Long day...

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on February 14, 2011 at 11:20pm

@ John W - Easy for you & Doug!!! I leave this in your hands. Ditto for the photo of RR where you said that he looked like he fell off a barstool. He really does! I don't even know how to use photoshop, though one of my kid's friends must have loaded it because I see it in my app folder. It's so funny because RR loved that position as a puppy, whilst he fit; and still does, falling off the mantle edge! He's going to be one big boy when he's done growing. Not an ounce of fat on him or Lucy (wish I could say the same of Jack and me). Everyone Jack meets, on his daily walks around the lake, think that Lucy's the puppy. She's 20 lbs & he's probably close to 30 now. How big are Al and Gwinnie? In case you haven't guessed, RR has strung together about 36 good hours. BTW, are you an apple or a pc owner? At least I didn't ask what sign you, A, & G are!


PS Do you see any familial similarities with Lucy and your gorgeous corgis? She's little, long and low. Rafa is higher in the leg, but long. Neither have coats that shed as much as my previous corgis, which is odd since so many people (online) think Lucy's a fluffy. She isn't. Just a beautiful coat. If you had seen my 14 yr. old, Dylan, before he died, you would understand how amazing her coat is to us.

Comment by John Wolff on February 14, 2011 at 10:39pm
It would be easy to PhotoShop a big empty beer can into this, especially if you re-create the shot (without Lucy). Put one of those cheap Old English otterwater beer cans just to her left, take the shot from exactly the same place, and Doug or I can PhotoShop it in for you. Or a bottle of cheap port, and we'll put wine stains on her lips.
Display it with the Rafa-off-the-barstool pic.
Comment by Peckie and Laura on February 6, 2010 at 8:13pm
Oh my GAWD that is the cutest corgi flop picture ever!!!!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on November 22, 2009 at 2:53pm
Thanks! Nothing like a corgi!
Comment by Mal Schaal on November 22, 2009 at 2:45pm
So cute.

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