My previous dog was a retired greyhound. Let me tell you --a Corgi puppy must just as well be an entirely different species!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Eliza is a tri-colored female 20 months old, and she is an amazing companion! She has yet to meet a person or dog she didn't like. I don't think I would have survived her puppy hood had I not enrolled us immediately in a puppy class. Her cuteness saved her many a time from being pitched off the deck for nipping my feet, and chewing chair rungs, upholstery, rugs, and all things plastic. She was 7 months old when I discovered she absolutely loves to swim. Most fun of all is she dives under for tossed rocks, staying under for several seconds (up to her shoulders) , often bring up rocks half her size.
I just read your comments about Eliza on spider detail and the bath issues. I'm thinking she and Cooper were separated at birth. We too have spider detail and twice lately he's ended up in the tub with me. I thought I had problems when Callie wanted me to play fetch from the tub but having Cooper jump in with me is for sure the worse of the two. Now I have two broken hearted babies throwing themsevles at the CLOSED bathroom door. Doesn't make for very enjoyable bubbles baths...L
Hi Penelope,
Thanks for the info. Cooper is for sure a clip! I keep telling my husband he's just all boy and that we'll get thru this puppy stuff. The funny thing is that Coop is actually the laid back one. Where Callie is the one who must be working literally all the time. She'e the herder and would play fetch 24/7! It's so funny how very different they are! Callie MUST work and Cooper MUST chew! Ah what we go thru for love! Lori
I'm thinking if I'm to survive Cooper's puppy hood I should take notes from your profile and get Cooper directed on a better path too...He's just all boy where big sister Callie was and is so easy compared to Coop's puppy stuff. I've covered chair rungs and picked up almost all the throw rugs in the house! Just keep telling my husband this to shall pass...Ah the joys of Corgi life uh?
Welcome Penelope and Eliza. Wish I could get my 2 to swim - what fun! We has friends with retired greyhounds, lots of legs!! Can't wait to see pictures of your cutie. Carol, Lucky and Sonny
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Thanks for the info. Cooper is for sure a clip! I keep telling my husband he's just all boy and that we'll get thru this puppy stuff. The funny thing is that Coop is actually the laid back one. Where Callie is the one who must be working literally all the time. She'e the herder and would play fetch 24/7! It's so funny how very different they are! Callie MUST work and Cooper MUST chew! Ah what we go thru for love! Lori