Molly and Isabella
  • Female
  • Modesto, CA
  • United States
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Molly and Isabella's Friends

  • Amy
  • Karla Roeseler
  • Ingrid & Ein
  • Zigward & Kimberly
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Mitch
  • Beca and Mishka
  • Wesley Belcheer
  • Katie & GiGi
  • Marsha and Sophie
  • Michelle
  • Keli, Abbey, Buster,Bella & Kids
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin
  • Nicole Martinez
  • Donna and Lilly

Molly and Isabella's Discussions

Do-it-yourself Bordatella vaccine

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karyne & Dr. Sheldon Cooper Nov 16, 2012. 6 Replies

Isabella is required to have the Bordatella vaccine for her grooming facility.  I have always had all her shots done by the vet.  I know she is due for Bordatella and when I called to make her a…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Shou Mar 14, 2012. 9 Replies

Does anyone have a bunny that peacefully coexists with your Corgi?Isabella and our cat get along fairly well, they chase each other equally. :o)My daughter may be bringing a bunny into the house to…Continue

FURminator ON SALE!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Molly and Isabella Nov 10, 2010. 2 Replies

I wasn't sure where to post this, or even if I can, but I'll give it a shot! I just noticed that has the FURminators on sale.  The small is out of stock, but the medium is on sale for…Continue

Tags: FURminator

Puppy Shot schedule...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Molly and Isabella Oct 28, 2010. 13 Replies

Do puppies normally get 3 DHPP shots or 4?  I'm conflicted.  The breeder (who is a vet) paperwork shows 4 needed, with Isabella's scheduled "due" dates.  She had one before we got her and she's…Continue


Molly and Isabella's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Married, 2 children, 1 cat and 1 adorable Corgi!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Isabella was born 6/29/10 and joined our family on 9/4/10. She's a female tri-colored fluffy and is simply amazing!
I have:

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Molly and Isabella's Blog

GULP! I swallowed a needle...

Posted on September 12, 2011 at 6:30pm 8 Comments

Yes, it is true.  On 9/7/11 at 6:00 p.m. Isabella swallowed a sewing needle.  YIKES!  I saw something in her mouth, got to her, opened her mouth, saw what loooked like a needle or pin, reached for it...gulp, it was GONE!  She certainly is a canine vaccuum cleaner with a bite like a vice grip...She has done well with "drop it" and had gotten many other unsavory things in her mouth, but…


She can swim!

Posted on June 16, 2011 at 4:07pm 4 Comments

Will someone please tell me why I thought Isabella would sink like a hot rock?  Ha Ha.


We recently moved to a new house with a pool and I've been so nervous about her falling in.  I never leave her unattended in the yard.  Her butt has slipped in once, but I fished her out in a split second.  I even considered a doggie life vest, just in case...


Now that the weather is warming up, the kids have been in the pool several times.  Isabella goes NUTS and runs…


Groom of Doom!

Posted on May 26, 2011 at 11:32am 15 Comments

So, it's been a week since the Groom of Doom and I'm finally ready to blog about it...Last Friday 5/20/11, I took Isabella to the groomer.  It was time for a bath and a nail trim and I needed her out of the house while our new plantation shutters were being installed.  She goes nuts over the sound of drills, tape measures, you name it...She would have barked her head off and drove the poor installer crazy!  Anyway, this is the third time I have taken her to this groomer.  The first time she got… Continue

Clicker Training and Itchy Feet!

Posted on March 2, 2011 at 2:58pm 2 Comments

Time for an update! 


Isabella started her first, official training class on Monday.  This is the basic, beginning class...What fun!  While I've heard of clicker training before, I didn't really know how it works.  So neat.  It's amazing to me that what I thought was dog training - ask dog to do something, dog does it, give reward - is not at all "where it's at"!  To simply wait for dog to do what you want, click, then reward is so different, yet so effective!  Our first…


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At 9:52pm on October 26, 2012, Lois B. Allen said…

Hi Molly,

Isabella is certainly a pretty girl.  I'm glad to see someone else who trims their fluffs.  Randy would burn up here in AL if I didn't.  Molley looks capable of getting into her share of mischief. Good luck with all things corgi.

At 8:56pm on October 26, 2012, Ingrid & Ein said…

Ein's dad is Monte! Our girls are half-sisters! Small world! :)

At 7:41pm on October 26, 2012, Ingrid & Ein said…

Hi Molly nice to meet you! Who were Isabella's parents? It's fun to see what other Brynayr pups look like! :)

At 3:44pm on October 18, 2011, Zigward & Kimberly said…

Haha thanks.. I know it will be worth it, it just sucks hahaha.. I want one now! They're so cute:)

Right now I think I have my breeder picked out, it's just a matter of when I'll be able to get one, you know?


At 4:01am on March 3, 2011, Rebecca Marie O'Bryan said…
hey Molly:) no problem i love your blogs, isabella is so adorable! and i just love hearing how well she is doing:) and understand completely about the pics. i have been really busy too
At 4:32pm on January 10, 2011, Joanne Koppenaal said…
That is the best news! I know you are relieved! You had to miss her terribly Friday while you were at work, so glad you had the weekend to spend with your precious girl!  Glad she is back to her frisky pup self!
At 6:47am on January 10, 2011, Joanne Koppenaal said…
Hi Molly, just wondering how Isabella is doing? Have been thinking about you over weekend :)
At 8:39pm on January 8, 2011, Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) said…

Thanks for leaving the comment on my page.  I made Luna's spay appointment for the beginning of next month.  I do really trust my vet as she's been my vet for a decade now - she is also a fellow corgi lover and her old corgi was actually the first one I met.  I think I'll probably be asking them to update me once she's out of surgery and such and probably feed her a bland diet post-op.


I hope Isabella is doing better! :)

At 7:44am on January 07, 2011, Joanne Koppenaal gave Molly and Isabella a gift
At 9:56pm on January 6, 2011, Elizabeth said…

Any word on Isabella?  Jon came home around 5 p.m. and seems okay, although very sore and tired/not himself (understandable).  He pooped almost as soon as he got home and so far no mess, but he's straining some and he (God help him) dragged his sore bottom across the ground. :( 

Hope your girl is okay.


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