So, it's been a week since the Groom of Doom and I'm finally ready to blog about it...Last Friday 5/20/11, I took Isabella to the groomer.  It was time for a bath and a nail trim and I needed her out of the house while our new plantation shutters were being installed.  She goes nuts over the sound of drills, tape measures, you name it...She would have barked her head off and drove the poor installer crazy!  Anyway, this is the third time I have taken her to this groomer.  The first time she got a hair cut...a bit shorter than I expected for a fluffy, but cute as heck anyway.  She looked  more like when we first brought her home...a cute little fluff ball.  The second time, only a little scissoring to trim up some funky ends and a sanitary trim to help with well, you know... :o).  So, this time she had some mats behind her ears and in her front armpits despite brushing regularly.  I explained I wanted all the normal stuff done...nails, paws, sanitary, brush teeth and to trim her up like the first time.  I scheduled with the "Corgi expert" and met her there in the morning.  OK, she knew exactly what I wanted.  A few hours later I get a call..."I'm sorry, please remind me what we were going to do with Isabella?  It has been so crazy and I'm working on another Corgi, too".  Um, hello, the three of us were the only ones there when I dropped her off.  OK, we go over everything again.  Great.  Good to go.  Later that afternoon, I go to pick her up and out comes my fluffy Corgi.  Wait, where's my adorable fluff?  GONE!  I was speechless.  Paid the bill, NO TIP and got the heck out of there.  My daughter cried on the way home and I was between tears and postal!  After I got home and cooled off a tad I called the shop.  Come to find out, someone other than who I scheduled with cut Isabella...but the person I scheduled with watched over her to tell her what to do.  UGH!  Also, when I said she turned out WAY shorter than I requested I was asked if I wanted to get my ruler out.  What the heck?  NO, I don't want to get my ruler out.  Clearly, Isabella's hair was only about a half inch long and I did not request such a drastic haircut.  I was advised what to ask for next time.  Next time?  No thanks.  Naturally, I hopped on mycorgi and now see that this has happened to others and for those of you who have gone through this I'M SORRY!  What a disappointing feeling.  Like any bad haircut it will grow back.  I miss my fluffy, but she's still as fun as ever.  She doesn't seem to mind...This picture is one week after..grown in a little already...

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Comment by Susan Stanton on May 27, 2011 at 6:35pm
You're the second person I know who's run into this lately.  Our friend Lilly, the Lucas terrier (kind of in between a Norwich and a Sealyham) was taken to the groomer for a bath and small trim -- and came home completely shaved.  Who are these so-called groomers anyway?  Ethel (who feels naked without her tiara, much less her fur!) feels your pain and wishes you a speedy grow back.  (Bertie and Ethel also want me to tell you that they only go to a pro in spring and fall, for help cleaning out their coats when they are really blowing off balls of fur - otherwise, they get a hose rinse and major cookies after I clip their nails myself -- it can be done!)
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on May 26, 2011 at 2:47pm
o my goodness! i would be so mad! im so sorry that happened to u, poor girl. but i guess she wont be too hot for the summer time:) (sorry just trying to look at the bright side) where did u take her to?
Comment by Yuki & Ellie on May 26, 2011 at 1:43pm

I do hope you let them know that you were very unhappy and that you will not be returning.  ;)  I would have been so mad if someone buzzed my dog like that!  I honestly don't know that I would have paid the groomer...  She's still cute as a button, though!


My mother's dog was taken to the groomer every 2-3 months when I was growing up.  Until we had our own "incident".  Poor Maggie came home and we noticed she was licking herself a lot.  We checked her over carefully and found two spots where they had actually cut her skin!  Not that they ever owned up to it.  They kept trying to convince us that she had managed to get those perfectly-straight scissor cuts in our car on the way home.


I don't often get my own dog groomed (maybe once per year...maybe), but when I do I just have it done at the Vet's office.  I'm fortunate enough to have a Vet who also provides boarding and grooming services (the only one I've found in my area who does!)  The Veterinarian wouldn't hire someone who wasn't a professional, so I feel much more comfortable leaving my Yuki in her care! 

Comment by Molly and Isabella on May 26, 2011 at 1:33pm
Thanks, LaRissa...I'm going to attempt the nails.  I think she'd be good, it's me that I worry about!
Comment by Molly and Isabella on May 26, 2011 at 1:25pm
Hey, on the bright side, I can now tell that she isn't too fat or too skinny!  Ha.
Comment by Molly and Isabella on May 26, 2011 at 1:23pm
Kari, I know...It's ridiculous!  I don't know what they were thinking!  I've bathed her plenty of times myself and that's no problem.  Mainly, I like to go to the groomer for her nails, paw fur and sanitary trim.   I know when I go back to the other groomer I will not have this problem.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when I picked up Isabella I saw a bright blue poodle with flowers clipped all over its body.  Um, no.  Eeewww.  I guess they are more into the "glamour pups" than doing a professional job.
Comment by LaRissa L. Head on May 26, 2011 at 1:22pm

Poor Isabella!


Comment by LaRissa L. Head on May 26, 2011 at 1:21pm
I agree with John on the nails. Roslyn used to bit at the vets hands when she would do her nails... then one day i just put her in the line up after my cats and rabbit. small once a week trims. now she will sigh and lay her head down as you give her a doggy pedi!
Comment by Molly and Isabella on May 26, 2011 at 1:19pm
Thanks, John.  We've been taking her once a month and her nails have never been too long...I do know that I need to step up and do it myself.  I've been a big chicken! 
Comment by John Wolff on May 26, 2011 at 12:55pm

The difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is about 2 weeks.   2 months...?  Hey, it's May.

I do think that nail trimming is something you've got to do yourself.  You can't take a dog to a groomer every week, and if it's every 2 months, they have to make huge cuts.  We just go snipsnipsnipsnipsnip, tiny snips, every Sunday (when I remember), just a few minutes for both dogs.  Cut small, cut often, and you can avoid the quick.

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