Karen and Hardy's Blog – September 2009 Archive (2)

Hardy is back from the hospital...hooray!

At 4pm I was able to go pick up the little guy. It's been determined that he has colitis, and after 7 hours on the IV he looks so much better. (He has some very nasty gas right now, though so it's very hard to give him lots of lovins!)

We still don't know what triggered the colitis. I am wondering if it may have had to do with a dog food switch, since he eats Taste of The Wild Buffalo formula and we mixed in some of the Salmon formula (a sample from the pet store) for a couple of… Continue

Added by Karen and Hardy on September 4, 2009 at 6:04pm — 9 Comments

Hardy is in the Doggie Hospital! Oh no!

I'd like to be witty and funny, but I don't have a funny way to convery my worry or saddness. I figure the best way to work through an emotion is to write, so blog I shall!

Yesterday was the first day back to work for teachers in our school district. I left the house at 7am, gave Hardy a pat on the behind and a kiss on the nose. He smiled his corgi smile and I know he was waiting for the invite to come with me since we were inseperable all summer.

Due to a variety of… Continue

Added by Karen and Hardy on September 4, 2009 at 11:00am — 15 Comments

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