Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Bailey B.

    Ah, and some light brown, too.

  • Angela Lang

    Jane, thank you so much for your kind and considerate words about Honey. He can never be replaced but I am looking forward to loving a new Corgi. I'm having a difficult time finding one with a tail or a breeder willing to leave it on since it's not the Corgi standard. Hopefully something will turn up. Take good care. :)
  • Madeline and Bella

    Hello! I am sorry about the corgi adventurers club discrimination... you are VERY right...I will change the rules immediately! All corgis will be welcome, I hope you will join! 

    Thanks, Madeline & Bella from the Corgi Adventurers Club!

  • Kim Stout

    Hello!  Her name is Gwendolyn, (or Gwennie).  She is about 14 weeks old right now, and a total bundle of adorable!  

  • Brian D Graham

    Hi Jane I notice in the groups there is one for Pembroke Corgi's with tails!. I notice most of the pic's of Pembroke Corgi's are the usual with out!. May I ask what are the laws in the US to docking of tails?. In Australia it was banned several years ago. My Vet whom I have used for over a  1/4 of a century agree's with me that a Welsh Pembroke Corgi looks better without!. My next puppy will need to come from New Zealand thank goodness a relative still breeds them for how much longer I don't know?. Vets are not allowed to do it only under certain circumstance's!. What are your & a lot of people on this site views on this subject>


    Kind regards

    Brian, Oscar & Sam

  • John Wolff

    They don't sell mosquito insurance in Washington, like the do in MN, but the flies in the mountains in summer can actually make people lose their heads -- I've seen it happen  -- the trick is to get above 5500-6000'.  They don't seem to bother the corgis much -- thick fur.

    A & G say "aarrff" to Sage & the crew.

  • Linda

    Jane....I added a photo of Duffy (and me) to my page.  I'm afraid this is the only one I have scanned at the time.  The rest are all Polaroids...does that tell you how long ago it was?  They are wonderful, gentle giants who think they are lap dogs.  My husband is 6' 7" and Duffy could put his front paws on his shoulders and tower over my husband.  You learn fast about leaving anything edible on counters...they can reach them with all 4 feet on the floor.  We would have another one in a heartbeat but their short life spans really do a number on your heart.

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Thank you for the birthday wishes for Bentley.  He had a great time yesterday on his birthday photo shoot outing.

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Thank you for the birthday wishes for Bentley.  He had a great time yesterday on his photo shoot outing.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Jane, I was sure you knew what you were doing.  We have been having unGodly winds, it would seem as if we are in a "plains" state.  Thank heaves, they are getting better.

  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you Jane! And I hope you have (or had) a wonderful birthday as well!

  • Lola and Paige

    Lola woke me this moment when she all of a sudden stood over my legs in bed, faced the door, and started growling.  Her little Mohawk on her back stood up and everything.  I don't know what woke her up but she did succeed in getting my attention!

  • Lola and Paige

    Yeah, I think she was protecting me from whatever it was that she thought was a threat.  She is normally the happiest and silliest dog I've seen, not to mention loves everyone.  But she has gotten protective over me a couple times, mainly when I'm sleeping and someone is gonna come into my room.  She loves me!

  • Stephanie Tristan Buns Pooh-Bert

    Jane, you have so many wonderful picture of your Corgis. You must be so proud of your kids or as I call mine, the Thundering Herd. :)
  • Victoria & Bjørn

    Thanks Jane! I will check out those groups.

  • Jennifer Markley

    Hi Jane!  Just saw your April post... :-)

    We did get two horses, and are getting a miniature and a regular size donkey this weekend.  Jackson is good as gold around the horses, he's made no attempt to chase them at all.  My male gelding loves him...he'll follow him around the pasture wherever Jacks goes.  Our biggest problem is his love for all things stinky...horse poop, dead animal leftovers, etc...Yuck!  But he's happy as a clam when he comes in all stinky.  He found a dead frozen squirrel last winter, and came prancing up to the house with it--he was so proud of himself.  :-)    We aren't getting chickens until next year, so hopefully he'll still remember to be good around them.  He's got a little fiery streak in there somewhere...!

  • Carla Hetland Thompson

    thanks Jane, by Minneota, Im looking for an adult Corgi that needs a new home, hard to find :-)

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hey Jane!!  Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.  I haven't been online much rcently.  I had to have cataract surgery on both of my eyes, and my reading vision has really taken a hit.  I have to get some glasses but I have had so many doctors appointments and evaluations to go through for reactivation on the transplant list.  I am hoping for better news this Thursday.  I hope you guys are all doing well, and that the corgi gang is feeling fit and sassy!  Calvin is doing great...he's such a daddy's boy.  He does come up to me for some loving though.  He's such a lovey dovey.  Who knew, right?  He sees his people friends on his walks now, and he even runs up to them now.  He's come a long way.  Although, he still doesn'y seem to like car rides.  We will have to teach him that it is possible that ice cream might be at the destination.  Maybe that will help!

  • Bev Levy

    Thanks Jane! You are so sweet! How is Wynn?

  • Lola and Paige

    Thanks for the gift! Haha hard to believe another year has gone by!
  • Gwen & Sofie

    Thanks for the warm welcome! :) Your corgis are all so adorable!

  • Avey & Zeke

    Thanks Jane!  It's awesome to know there are other corgis in the area!  SIX, huh?  That's crazy!!  And they are all so gorgeous!!!

  • Linda

    Heck, I have enough trouble giving meds to my socialized cats!  I can't imagine trying it with a cat I can't even get close to.  There is an anti-biotic shot that works for 2 weeks.  It's a bit more expensive naturally but it sure saves stress on you and the cat.  I had to do that with one of mine...he had heart inflamation and needed to be on antibiotics for a long period.  Rather than stress him (and me) several times a day I opted for that.  Going back every 2 weeks was a lot easier than trying to get pills or liquid into him.

  • Linda

    Yeah for Frosty and Slinky!  Hope this clears it up for Frosty and he can enjoy having one of his buddies with him.  Sardines!  Now who could resist that!  Hopefully you will have them all safe and sound soon.

  • Cassandra

    Thank you so much for the welcome.

  • Linda

    Oh Jane...I am so sorry to hear about Frosty!  I know you tried hard.  We try to save them all but we can't.  Two years ago we adopted a pastel calico from a shelter.  She was the one that chose us.  She was skinny and had a bit of problem with her eyes which is not uncommon in a shelter.

    I took her right in and the vet put her antibiotics.  She was such a sweet, loving kitty even tho she was still kept isolated from the other animals.  One day I went to give her the pill and she just could not in any way swallow it.  I took her in and she had a growth in her throat.  They couldn't operate...the vet did not feel she had a good chance of survival.  And since I have been with this vet for over 30 years and trust him I had to accept it.  It was heartbreaking tho.

    It was the first time we had gone to that shelter and there were way too many cats.  I don't think they were really looked at carefully for health problems.  All I can think is that the poor thing probably would have been found dead from starvation because the growth would have eventually blocked her from eating.

  • Linda

    We always have a mix of shelter cats and strays.  Even when we go to the shelter it's not always the one I want that choses me.  What are ya gonna do?  Cats chose you not the other way around.  Dogs too really.

    This week I am cat-sitting for my neighbor.  He's an outdoor cat but comes in to eat.  She was dumbfounded when I said one time that my cats generally live to be about 19.  Because they are house cats...that's why.  We live in the city so outside cats don't always live a long life.

  • Claire

    thank you! I'm really excited for when i get to have him with me! just 9 days away!!!

  • Linda

    Thanks!  Right now you would think Max hasn't eaten in 12 days rather than 12 hours!  Geesh!  I am hiding upstairs at the computer till it's time to go.  I've been stared at, barked at and all around made to feel like I am a horrible corgi mom because they haven't had breakfast.  I will feed Katie when I get back home.

  • Linda

    He's doing ok.  Was a bit wobbly and seemed a little confused when I got him home but I could see him improving as the afternoon went on.  He ate his dinner ok and was affectionate.  Just as I was closing up the downstairs to come up here to the computer he threw up.  I've been careful of what he's had to eat...softened his kibble and didn't give him his usual amount for dinner, I know that stuff can make you sick to your tummy.  But he is alert and seems fine otherwise.

    Thank you for asking!

  • Katy

    Jane, how are you?! I'm so sorry for not having been on, life is busy! I'm in Nome Alaska right now with my corgi Buddha and its pretty fun! I hope all is well back at home in Minnesota and the summer is treating you and the family well :)
  • Marissa, Bandit, and Bacon

    Hi Jane! Thank you for the suggestions, I will definitely check them out! Right now I have a plain red collar and leash for her, at least until we can take her to the pet store and try stuff on :)

  • Roger/Laurie

    Now that the cooler days are here. The boys love watching the world from the deck. 

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Sweet little Rainy...killed a squirrel!

  • Ronald Bentz

    Thanks so much for the welcoming and the advice.This is all so new to me I am still trying to figure it all out. We are not very computer savy but are learning. Thank you for your advice and I will try that. Does my Corgi.com let you know if there are any close to us?
  • Ronald Bentz

    Just joined gulf coast corgi group. Thanks for the advice. We are on the gulf coast Mississippi. Thanks so much for your help. So nice of you. God Bless!!
  • Ronald Bentz

    Can I get to those groups from this sight?? I will try now. Really appreciate the help.
  • Ronald Bentz

    Oh yes! Craig's list is absolutely out of the question. That is why I joined this sight to meet people like you. Thanks again. ;)
  • Ronald Bentz

    Your the best!! Who is Sam? Who is he with. Hope I'm not bothering you.
  • Ronald Bentz

    Oh ok!! Great to know! Thanks for the info.
  • Ronald Bentz

    Hey Jane. Just noticed, when I am replying to the people who are replying to me, it says I'm replying to myself. I am so confused. You are the only one I think I have replied to correctly. Lol
  • Ronald Bentz

    Thanks Jane. Finally figured it out. I am starting to feel the same. When I leave a comment can everyone see what I'm writing. Still trying to understand. I told Anna that my main concern is my son-in-law right now. He's not to fond of the idea of having three dogs not to mention his dad's dog from next door that runs in the yard constantly! Drives my dogs crazy!! They rescued that dog from the humane society and she is a Houdini! They can not keep her inside their fence.lol
  • CorGeek

    Hey, Jane, yes, I think the Sidney for July is the MyCorgi Sidney. :) Thanks for voting!

  • Amber Nelson

    Thanks Jane! His name is Rusty. And though his legs are long, his attitude is 98% corgi.

  • Kylie Dennison

    thanks for the welcome! :] You have such adorable corgis!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Thank you for our 5-yr old boy Calvin! He's so happy here (especially in all the snow we've gotten recently) and we just love him so much. He likes Rainy too, but she says he's a stinky boy.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    brrrr.....ouch, hope it warms up soon for all of you!!!!  That is just way too cold :(

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jane, yes those are paths my husband made with the snow blower in our back yard.  It cracked me up how they both went to check out the tree.  They both enjoyed the snow as they both went off the blown path.  Lance had fun off leash for.a bit too, he was having a blast.  I thought I was recording him off leash but apparently the button didn't get hit hard enough.  

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Oh and the paths have filled in with more snow too, not completely filled in though.

  • Charlee & Ally
