Linda Nix
  • Female
  • Tolar, TX
  • United States
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Tolar, TX
About Me:
Being outside in our yard/garden is my best time. Love to water plants at night, watch the moon, listen to coyotes and owls, with company of cats and dogs, on our North Central Texas farm. I'm retired from 31 years at family-owned newspaper/custom printer; before that I was a teacher for 8 years. Known my husband G. since first grade, dated in HS & college; had daughter after 16 yrs. marriage, now married 43 yrs.; he is bulldozer owner/operator. I've raised many dogs, cats, goats -- taught 2 Spitz to pull me in red wagon when I was 8.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our daughter K. was 24 when she got Nacho as a pup from a relative, a breeder, in 2006 when her brain cancer returned after 6 years. (She had her choice of 2 male fluffy Pembroke pups; was comparing them when brother, then mother, attacked him. K., a vet tech, charged in the pen, swooped up Nacho, wiped his blood, and said, "This one's mine!") Have photos of Nacho and dachshund visiting K. at hospital. We took Nacho before K. died, 2-27-07. He's now OUR 37-lb. companion, Most Lovable of all dogs, lets me scissors-trim his summer coat to 1/4-inch -- and then there's his big, brown eyes! (Don't blame us for the name "Nacho" -- K. may have been hungry, or just her sense of humor!)
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At 8:17pm on April 7, 2010, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
Welcome! If you’re interested in joining a group…It’s a networking group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
At 2:44am on February 10, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
Purebreds even of the greatest dogs can produce fluffies and the combination of genes produces size..some smaller others larger. Sometimes you just don't know what is going to come of a breeding til its done. Its when people are purposely breeding for those major faults like they are unique. In ways they are unique but don't sell it as if it was a precious rarity to buy.
At 10:08am on February 9, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
I saw your picture Nacho you are a handsome fellow aren't you? I don't know why you might be bigger only that our Ed is big too at 9mos I think he is close to 30lbs and still growing although very lean, just long from nose to tail!!!!WE call him BIG BOY most of the time as Gem is a petite female but she can put him in his place...that's for sure!!!!
At 7:39pm on February 8, 2010, Nancy Geddes said…
Bienvenido Nacho! I am a fluffy too but you are a wonderful tri colored fluffy! Welcome and we will look forward to seeing photographs of you soon! It must be rockin' exciting to live in Texas. It's mighty dull here in Virginia! Corgi high fives from Bear, Tasha and Linus (a/k/a Mr. Natural)
At 7:20pm on February 8, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Ooooohhhh, Nacho is GORGEOUS!
At 1:27pm on February 6, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 11:44am on February 6, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
Linda, what a bittersweet way to become a Corgi owner! I am sorry for your loss and happy you took Nacho into your the way I love the name! Edward's father's name was TACO CHEEKO MAN, so we are all for names that remind us of our favorite foods! Probably should've named him Burrito or something, Hope you can share some photos of Nacho!!

At 11:38am on February 6, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Linda and Nacho! I had a cat I named Nacho, when I was about 12. I'm sure he loves his name.

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