Ramone and Ziggy
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  • Ohio
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  • Ashley and Copper
  • Tre' Gaither

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Ramone and Ziggy Stardust

Profile Information

About Me:
Now we have a new edition to the family!!!
A corgi mix by the name of Ziggy Stardust :)
He is tan and white and just turned 1!!!
He is such a rambunctious dog, he still has a lot to learn but it is a joy watching him grow and learn new things everyday. Ramone and Ziggy get along very nicely. :)
I am just happy to see him living in a loving home instead of the dingy glass of solitude he was living in before.
Ramone is 4 years and is a corgi mix.
My boyfriend, Rob, actually had Ramone when we first started seeing each other. We all got along very nicely.
Now me, Rob and Ramone and little Ziggy live with each other. One big happy family!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ramone is 4 years old. He is a Mini Australian Shephard/Corgi mix. He also looks like a tri colored corgi from what I've been seeing on this site.
He's the ultimate sausage dog/rump roast.
He loves to play and loves his attention.
But he LOVES his food and rawhide bones..that is why he is such a sausage.
He loves to act like the big security dog for the house and plays with his rope and ball. Ramone has such a great personality and is very loving and affectionate animal. I never came across such a dog. He is such a character and is so super sweet. :) Lately I have been taking him on walks to burn off his ultra sausageness. He gets so excited when he gets to go bye bye and walk.
Ramone is totally content with laying around and keeping watch, especially with his mommy! :)
If you give him a rawhide bone, he will finish it in a flash!
Ramone dislikes vacuums, kitty cats and being lonely for long periods of time.
Ziggy Stardust or Ziggy is 1 year old. He is still a big baby!
He is a ball of energy but very calm and loving, happy go lucky and a fast learner. He loves his pettins and attention and hates to be left out. He loves cuddling,
He is a Corgi mix..I believe he is a cross between some kind of terrier.
His head is longer and bigger then Ramone's and his legs are longer then a corgi's. He also has a tail that wags constantly.
He likes to play play play and chew chew chew and lick lick lick. He also loves exploring and sniffing around the yard/house. He LOVES the snow.
He also loves his naps. His squeak toys and balls are his favs.
We try to walk him every day to burn off his energy since he can never seem to sit still. He also loves to go bye bye and walk.
He is a little Mexican jumping bean and hip hops. He also LOVES to run and loves to play the stay away game. He loves Rob's socks. And peanut butter. :) This little doglin is such a character. He tries to follow suit with Ramone which is so cute.
Ziggy dislikes vacuums and loud noises.
I have:
Corgi mix

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At 1:23pm on November 21, 2012, Zigward & Kimberly said…

Hey there! I have a Ziggy too :)

How are Ramone and Ziggy? They're both way too cute!

Hope all is a-ok!

At 3:24am on August 25, 2010, Tre' Gaither said…
I am trying to organize a Corgi get together this Sunday, August 29 from 4-6pm at the Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park) in Gahanna

Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park)
940 Pizzuro Parkway (off South Hamilton Road)
Gahanna, OH

Hope that you and your Corgis might be able to make it.
At 1:59am on November 16, 2008, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 10:40am on November 14, 2008, Suzette & Rueben Dog said…
Hey there! Ramone has a very cute masked face. Some say that Rueben is Australian Shepherd but I'm not so sure after looking at Ramone.
At 10:19am on July 1, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Crystal, Ramone and family!
At 10:17am on July 1, 2008, Kristen said…
Welcome Crystal, Ramone and the boyfriend! From the profile pix, Romone looks very Corgi. Same coloring as my lizzie.

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