Oscar, the youngest, is the first on the left. He is an avid chewer, and when he was a puppy managed to customize every piece of wood furniture and lower wood door panel. In fact he completely chewed a sleeper sofa - including the mattress. He regularly chooses which toy for play. At home he is like a teddy bear and simply wants to snuggle. When he is at the dog park playing with the other dogs, he becomes the ever-ready corgi and keeps going and going and going . . .

Oscar is about six months older. He tends to be more headstrong and wants to do things on his terms. In the past two years, he decided that I am his, so he is more affectinate and willing to be near me. When he is at the dog park, he loves to kiss everyone. I have watched children hold him and he is most patient with how they handle him. I have seen a youngster pick him up when he would not let me!

Oscar and Chester often will face each other, like preparing for a duel, charge at each other, then tussle. Oscar often rolls, and people watching think it is like seeing a football.

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