Viola & Mia
  • Female
  • Montreal, Quebec
  • Canada
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  • Nancy & Ozzy
  • Priscilla and Kevin
  • Aline Dufresne
  • Patricia and corgi Layla
  • Nathalie Guèvremont
  • Julie Hervish
  • Dianne, Tuffy & Lilly
  • Steph & Nella
  • Fabienne  Michot
  • Christopher Bradley
  • Maryse Minville
  • Myriam Khediri
  • Sabrina, Lauren & Albert
  • Levina Wong
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Viola & Mia's Discussions

Please vote for Mia :D - Fido casting call!!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by steve smith Oct 12, 2011. 7 Replies

Please click on the following link and vote for my little Mia to appear in an upcoming Fido ad :D…Continue

Mia hasn't been herself the last couple of days and I don't know what happened... is this normal?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sam Tsang Mar 14, 2011. 6 Replies

Mia is always full of energy and constantly playing and all over the place. As soon as we call her to eat she gets all excited and devours her food as if she’s been starving for days.Since about a…Continue

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About Me:
Hello! My name is Viola. I am a very lucky owner of a wonderful little female Corgi. Her name is Mia :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mia came from Diane Molnar in Adams, New York. She was born on May 4th, 2010 along with 8 other litter mates, 4 males and 5 females, including Mia herself. We picked her up on Saturday, June 26th, 2010. We are so happy to have her as part of our family. She's smart, sweet, loving, and full of energy. We couldn't ask for better.

Jackie, whom we miss and think of every single day..., RIP we love you and we will never forget you.

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Viola & Mia's Blog

Please vote for Mia :D - Fido casting call!!!

Posted on October 11, 2011 at 10:17am 1 Comment

Please click on the following link and vote for my little Mia to appear in an upcoming Fido ad :D


Thank you all!!! :D




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At 3:19pm on June 20, 2011, Fran said…

Hi Viola. No. Putter was a rescue from a puppy farm in Oklahoma. He and his brothers were shipped into our area. He and 1 brother were rescued by a friend who knew we were looking for a corgi. Thank you for asking. Mia is a cutie, Viola!


At 7:26pm on March 15, 2011, Judy & Taffy said…
glad to hear Mia's improving. we're doing well. taffy has been socializing with the dog down the street, and they're becoming best buds!  looking forward to our next dog park date!
At 12:39pm on March 15, 2011, Judy & Taffy said…
Hi Viola, how is Mia doing?
At 1:48pm on February 23, 2011, Judy & Taffy said…
Hi Viola and Mia! long time no post :)  You met my friend Mona with her two terriers (terrors!) at the dog park...I hope you guys are doing ok, and we can plan another Corgi event now that spring is around the corner
At 4:40pm on February 17, 2011, justine moeller said…
Hi Viola! How are you and Mia doing? Enjoying her first winter? :)
At 11:50am on December 13, 2010, Dianne, Tuffy & Lilly said…

Hi Viola! Yes, we met in August at the Dr Penfield dog park Corgi meet. Tuffy was there (we didn't get Lilly yet). Tuffy is the middle of the pic you have up on the Montreal Corgi page. He's the bigger red & white :-)

At 9:56am on December 13, 2010, justine moeller said…

I write Saturday morning (18th) and I think I will be pretty tired for a playdate after a full week of exams. If the weathers good we could do Sunday?

At 9:55am on December 13, 2010, justine moeller said…

No that was not Tuffy, it was Penny! Her owner is my friend Sabrina. We were actually the first two and only for a while, Montreal corgis owners on mycorgi haha So glad others We used to have meet ups and it was just us for ages! LOL

At 9:39am on December 13, 2010, justine moeller said…

Hi Viola!  Glad Mia is doing great. Corgis are so funny in the snow eh? Haha its like heaven for ours, they go mental!

Yes, for sure we should plan a snow date soon. After the 18th when exams finish I am free anytime. 

Dianne and Greg were not at westmount park for our last date (although maybe you met them separately) but they were there this summer at Dr Penfield! They were only there with Tuffy though as they recently added Lily to their pack! I found her up for adoption in Ottawa and knew Dianne was looking so told her about her. Dianne came to visit one of our old fosters before but didnt end up taking her because she is a bit of a senior and they needed a super active corgi to keep up with 

Ok see you soon! 


Pass on the word about our foster corgi too...we are still searching for a home for her!

At 9:55pm on December 4, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hope Mia is doing well after her spaying (I am assuming that is what it was for!) It can be stressful but I am sure she did fine! She is too cute with that cone! We always left the cone off when we were around, then on when we couldnt supervise. Of course that all depends how interested they are with their stitches... We have had about 15 dogs in our house neutered and spayed so I no longer stress about it...haha! Its so funny how some come out like they just went in for a check up..hard to keep them relaxed!
At 1:34pm on December 3, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
good stuff! I knew she'd sail through...same as Taffy. Did she spend the night at the vet after the surgery, or did u take her home?
At 12:05pm on November 28, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
how did Mia's surgery go? is she recovering nicely?
At 12:41pm on November 23, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
Not sure if it makes a difference with surgery... wait till after if you're more comfortable...
At 9:27am on November 23, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
Hi Viola, I can find it at the Global pet food store in Pierrefonds. It's about $30 for the container but it lasts months. If you can't find it near you let me know and i can pick one up and bring it to our next Corgi playdate.
At 8:58am on November 21, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
At 3:20pm on October 31, 2010, Steph & Nella said…
She is!!! I notice they look very much alike. Nella's ears are nowhere near standing up though, they are VERY thick and heavy. Nella is very laid back, we can carry her around on her back like a baby. What's Mia's personality like?
At 4:20am on October 24, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hey! How are you? How is Mia?? Mickey has an appontment with the surgeon on oct 27th so I doubt he can come to the park but Walter can! Mickey is doing good... he is on three legs right now but doesnt seem to be in alot of pain...hopefully we can get it all sorted out soon. I feel so sad for him..he is the sweetest little guy! Give me some news about Mia :)
At 8:01pm on October 11, 2010, justine moeller said…
I forgot to ask how Mia is.... I bet she is doing wonderful! :)
At 10:08am on October 11, 2010, justine moeller said…
He was doing ok, we were doing some on leash walks and hikes but then this morning he jumped off the couch and he is on three legs. I haven't seen it this bad before. He seems to be in pain. We dont have the money for a surgery like that so pretty stressed, will try and figure something out :(
At 12:46pm on September 24, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
we'll be back on October 13th... looking forward to another Corgi party!

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