are of opposite sex, right? We had another female with Duchess ( her niece) and after a few years the younger would start fights & D would finish them. Up to 5 fights before 9am! We had to adopt the little one out to a one dog home. Her new owner had just lost her foster corgi & it worked out beautifully. We are thinking about getting another corgi, but I think a male would be better. Thoughts? (Janet's corgis are gorgeous & we are very happy with MissB.)
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Happy B-day, BW. Hope you got to howl at the moon a little. - Gromit
  • Jackson♥

    Cool profile picture! hope we can be friends
  • Jackson♥

    Well since his allergies are only in the fall and the winter, we dont have to worry about giving him that topical spray. Boy is he relieved! haha(: Thats great about your picture, it looks award winning!
  • Kaisdy

    Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Thank you for your comment!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!