Your baby is adorable. It is so exciting to meet all these people from other countries! I have lived in same state for 27 years. And have only traveled to 3 neighboring states in my life, with the exception of flying to DC in 8th grade.
That is too cool!!!. . . .what inspired your family to move so far away from S.A?. . . .I live in California and my ancestors have lived in the southwest for thousands of years. . .sounds so long ago, but in Archaeology language it's a drop of sand in the universe. . . .lol
Welcome Peca,
We love Vienna! Anatol is adorable, enjoy the puppy time, they make you laugh. Cardis are the best. Do you want to start a western European Club? We're in France. Keep the pictures coming.
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You are very cute, and looking like my Uyanga !!!

Yes Bad To The Bone!We love Vienna! Anatol is adorable, enjoy the puppy time, they make you laugh. Cardis are the best. Do you want to start a western European Club? We're in France. Keep the pictures coming.
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