Molly and Isabella


Modesto, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Married, 2 children, 1 cat and 1 adorable Corgi!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Isabella was born 6/29/10 and joined our family on 9/4/10. She's a female tri-colored fluffy and is simply amazing!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Welcome to the site Molly and Isabella! Can't wait to see more pics of your adorable little one.
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin

    Welcome to the site Molly & Isabella, you remind me of my uncle's dog who's name is Isabella just like yours and is also a pembroke corgi, can't wait to see more pictures!
  • Carol Rea

    Welcome Molly and Isabella - she is adorable!!! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Carol Rea

    thank you for the friend request. Is she getting any better at sleeping?
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You're very welcome! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. ^,,^
  • Teresa Gilpin

    Love Isabella, she is precious. I hope you have lots of years of love and laughs!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome MJB and Isabella!
  • Keli, Abbey, Buster,Bella & Kids

    Thanks, Keli and Abbey
  • Linda

    OMGoodness, she is so stinking cute!!! I love the pic in the grass! Can I ask where you got her, I'm looking for a tri-colored fluff to become Sadie's little sister.
  • Beth

    You are welcome! There is so much info out there, it's very confusing and I agree sometimes it comes down to trusting the judgement of your vet. Good luck with your adorable puppy!
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    What a doll! Isabella is so adorable. Congratulations on your new addition and thanks for adding us. :o)
  • Carrie Ritter

    Ah, you have a fluff too. Congrats on the new puppy, great pics. I miss the puppy stage...
  • Betts

    Tomorrow! I'm picking him up at 3 o'clock. I'm the only one in town tomorrow so I hope he doesn't cry on the way home because I have to drive. Since my husband is out of town he gets to sleep on the bed in his crate the first night, and I hope that will help with homesickness.

    Isabella is SO cute. Ffionn has a fluffy brother and sister, and his sister looks a lot like Isabella. He's from a litter of 9.
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Happy Birthday Molly!! ^,,^
  • Katie & GiGi

    what a beautiful fluffy!! (:
  • Katie & GiGi

  • Wesley Belcheer

    Thank you. She is our Sweet girl.
  • Jen

    Thank you! I would have thought it would be a more all-over thing as well. The fur on her little bunny-butt is still the super soft puppy fur. That's about the only soft, fluffy puppy fur she has left! Your Isabella is very cute too! I think fluffies are adorable :)
  • MollyJo

    isabella is precious!!! <3 enjoy every moment with the little pup! I missed almost all of Tegan's puppyhood because I was listed for an organ transplant shortly after I got him, and received it just 10 days later which meant months in the hospital away from him. :( It's a very special time... enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    since you are a dog walker , maybe you can give me a clue how to get Carly to walk with out pulling.. ive tried the choke chain..too much jerking on the neck for me to feel comfortable with, the prong collar, it broke and she got away, then i bought a harness that is suppose to stop the pulling but its not helping much, all it does is slow her down.. i tried the gentle leader and she fought it till she got out of it too! We are in our second go around of training classes, and cant seem to master the loose leash, hahah this girl!!!
  • Kari & Quin

    Thanks Molly, I cant wait to see pictures of your Isabella as she grows. Take a lot of them cause it is so fun to look back at them. She is going to grow up to be a gorgeous girl also, even though now she is adorable, the picture of her with her nose in the grass!! I love to look at everybodys pictures:)
  • Betts

    Ffionn is a character! Two days ago I got back home and found him at the front door with Rufus. When I left he was in his crate on the third floor. So, he not only got out of his crate somehow but he taught himself how to go down stairs. I remember having to teach Rufus and Chloe (who was quite the little athlete) how to go down the stairs, but this little guy needed no instruction. He's not even very big, so it's really funny to see him go up or downstairs.

    He's got a round patch of red on each ear, and the back of his head is pretty red. He's got the black forehead, but I see red hairs in it. I'm thinking he may be completely redheaded like his mother. His daddy still has some black on his forehead, but Fionn's got too much red for me to think it will stay.

    I'm glad you're enjoying Isabella. They're so much fun as puppies, but I can hardly wait until he's had all his shots and we can do more outside. Unfortunately, it will be December by then, so I'm hoping for a warm winter.
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You're very welcome, I hope you had a great birthday! (Sorry for the delay!)
  • MollyJo

    Yes, Molly Jo is my name. I go by Molly, but my mom wanted me to have a "country" name because I was raised on a farm so she gave me that middle name, heehee! I work at a vets office, and yes, lots of dogs named Molly come in. I like it for dogs, it's cute. I don't know hardly any other Molly people though, which is nice. I would hate to be named something common! :-P
    Is Isabella your first corgi?
  • MollyJo

    Aww, thank you! I will definitely hang in there. I'm applying at a few places today, hopefully I'll hear from somewhere quickly. I do always have dog walking to fall back on, which isn't great money but it'll help until I can find a new position somewhere.
    I will definitely read your story with isabella, it sounds like she found you at just the right time :) My first corgi was a present from my parents when I was 10, her name was Dinky. She was the best! I was sad because I had to leave her back home when I moved out here to CA for school, and she passed away last year. She loved the farm life too much to be bothered with moving into a little apartment with me. Tegan however has adapted to the apartment life fabulously. I want another Corgi so badly... but I must restrain myself until I am out of vet school lol... or so I keep telling myself as I browse every few weeks lol
  • Elizabeth

    Thank you. ;) BTW - This is flyball. Funny that the photo is of a corgi.
    Jon and I tried a little beginning agility last week at his CGC training class and it was so much fun; herding would have been fun, too. Oh well.
    Isabella is a little doll (I just love the fluffs). She will get lots of oohs and ahhs when you start taking her places.
  • Elizabeth

    Yeah, that's my Dewi, too.  He's walking trouble; but so much fun!

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You’re more than welcome, I got such a kick out of your post! I’m glad you’re able to laugh at now. You can’t help but think of how cute Isabella is amidst the mess she made. =) That’s smart you’re able to put baby gates up to block her from investigating the tree. We’ve just completely thrown out the idea of having a tree for years because of our cats taking apart the ornaments and knocking the table tree we had a few years ago. Now with this being Alwyn’s first Christmas, I still don’t trust the cats and I know he’d get wayyyyy too excited about it. Maybe in the future though! =) I hope the rest of your house decorating goes much more smoothly than it started. Do you have any updated photos of her? I’d love to see how much she’s grown! 


  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    haha your very welcome:) your post was so cute and funny, it also got me worried too! lol i am very glad she is ok. this is just a stage and i know with patience it will pass rather quickly

  • Kari & Quin

    Hi Molly,  Yes even though I brush Quin and bath her regularly she does get mats behind the ears the fur there is so soft.  But what i do is just work at it if you use your fingers and kind of pull the mat apart and the brush a little and then pull some more it will come out or if you just want to cut it don't just cut it off. Cut up into the middle just make a snipe and then do the pull apart thing and brush, that way she doesnt have a bald spot I think if you take her to the groomer they will just cut it out. Also I use my shampoo and conditioner on Quin and make sure to get it behind her ears, ( Bed Head moisture maniac)  also another place to keep an eye out for mats is under the front legs (arm pit area) and the inside of the back legs.  As for the nails I use a dremmel it is so much easier and I am not afraid I am going to cut too far. (she only struggles a little haha)    Oh if you put her up on a table she may not struggle as bad when you brush her.

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Awesome, I can't wait to see new photos of her once you have the chance to post them. I totally understand how life can just get busy, I'm sure she's gotten even more adorable as she's grown.

  • Elizabeth

    Any word on Isabella?  Jon came home around 5 p.m. and seems okay, although very sore and tired/not himself (understandable).  He pooped almost as soon as he got home and so far no mess, but he's straining some and he (God help him) dragged his sore bottom across the ground. :( 

    Hope your girl is okay.

  • Joanne Koppenaal

    Get well soon Isabella!
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Thanks for leaving the comment on my page.  I made Luna's spay appointment for the beginning of next month.  I do really trust my vet as she's been my vet for a decade now - she is also a fellow corgi lover and her old corgi was actually the first one I met.  I think I'll probably be asking them to update me once she's out of surgery and such and probably feed her a bland diet post-op.


    I hope Isabella is doing better! :)

  • Joanne Koppenaal

    Hi Molly, just wondering how Isabella is doing? Have been thinking about you over weekend :)
  • Joanne Koppenaal

    That is the best news! I know you are relieved! You had to miss her terribly Friday while you were at work, so glad you had the weekend to spend with your precious girl!  Glad she is back to her frisky pup self!
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    hey Molly:) no problem i love your blogs, isabella is so adorable! and i just love hearing how well she is doing:) and understand completely about the pics. i have been really busy too
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Haha thanks.. I know it will be worth it, it just sucks hahaha.. I want one now! They're so cute:)

    Right now I think I have my breeder picked out, it's just a matter of when I'll be able to get one, you know?