You can clearly see that the basin with those little lakes -- Lyman Lakes -- was filled by the Lyman Glacier not terribly long ago. A photo of that glacier taken in 1906 by Claude Rusk is startling to anybody who's seen its remnant recently.
The white dotted lines mark terminal moraines (the edge of the ice), possibly from the "Little Ice Age" in the 19th Century -- the glaciers have receded dramatically since then, even without anthropogenic global warming. The biggest tree I found inside the outer moraine was a 10" dia. larch.
Another ominous consequence of global warming -- oops, I meant "climate change" -- are the wide stands of dead timber killed by the newly-invasive Japanese bark beetle, which can survive the milder winters now and is spreading north. These dead stands are full of fuel, and they're gonna burn fiercely.
The red dot under her nose marks our bivouac for that night.

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Comment by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2011 at 8:07am

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