Single Mom living in Arlington with my incredible daughter Bella
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
These are my boys Georgie and Twister. Georgie is a "jewel" goes everywhere and listens when I call him. Twister on the other hand is my rebel, his joy in life is herding the cats!!
Hi Ana! Saw you're from Arlington. Just recently started going to the Arlington dog park and have yet to see any other Corgis. :( Would love you meet you up there sometime!
Hi again! Our babies sure DO favor eachother. My Rowdy was actually Born June 13 from someone in Grandview TX... I cant remember the ladies name, would have to look it up. I think his sire was something like Ralins Boot Scootin Dandy, he was a red and white. Gidget, I am still waiting on her papers. I got her from a lady in Purcell OK. I dont know her exact date of birth, but she is approx two weeks younger than Rowdy.
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