Near the summit of Buck Mtn, about 8500' in the north Cascades in Washington State's Glacier Peak WIlderness. Not Al's highest ascent, but his most ambitious. A 5-day backpacking loop trip. We hiked all around the peak at right, Fortress Mt. (which Gwynnie has climbed, when only the top was above the clouds).
This is only 20-30 degrees of a 360-degree sweep that looks like this all around, including 3 big snowy volcanoes (one very close) and Bonanza, one of the biggest Cascade mountains. 2 nights later, after hiking through vast steep meadows of blooming wildflowers, we slept at about 7800' without a tent just above Al's right ear, almost at the top of that ridgeline, with a blood-red sunset from a forest fire on the Olympic Peninsula, a truly world-class view and as nice a night as I've spent in my life.
We deserved it: the previous year, we'd hiked for 9 days around Glacier Peak in wet gloom, seeing blue sky maybe three days.
Al thinks this is normal, and remembers only the double dinners.

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Comment by LA Stewart on July 11, 2012 at 1:23am

Another beautiful mountain picture.

I should send this to my friends and tell them it is Wynne!

Comment by Bev Levy on February 14, 2012 at 1:01pm

John,  sometimes I wonder if you are just posing Al in front of photos! Great shot!

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