Poor Simon broke his toe a few weeks ago. This is really the first time he's been outside to play at all, with his toes taped and foot wrapped, and he was so, so, so excited, poor guy.


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Comment by Shepdog on January 5, 2010 at 12:03pm
No clue! We had no idea what was going on -- he looked like he was going down in the back, or that he'd torn an ACL. X-Rays everywhere (of course, except the foot!) and sent to the specialist. Nothing showed up. I was sitting with him later that night and noticed that his toe sounded funny, and a lot of the other Cardi people said, "Very well could be a toe!"

... long story short, vet came back, and yes, his toe was badly broken. It was broken on the P2, a lateral, displaced break. Owch!!!! So now he's got his footie taped and wrapped in vet wrap, poor dude. :/ Hopefully it will heal up on its own with that, otherwise, we talk some other things, the least of which is to remove his toe. :(

Have NO idea how he did it. We're thinking he might have broken it leaping off the deck and getting a claw caught, or rolling it under himself after chasing a ball or something. He showed no signs the day he did it, apparently, just a day or two later, argh. I don't remember any screaming or yelping -- in fact, he didn't even let us know anything was wrong. Poor little dude.
Comment by Alice on January 4, 2010 at 4:49pm
Aww, that's too bad. How did he break his toe?
Comment by Bev Levy on January 3, 2010 at 6:27pm
I am glad he is better!

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