Sandra N
  • Female
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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Sandra N's Friends

  • Lisa && Yoshi
  • WLA corgi
  • Tim N
  • ChelseyLynn
  • Emily Loftis
  • Ollie & Prie Misra
  • Lori A. Haskett
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

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Sandra N's Page

Profile Information

Oakland, CA
About Me:
A Psychobiology Undergraduate at UCLA :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I got my Artemis from Kandi Hill at Dragonfly Dreams Corgi in Campo, CA. It was a 7 hour day trip to get him but I love him so much! His name is Artemis (like from Sailor Moon, the male white cat) and he was born April 9th, 2010.

Rest in Peace Sniper <3
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Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 1:34pm on January 4, 2012, Raffie Nepales said…

Hello! Come join us for a Pasadena Corgi meet up on January 8th starting 8am at the Pasadena Off-Leash Dog Park

At 6:00am on March 3, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…

heyyy i figured out how to make a survey to get everyones preference on time and location for corgi meet ups, and even which park you prefer. Click here to take the survey. Just two simple questions : )

Sorry to be the crazy lady corgi coordinator today : P

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At 1:51am on March 3, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…

Hi there can you make it to a westside corgi meet up on Sunday March 20th at 12pm at the oberreider dog park?


At 6:47pm on February 7, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…
Artemis is sooo beautiful. Glad to see another corgi in los angeles! I hope you can make it to the obbereider dog park meeting on february 12th!
At 2:18am on January 6, 2011, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
Will we see you at the Corgi meet up soon? Ollie would love to meet a new buddy who lives so close by!
At 7:35pm on August 13, 2010, ChelseyLynn said…
I'm so sorry to hear about Sniper and very sad too! I hope you're doing okay and even though we're just friends on mycorgi let me know if i can do anything for you!
At 5:27pm on August 11, 2010, Alison w/ Odin and Dashel said…
I am so sorry for your loss:( my heart is broken:(
At 11:01am on August 11, 2010, Lori A. Haskett said…
I just love your pics. I see so many similarities between Sniper and Callie! They are for sure a pair to draw too!
At 3:01pm on August 4, 2010, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
yes! i'm around UCLA a lot as well :) Ollie is getting fixed this weekend (poor lil guy doesn't know what's coming!) but in a couple of weeks we should be good to go :)
At 11:40pm on August 1, 2010, Tammey & Caven said…
I love Y'alls pictures. They make me want to take our dogs out to the dog park, thanks for sharing.


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