Carrie & Chad
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Anchorage, AK
About Me:
Chad and I are very happy owners of a Corgi, Sunny, and a Beagle Paige. Chad and I thought it would been fun to get dogs for each other as a wedding gift. Chad has always wanted a Corgi and that is how we got little Sunny. Chad and I have been married for 3 years and we love dogs a lot. We do a lot of dogsitting for people. We live in Anchorage, Alaska.
About My Corgi(s):
Sunny is a "mini"-corgi, weighing in at only 17 pounds. We think that maybe she was the runt of the litter. She was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She loves fetch and chasing Chad around the house. Sunny also enjoys messing with her sister Paige, a beagle. Sunny is three years old.

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Carrie & Chad's Blog

Sunny is Sick :(

Posted on November 8, 2008 at 4:00pm 14 Comments

I am pretty worried right now because Little Sunny is sick, she has this cough and puking thing going on. It went on for about 6 hours on Thursday morning and we took her to pet emergency who then sent us to our own vet. For another two days they couldn't figure it out so we had to do an explorative surgery. I didn’t like that but it found the problem, she had a swollen pancreas possibly caused by a virus. She is healing good so far but her… Continue

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At 8:40am on November 10, 2008, Cindi said…
Hmmm...interesting on the fat issue. Never heard that one before. And Wellness is an excellent food. Look forward to hearing what the vet has to say. Just sounds funny to me.
At 11:56pm on November 9, 2008, Stephanie & Lola said…
I'm so glad things are looking up!! When Lola wasn't feeling well I felt so helpless. Corgi's are awesome dogs, and find their way into your heart.
At 10:09pm on November 9, 2008, Laura Jones said…
Wanted to say that KC is a very small corgi also. When she was fixed last month she only weighed 20 pounds at 8 months and she is only like 10 inches tall at the shoulder. I swear she is three feet long the other way lol but she is tiny compared to all other corgis I have ever met or seen. This makes them an even better traveling companion as far as I am concerned!
At 10:05pm on November 9, 2008, Laura Jones said…
I am glad she is doing better.
We were lucky when we got KC, we got her in April and in May my son started going to horseshows and in June then he was going to rodeo's two weekends a month so she was very well socialized while she was young. She wasn't out as much in August because it was too hot to take her with us all the time so she regressed a little bit but is doing much better now that she is going with us more often. We also travel a lot with her because my husbands mom and family live an hour and a half way and my family is another hour and a half past them and everyone has dogs of their own so she is always around other dogs. Now my aussie I got the end of August and he was twelve weeks old and he is still very shy and timid of people and dogs. Even those he knows well. He is 100% better than he was but still has a long ways to go. I think he is going to be more of a stay at home dog. We are getting KC's half brother around Christmas time and he will be getting a lot of travel time in during the spring time as we start doing a lot with our horses then. I wish we lived outside of town but hopefully next year we can sell our house and find one with lots more room for all of the kids!
At 6:16pm on November 9, 2008, Kristen said…
Glad to hear that Sunny is doing better. It is always so hard when our little furkids are sick. They can't tell us how they feel...and then It is amazing how quickly they can recover from surgery. Fern had major abdominal surgery about 12 days ago and now...except for the shaved tummy and huge scar she acts as though nothing happened. Your Sunny is a beautiful little girl.

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