Cheryl Canty
  • Female
  • Lawndale, CA
  • United States
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Cheryl Canty's Discussions

Raising Multiple Corgis

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cheryl Canty Feb 18, 2010. 5 Replies

My husband and I just got TWO new CORGI pups.  I got Bella when my husband was in Spain and surprised him at the airport.  Our children have grown up now, and we decided to add Bella to our lives.…Continue

Tags: corgi, multiple

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Manhattan Beach
About Me:
I am 54 years old; married 25 years; our children are flying the next; we have three children in college, and one about to get married. I think the empty nest was getting to me... so what did I do???? I got a Corgi when my husband was in spain and surprised him at the airport! Fell so much in love with Bella, then I got another female Corgi, her name is Mia.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have never owned a Corgi before six weeks ago, and now I have two female Corgis. Bella is five months old; Mia is three months old. They are not from the same Breeder. I though having two girls would be fun... and it is... but I worry about their fighting. How long will it last? Will they hurt each other?
I have:

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At 2:20pm on February 25, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
I know..the off leash thing is nerve wracking at times...which is why I don't do it too often unless I know we are on a wooded trail or something to keep them somewhat contained. My husband worries less about it since they listen to him better. Our little corgi boy Phinneas got hit by a I am way more nervous about the off leash. Mine tend to fight a lot less if they have been out on their walks too. Hang in there it will get better. I think the females are a lot grumpier then the least out of the 2 boys we have had it sure seems that way. My kids will both be in school full time soon...I have a kindergartner and a 5th grader so I will have the day to spend with the corgis starting this Fall and that seems very different for me!
At 10:49am on February 23, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
Cheryl, I think you are right to separate them if one is much bigger than the other. That won't last long. They will mellow some with their spade too. They do well off leash in an area that isn't wide open. Wooded trails work well for us, they do get a little sneaky still so I always have a pocket full of special treats when we go out.
At 2:56pm on February 21, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
WELCOME!! yes the fighting Ed(9mos) and Gem(1) often get into it. It does make u think they are going to kill each other sometimes!! I step in if it gets high pitched or one continuous growl that goes on and on. Gem is the boss in our family of Corgis so she is the one I tend to have to get settled down although most often it is Ed who does the instigating!
At 9:34am on February 19, 2010, Cindy P said…
It will be best if you get your pups spayed as soon as your vet will do it. This will help keep that hormone level down and hopefully they won't start fighting for that reason. My vet does juvenile spays/neuters so my guys got their sugeries at about 3 - 4 months of age instead of the traditional 6 months. The SPCA will usually do juvenile spays, check it out. Good luck with your precious babies. Enjoy the ride!
At 11:43pm on February 18, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Yes, that sounds exactly like normal play for corgis! Do they tend to have tails wagging during or after, and those goofy corgi smiles once they are done?
At 2:57pm on February 18, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Hi again,
They probably are just playing. IF you are not used to seeing corgis play, you would think they are fighting. They tend to get on their hind legs and wrestle, sumo-style, making all sorts of vicious growly noises. They also like to grab each other around the mouth a lot. If the noises don't get high-pitched or painful, and no blood is drawn, then they are engaging in normal play. It sometimes freaks out non-corgi people at the dog park to see them doing it!
At 1:38am on February 18, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 12:26am on February 18, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Cheryl, Mia and Bella! If you have not already, post your question about the fighting in the Discussions section. You should get lots of good advice there. Good luck!

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