Amanda & Sophia
  • Female
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • United States
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Amanda & Sophia's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I have loved corgis all my life and finally got my Sophia in January of 2009. I am a college student that has fallen in love with corgis and hoping to maybe adopted another one soon.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sophia is a purebred Pembroke Welsh and was the runt of the litter. She is a very tough little dog. When I first got her, she was kept in a barn with the rest of the litter and the breeder had informed me that Sophia got scratched in the eye by a piece of straw. So when I got her, she was very mellow and her poor eye was half closed and watery. They had taken her to the vet twice and got me meds for her. About a month after I brought her home, I had just gotten home from work and spending time with her when I noticed something in her eye. Took her to my vet and found out she had a piece of straw that was alittle over an inch long in her eye. Luckily there was no permanent damage after it was taken out. By the time we got her home, her eye was almost completely clear and she became a hyper little puppy! She is really small for her age but don't let her size fool you! She is the boss of two purebred Newfoundlands females. I'm hoping to find other corgi lovers to talk to and activities for my corgi.
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 10:49pm on August 26, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 9:55pm on August 26, 2010, Ginger Duperre gave Amanda & Sophia a gift
At 2:37pm on August 22, 2010, Tammey & Caven said…

At 2:16pm on August 22, 2010, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hello and Welcome!!

At 12:00am on August 22, 2010, Penny Lane said…
Hi there! Your darling is adorable! Thanks for the welcome
At 1:24am on August 21, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Amanda and Sophia! She's gorgeous, and has a pretty blaze, just like Sidney's.
At 9:56pm on August 20, 2010, WhiteDove gave Amanda & Sophia a gift
At 7:12pm on August 20, 2010, Mary and Rosie said…
Welcome Amanda and Sophia! =)
At 4:35pm on August 20, 2010, Bax & Zigs & Rosie said…
Welcome to mycorgi! Sophia is adorable!

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