Hi i have lived in Panama City for 14 yrs. I have had the pleasure of owning (or they own me) two Pembroke Corgi's !
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My best friend Cobie is six years young, He is a Red and White boy and live's for food ( don't they all) He love's to walk, run, swim, play and sleep. I have had him since he was three month's old.He is the light of my life and keeps me young.
I have:
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Thank you for the wonderful invite. We would love that but we hardly ever take vacations...just so much going on and we enjoy just relaxing and enjoying our home and yard together with maybe a little mini trip here or there.
Thanks for being our friend! Yeah, it looks glamorous having Bear being good friends with an Ex President of the United States but, you don't know what it's like having those Secert Service agents popping up at all hours saying "George wants to know if Bear can come out and play" or "Y'all want to come down to Crawford for the weekend so me and Bear can go rabbit hunting?" We have jobs, you know! Just kidding LOL I just happen to be pretty good with PhotoShop.
Welcome.....We live about 50 Minutes North of you guys...Yeah....Aren't these corgis just the BEST???? Thankful we have been spared the oil slick so far....Let's keep praying!!! Welcome to my corig! ^-^
Your Welcome!! Thanks for the sweet words. :) Lance is 4 1/2 and we so love having him. We have lots of pictures with him at his first corgi meet up about a year ago. He has lots of doggie friends.
Ok, I feel silly that I have to ask this, but what are Ray Bans? My guess is sunglasses, am I right??
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Ahhhh, You made Bear Blush!Ok, I feel silly that I have to ask this, but what are Ray Bans? My guess is sunglasses, am I right??
God Bless you as well :)
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