Posted on March 16, 2009 at 5:49pm
Hello! Our little guy Roscoe is really smart. It was absolutely no sweat potty training him. We got him when he was 2 months old and he only went in the house twice. I believe that was because where he lived before had a doggy door and we don't. He just needed to get the idea and he was set. We never needed the crate but did keep him in the kitchen for the first week when we were at work just to "be sure" but he was so good there's no reason to do that anymore. He fetches and is pretty good at…
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Hi OMG! Your Roscoe I believe is Spartan's sibling. I purchased Spartan from a Eva and Paul in Ravensdale WA alittle over a month ago. When I saw your roscoe he looked so familiar and then I still have the picutre of both of them and I really am hoping it's him. We live in kent also.View All Comments