Erin S
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  • Arkansas
  • United States
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Erin S's Discussions

Good Time to Adopt?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Melissa Jul 10, 2008. 5 Replies

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Fayetteville, AR
About Me:
I have always loved Corgis and would truly love to one day have one of my own.
About My Corgi(s):
Don't have one yet

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At 10:23pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
wow, I think you are very wise. I actually couldn't get to sleep last night until 2:00 am because I was thinking about your situation. I know I have read many ads around here for dogs that are leaving homes; I find that after you read a lot, they all start to say the same thing and if you read between the lines, there is a good reason for why they want them out of their home.

This is fine for others who have the resources to take on extra responsibilities but often these dogs have developed behavioural problems that require a lot of work. In the dog you heard about, you would be the 3rd home and you wouldn't be home a lot. That could be a big problem.

Also, when living in an apt you have neighbours; if your dog turned out to be a barker, that could create problems. I was thinking last night about when I was in school and I had a Siberian Husky. He would howl for me from the time I left for school to when I came home. Neighbours were complaining, my parents were going nuts, I eventually had to place him in another home.

I really think you did the right thing for your life. I know how hard it is to want a dog. I waited over 2 years to get mine because I am sick and I was possibly allergic as well as not well enough to look after one. There were many times that I would cry after I went to a pet store because I wanted one so badly.

Some day will be the right time for you. All the best and good luck in grad school.!!! Thanks for letting me know what happened, I was wondering. Joy
At 1:41am on July 7, 2008, CaptainCorgi said…
Welcome! I hope you get a corgi soon :-)
At 8:58am on July 6, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Erin!

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