
, Female

Colon, Nebraska

United States

Profile Information:

Colon, NE
About Me:
I work as a lobbyist-not a bad thing! LIve the rural life with Corgis, rescue dogs, horses, chickens, cats. Two beautiful grown daughters. If I had my choice I would quit my job, stay at the farm and raise corgis and horses!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We are honored by the presence of Lizzie (Q Lizzie Beth) and Fergie(FCF's Royal Ferguson) and Brodie (FCF's Little Bonanza Brodie). Recent additions to the family are Fern (puppy mill rescue and princess), Poppit (blind rescue), and accidental addition Sherman--my failure as a foster mom! Lizzie is our 7 year old Black-headed tri-color Corgi. True to the breed. It is like living with a cartoon charactor. Fergie is our three-year-old Red/White female and a real snuggle bug. Brodie is a black headed tri who is 1.5-years old. Fern is a 4-year-old red/white Corgi that was rescued from a puppy mill in January 2008 and was in Foster Care for six months! She has some special needs, but has adapted beautifully! She is quite the charmer. We celebrated her one year anniversary with us in May 09. Poppit has been with us for just a couple of months. She is a red-headed tri and she is completely blind-juvinile cataracts and small eyes--the result of poor breeding. We are working on her social skills and she is coming along. Sherman (formerly known as Denver) is a 15 month old red and white bundle of love and energy.
I have:

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  • Christine Jones

    Thanks for the comment! =)
  • penny spencer

    Hi Kristen. How are things going with your new addition? Is she adjusting well?
    What do you call her? Give Bazel antihistamine for his eyes now and it helps (just like me!) My Audrey broke her ankle and had surgery last week. She is home now while mom and dad move her in with us until she goes to Denver in Sept. Now I'm waiting on her too, just like when she was little (I love it, but it's getting old he he). She'll get a walking cast soon I hope. Still plans on going to Denver. Hope you're well. Take care. Pam
  • penny spencer

    Poppit. How cute. When dogs hold their heads in that manner and are blind, it's referred to as "setting sun" stance. Maybe they get some light sensation by holding their heads up? I didn't ask vet about neutering under local anesthesia, wonder if it's possible? I'll inquire. When Penny is in the room he has a one track mind, disgusting little boy, but normal. She is not doing well. Very weak and lethargic. Don't think I'll have her much longer. Can't see the point in having all kinds of tests run on her. Just make her comfortable and love her up right? Audrey is very upset I can't go to Denver with dad to move her there. Said my life is too centered around the dogs.
    She's right and it does make me mad, but I'm stuck in this situation. Don't think Roscoe would do well in a kennel at all. The noises and smells and anxiety. My dad is not able to take care of them alone, especially with Roscoe having to be carried outside! With Aaron now living in his own home,. He'd have to stay here overnight. If you don't get Roscoe out of his "crib" by 6:30 a.m. he has poop all over and he needs a bath. I can't ask anyone to deal with that. Oh well. Lots going on here for sure. I'd love a weekend on my own at the beach with a good book! Bazel's hair is growing out some. He's more clingy since attack. I think he's the "barking" type of corgi I've heard about. All the time it seems. Are yours vocal like that?
    Thanks for "listening" to me, ha ha! Take care Kristen. Pam
  • penny spencer

    Kristen. Don't you love the "rooos" as you call it? Mine also do a "yawn-squeak" as well as howl every time the train comes by! Love talking dogs.
    Busy weekend. Steve's (Audrey's bf) parents are coming by tonight for our
    weekly pizza "za" night. Homemade usually on Saturday, but will do it tonight.
    I've met them, super nice, but the dad has offered to drive to CO with Don so they'll have 3 drivers going up. Tomorrow a cousin I've never met wants to "drop by to meet me". Now I have to clean house, cut grass, etc.! It means a lot to my dad, soooo. Don has been building a "doggy deck" out of trek material for the 2 corgie boys so they hopefully will be out of the mud in their little "yard". Hope Roscoe will learn to jump up the 4" to get on it, after all this work. Sure they'll still find the dirt to lay in. Penny hanging in there. For a few days it didn't look good for her when she wasn't eating. Especially for her! She's still not eating like usual though. I will ask Vet about a doggy vasectomy with local anesthetic. Know that would solve some problem with Roscoe. You take care. Hope you have a good holiday weekend. Penny
  • Kim

    You sure have a good looking crew with Lizzie, Fergie, Brodie and Fern!

    Tobey's parents were Piper and Nacho. I believe that Nacho was their daughter's dog so I've never actually seen a picture of him. I have been looking at their site very frequently because I'd love to get Tobey a pal, however, I'm doing a lot of travel for work right now so I don't think the timing is right.
  • Wendy West

    Thank you so much for your kind words.
  • Debra

    Thank you for your comment. How do your corgis get along with the horses ?
  • Terry Pecha

    thanks for the welcome!!! I really have to get with the program and get pictures of my wild bunch on here. I love your "corgis in a winter wonderland" pictures.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Oh my goodness I love your pics!! I'm so jealous!!
  • penny spencer

    Hi! My husband spent the night in N. Platte last week, on his way to Denver!
    Is that near you? Audrey flew out because she didn't think her ankle could handle the long drive. They are settled and I've done my crying for now. Leaving her at airport was heartbreaking for both of us. The "empty nest" has hit the Spencer home. We are almost thru with Vet payments for Bazel's surgeries. Today we found out he's torn knee ligaments in right rear knee and needs surgery at some point! Roscoe turned 3 on Sunday! Made a birthday pizza for the 3 dogs to celebrate. Has your husband found another job yet? Let me know what's up. Take care. Penny
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Thank you :)
  • penny spencer

    Kristen. Bazel injury from running! Has nothing to do with short legs, etc. Cleaned out my tomato plants, and he was eating the little grape tomatoes as fast as I was picking them from the other side of the fence. No wonder he's had diarrhea! Audrey is going to be working for AmeriCorp at a high school in Denver for 10 months, then? She calls every day and sounds sad. Encourage her but with the boot on her foot she can't do or go out much. Still can't put weight on her foot! I'm missing her terribly. My dad is the same, so many health issues, poor guy. Still pleasant to be with though. More than my husband is. Lots of work stress. His company let 2 more people go this week. I feel for your husband and you. I would go crazy with Don home all the time! Orchids are lovely. Do you get yours to bloom occassionally? I've not had good luck but love them. Why don't you email me at I tend to get long winded and not always about Corgi stuff. Oh, do you have yet another corgi? I'm jealous. Penny
  • Tauna and Kota

    Have not been up to much, moved back in with my mom and Kota. He is wonderful... All grown up. Such a good boy. Getting food stamps now. No job still. Have to go to these class things since I'm on food stamps... I have a Vocational Rehab apt in the morning, they are going to tell me my options for becoming Pharmacy Tech Certified again... whether I have to go to school or if there are any other options... Was doing some home improvement stuff around my mom's house. But, she kinda made me feel bad... So, I'm not sure how much more of that I will be doing... I have been sleeping a lot. And don't really have much motivation. I'm trying. It just isn't working out very well...
  • Tauna and Kota

    How are you? What you been up to?
  • Deanna

    Kristen, message me back ASAP -- I will do everything in my power to get that Corgi in Nebraska if it's still available.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much :) I have alot of pictures up, lol, and still more to load on that I havent put on yet! :O
  • Marion and Vern

    Thanks for the comment on Sami's picture. We can't believe how big she is either. We have dicided that we want to get her a little brother (or sister) next year about this time. That will put Sami at 18 to 20 months. We will be traveling back to Ohio to get our pup from the same breeder. Of course we will be taking Sami with us as we will drive (over 1500 miles one way). I see you have pups on the way congratulations to all!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you for your kind words on Missing my Jacqueline. They are very comforting.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Relax..the food thing is the easiest and the least of your worries. My puppies get Eukanuba puppy w/probiotics. Mom gets Eukanuba premium performance w/probiotics. You'll see your pups showing interest in moms food and then you start soaking down some puppy kibble for them to lap up..this will be around 3-4 weeks and at first is slow going but by 5 weeks are really starting to eat. As they eat more I start to decrease moms rations so she is at her normal weight by the time the pups are fully weaned off. Your more then welcome to give me a call so we can discuss further on what I add to moms food and when and for how long.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Really anytime...if I'm to busy I won't answer and will return the call. Best is during the day since the kids are off to school but even when they are home its not a big deal. Weekends can be tough since we are go go go.
  • Mendy Miller

    You are so funny to keep that extra corgi, I would have done the same. What a cute pack! Has Fergie had puppies yet? Be careful- Fourteen years ago I sold a litter of corgi puppies. They went so fast, I was distraught. I used the money to buy another corgi- Petie. ; )
  • Lisa

    Thank you for your response. I love your corgi family! Our puppy wandered away Oct. 10. We contacted every neighbor, the mailman, the county road workers, the vet, the shelter, an ad in the paper, etc. and no one has seen Cali. She was only 7 mo. old and won our hearts immediately. She was a gift to us from our son so it's been tough not knowing what has happened to her. We are still hopeful, though. Anyway . . . today we visited a shelter in a nearby town and adopted a corgi! We had been contacted about her on Monday as they thought she might be ours. We saw her then and knew she wasn't our Cali. Our hearts softened this week and we knew we had to rescue this corgi. We've named her Lucy and what a love she is already! If her owners would contact the shelter, we told the shelter to let us know and we would be willing to see her back to her first home. That would be difficult for us but we feel that would be best. Do you have puppies yet? What do you do with them? You never know . . . we might be interested!
  • penny spencer

    Hey Kristen. Wondering if Fergie has had her pups? Penny
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    I would love to come to your farm and bring Tommie. But I think I have missed the meeting if it was Nov. 4th. Please keep in touch so I can try and make the next one. You have quite the group of cute corgis. I love it!
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Ok I joined the group and see that the meeting is Nov. 15th. Will let you know if I can make it. Thanks so much!
  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    It's wonderful that you used to be a wildlife biologist! That's probably my back-up plan if for some reason I don't end up being a wildlife veterinarian. It's great you continue to help with raptors, too! I rehab primarily songbirds, corvids, and gamebirds, but I'm involved with the raptor team as well and visit our group's raptor center quite a bit. Working with wildlife is so rewarding!

    Also, I just created a group for people who have more than one color of corgis, if you'd like to join! (I see you have a red and white and a tri, too! :))
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    whats it like having 6 dogs? I've got 5 right now and am thinking about adding another one. Do you have alot of yard/acreage? How much different is it
  • Heather Mylrea

    Thanks! Winona is a very nice place. I will be sure to tell Ein you said so, she will be very happy =)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulation to Fergie and of course the daddy Brodie!!!! When were the pups born and how many are there?
  • Tim Andre

    Fergie's pups are very cute!
    We live about an hour south of you in Firth. We have two corgis on a large acreage and have been seriously considering adding one more to the pack. If you have not found homes for all of them we would be interested in a visit.
  • Jessie

    Hi Kristen! If you are going to be around this weekend or next we would like to come meet your puppies (all 10!)
    We live just south of Lincoln and drive up to Fremont all the time so we're very familiar with Colon!
    My daughter has a b-day party on Saturday afternoon this weekend but nothing next weekend or Sunday this week.
    Thanks!! Jessie
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Hi Kristen. Did the corgi from Columbus find a home do you know?
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Thanks. I will check into it.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    I checked out Hearts United. Really looks neat. Lowri is so cute. I think I will be a buddy to a dog there too. Thanks for all the info.
  • Toby {Brenda}

    your corgis are adoreable...
  • Holly W

    Hi Kristen! I recently joined Matt's Corgi meet-up group, then got the message about him moving, so I joined this one. I would love to attend a Corgi "play-time" if you ever schedule one. I live in the Omaha area. I know my Henry would love to meet some dogs his own size - we also have a Golden and a Lab.
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi - just saw your pic with all six corgi's wow how cool! I have a Lizzie as well.. she is Princess Elizabeth Anne II ... but she is not much of a princess.. so we just go with Lizzie!
  • Holly W

    Hi Kristen! A Corgi party at your farm sounds fun! I read about your last one on the "meetup" page - unfortunately I joined too late to know about it. My dogs and I are really sick of the weather and are ready to get out!
  • Virginia Desouky

    Thanks, Kristen. Toby was the greatest dog--I was heartbroken when I had to put him to sleep due to kidney disease. He was the sweetest thing.

    A question: I like the background on your page. How did you do that?
  • Cody, Carly, Addie, and Becki

    We are getting a little girl from Glenda Phipps in Whitman! We are really excited we are going to pick her out tomorrow!!!!
  • Cody, Carly, Addie, and Becki

    Kristen do you organize playdates with other corgis? I am trying to organize one for around here and I need a little advice.
  • Jessie

    Hey Kristen! Thought I would let you know that Truman (now going by Cracker) was neutered this week. He loves to mark and was getting food territorial so we decided we'd go ahead this summer while we could be home with him. We're supposed to keep him calm for 10 days. Are you kidding? A corgi puppy with two corgi's to play with at all times calm for 10 days. He's doing great and is back to normal after two days.
  • Claudette

    Hello Kristen you do have a housefull. I wish I could do the same, but being afull time nurse and student does not allow me the pleasure. You have an adorable bunch.
  • Anne & Loki

    HI! We had such a great time at your place! We still talk about at our house! Loki has gotten a little bigger since last fall - he was still such a skinny little guy, He's a year and half now and finally starting to fill out his pants! How are all of your crew doing? We'll have to plan another get together soon!
  • Anne & Loki

    Oh, I'm so glad that Poppit has gained confidence - she was such a sweetie! We missed the dog park last week. My Aunt from New York was here and we are getting ready to go to the Outer Banks, NC on Friday so things have been a bit of a whirlwind around here and I forgot to check the messages on the board. We're definilty going to try for the August one though!
  • Mama2Three

    We are still thinkin if we want another one. I am sorry to be so inconsiderate and not have said anything until now.
  • Dana Ludvik

    I would love to have a Lincoln corgi play date...maybe at the dog run by Holmes Lake?
  • Dana Ludvik

    Sounds fun! I will have more time after August 12 to have a corgi-meet up at the Dog Run by Holmes Lake. (I'm a grad student and work full-time.) Would August 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 work?
  • Dana Ludvik

    What's the "pool thing" in Omaha on August 15? I'm out of the loop, ha.

    Saturday, August 14th would probably work best. The early afternoon or evening would be fine.
  • Dana Ludvik

    Just let me know what works for you. I'm sure you have a lot on your plate.

    I created a Lincoln corgi group on Facebook to help us more easily set up corgi meet-ups in Lincoln. It's also fun to post pictures and fun stories about our dogs. You should join! (See link below for "Crazy Corgi People - Lincoln, NE")!/group.php?gid=155036457839780&ref=ts