RANDY crowding REESE with the gift she got for his birthday.

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 9, 2012 at 2:07pm

Lol. I just reread your comment to me a few months back. Some things never change. RR is much better but still full of mischief! But they're more entertaining to watch than TV. Newest surprise is that they sleep together on our bed and "spoon." Never thought I'd see this day!

Comment by N a t h a n & L u f f y on April 8, 2012 at 5:04pm

LOL he looks so happy/proud of the new toy

Comment by Lois B. Allen on January 20, 2012 at 8:31pm

@Wendy, The funny thing is that Reese is dominant and I have had a struggle convincing her that I was the boss.  She is better but neither of them ever quite give up on things they know they are not supposed to do.  So it is one struggle after another but I like the activity.

Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on January 20, 2012 at 8:24pm

Ahhh, the best laid plans. But sounds like Reese brought out the nurturing side of a very active male Corgi. In time, as Reese gains confidence and remains in good health, you may be surprised at the amount they will play. Reese probably had the play knocked out of her at a very young age. She may have been crated all the time. How lucky she is to be adopted by you. She has probably put up with far worse than a rambunctious Corgi bro!

Comment by Lois B. Allen on January 20, 2012 at 7:56pm

Randy is on right. I got Randy at age 7 wks on Dec. 11 in 2010 after loosing 2 old babies in the previous few months.  Randy is an alpha male and there was much struggling over dominance, had him neutered at 24 wks.  Reese is about 3 years old, I had to have a companion for Randy who has plenty of energy and plays most of the time.  Reese was a sick girl because the rescue facility could bearly feed their animals.  Within 24 hours, I had to take her to the vet since his had passed blood so hookworms were the first thing she needed to be treated.  Then she had an ear infection.  I don't think she had any immunity and hadn't received preventative.  That day the vet told me that she had a heart murmur.  Later I concluded she had a urinary tract infection and I took her and we say another vet and by this time, I'm thinking that her heart murmur is heartworms.  Sure enough.  So she has been treated for the UTI and we have been doing a "slow" treatment for heartworms and she has gotten to be a very healthy girl.  She understood immediately that she had been adopted to help take care of the rambunctious puppy, who was 10 months old then.  She repeatedly gets bit and endures other insults but she now institutes play but doesn't understand this Corgi obsession with balls.  Randy understood that she was sick and stuck with her and at times she had chills, he would practically lay on her to keep her comfortable. I had hoped for a Corgi rescue but she seems to be a good girl but is primarily a couch potato but I have to play ball with him and throw other fetch toys, which I love to do. 

Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on January 20, 2012 at 7:38pm

Great photo! I'm spatially challenged (really!). So Randy, male, is lying down with the toy and Reese, female, is sandwiched in the corner. And Reese, newly adopted, puts up with a lot of corgi nonsense from Randy. They're beautiful. How long have you had the 2? The dynamics of adding a second is fascinating and challenging, right?!

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