View from the sleeping bag , maybe 7500'.
Fortress Mt, 8674'. The summit is on the left, above her right ear. She climbed it the next day. In 2011, Al and I spent one of the best nights of my life a couple hundred feet below that notch on the right, on the opposite side, in perfect weather with a world-class view.
Aw c'mon -- it'd be no fun posting a photo of the easy side, would it? This is the north side, from high on Cloudy Peak.
North slopes are steep because that's where the glaciers accumulated (you can see remnants) and scraped the rock away . South slopes were ice-free, therefore gentle. We went that way, on the easy south side.
You'd think a guy who likes to brag so much would get a more macho dog... but there is no more macho dog.

Views: 133

Location: Fortress Mt.


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