Paul, Greg and Jake
  • Male
  • Sacramento, CA
  • United States
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Paul, Greg and Jake's Discussions

Doggy Conjunctivitis?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul, Greg and Jake Jul 19, 2011. 7 Replies

My little tyke has had a few mornings of what looks like sleep in his right eye.  A bit of  crustiness -- today it's looking inflamed and green discharge.Today happens to be a Sunday -- which means…Continue

Age to neuter?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy Geddes Sep 9, 2011. 21 Replies

I've scanned the forum/blog/discussion and didn't quite see replies applicable to the following question --- At what age would be OK to neuter my 26-week old? My vet said he's ready -- the breeder…Continue

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About Me:
new dog owner
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
tri-colored Pembroke named JAKE born 1/8/2011
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At 8:20am on July 22, 2011, WhiteDove said…

At 6:24pm on July 15, 2011, Mickey said…
Yes, Folsom dog park is fenced in - they have both little and big dog areas. I'll plan to be at little dog area. See you tomorrow! Glad you found the Sacramento group BTW...June & Sophie
At 12:58pm on July 15, 2011, Melissa and Franklin! said…

here's the link to the sacramento corgi group.

the meet up is around Folsom somewhere? I should try going to that dog park, I like the idea of splitting big and small. Frank is 30 pounds now so generally too big and rough for the small dogs but he definitely needs more socialization these days

At 11:45pm on July 14, 2011, Melissa and Franklin! said…
you are somewhat near me, I'm in the pocket. There is a Sacramento group on here that is starting to organize more get togethers. There will be one on Saturday, I have to work all day so can't go but may be fun for Jake? Franklin and I don't go to dog parks much, he got his foot broken at one a little over a year ago so we are very careful now when we go. He also gets scared when there are too many rambunctious dogs around. The river is down quite a bit near me so there are several somewhat enclosed beaches that could be fun to play on once you are more comfortable with Jake being off leash.
At 10:28am on July 14, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
Welcome Paul and JAke :)
At 12:47am on July 14, 2011, Melissa and Franklin! said…

Hi I read on one of your posts that you were in Sacramento. I am in Sacramento too, any suggestions on fun places to take your corgi? I live by the sacramento river so go there daily but looking for more fun spots!


At 12:08am on July 13, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Paul and Jake!

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