Teresa Gilpin's Blog – August 2009 Archive (2)

Never enough time.

It seems I never have enough time to spend with my babies. When I get home from work I can't wait to give them a big hug, and lots of pets. Then we play fetch with the pink squeeky ball. So even if I spend all evening with them its not enough time. Do you think if I call in sick on Monday so I can stay home to hug my babies my boss would understand? I love reading and seeing all the great pictures. It really makes me smile! Keep up the good work. Teresa, Winky and Blinky.

Added by Teresa Gilpin on August 22, 2009 at 7:32pm — 1 Comment

Love our Corgis

I just found MyCorgi.com. I love being able to talk to and hear from other Corgi lovers. Because until you have had one wiggle there way into your heart you can never know how precious they are. I love reading all the stories, and all the happiness I can hear in the way everyone writes about their babies. Keep writing and posting pictures, (the pictures are so wonderful, they make me wonder just how many corgis are too many). Thanks! Teresa, Winky and Blinky

Added by Teresa Gilpin on August 21, 2009 at 8:38pm — 2 Comments

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