Former dog-shower. Mostly of Shiba Inus and Golden Retrievers and the like. Always have to have a dog...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Guinness is a retired show dog, champion and former top 10-er in AKC.
He now lives at home completely responsibility-free with no cares in the world. He previously had 3 TPLO surgeries in his back knees but it doesn't stop him.
We wuv him!
Before Guinness we had a foster corgi, I always wonder what her life was like after finding her forever home. I hope she is (was?) happy. I'll post pictures of her too one day. Complete opposite of Guinness - very affectionate and very needy!
I definitely remember you and Guinness from Paws in the Park. Nice to see you made it to mycorgi! I recall him not being fond of the other dogs being close to him. Maybe some gradual doggie interactions would help? Penny has come out of her shell since we got our puppy. Does Guinness have a dog friend at home?
I like your pictures. Very cute!
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Welcome to the group, so glad you could join us! We are right down the Road in Sugar Land. We can't wait until the SL park opens!I like your pictures. Very cute!

Howdy neighbor. Welcome and where is Rosenberg? That is one I have not heard of.